About The Practice Course

The purpose of the practice course is to create a space for students who have completed the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology Program as well as any students who are well studied in the Jeffrey Wolf Green Evolutionary Astrology interpretive paradigm to further osmose, practice and train in EA interpretive work in an immersive, supportive, and community environment. Our learning goals contain 3 basic components:

  • Accuracy

    Correct application of the teachings and technique.

  • Being helpful

    Using this knowledge in a way that is truly helpful for the soul's needs.

  • Coming into your own medicine

    While we are following a particular technique and set of teachings, Ari will also encourage and support each individual's own natural way of holding this work.

Practice Course Overview

The practice Course container is divided into 3 segments plus one additional option:

  • Segment 1: Purpose and Alignment

    The importance of alignment and knowing our purpose in doing this work for others + common pitfalls and their teachings. Taught over pre-recorded video and discussed via 2 live meetings over the first 2 weeks.

  • Segment 2: Live Chart Demonstration

    Ari devotes the next 5 weeks to live chart interpretation demonstration with outside volunteers, reading one chart a week. We all prepare for each class by reading the volunteer's biographical information, their questions for their reading, and spending time with their chart.

  • Segment 3: Student Chart Work

    For the next 2-3 months, each student is invited to read 2 live charts on their own. Ari attends each reading with his video and camera off and then meets with the student directly after the session to go over the session together and offer feedback. During this segment, students are also encouraged to work in small groups or partners to practice together with more charts. Ari is available to offer additional live practice opportunities according to the efforts given. In the case that a student does not want to practice live chart reading, Ari is available to offer other forms of supported practice.

  • Optional Alumni Support

    Students who are ready, are welcome to support new students in the 2023 full year training program with practice classes, tutoring or any offering that feels helpful. All alumni support students will continue to receive a monthly advanced chart practice class with Ari. Please note that Practice Course students who did not take a prior training program will need to pay a fee to gain access to the training program material.

Practice Course Structure

Components of the Practice Course. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions for additional clarification

  • Weekly Meetings

    Throughout the entire 4 or so month container, we meet once weekly. In the beginning, this is for our discussion on purpose and alignment. Then, it is for Ari's live chart reading. Then, it is for preparing or reviewing the student practice chart readings.

  • Pre-recorded content

    The first 2 weeks include pre-recorded video teachings on the topic of working with real people.

  • Online Forum

    The practice Course forum is available for use in whatever way is helpful throughout the practicum. Additional chart practice can be shared there as well.

  • Student Chart Practice with Volunteers

    Starting in March, each student is invited to set up time during the week (or weekends as necessary) to meet with volunteers and get Ari's feedback. These student readings are not the same time as our weekly group meetings.

  • Additional Practice Opportunities

    Students may also choose to self-organize with partners or small groups for additional practicing. Ari is available to meet live with such groups to go over their work and address questions.


Practice Course begins the week of February 19 and runs till June or so (end date depends on number of enrolled students). We will take a week off from meeting live on average every 4 or so weeks.

By late January or Early February, we will find the one day a week that works best for everyone to meet.

2023 Student Practice Course

$ 755
  • Full payment or 5 month payment plan

*For students who are studied in the Jeffrey Wolf Green EA work and did not take a past training program with Ari, please fill out this application before sending any payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Once we begin the student practice segment of the course, we will devote our weekly meetings to preparing our student practice charts in whatever way is helpful for the student, as well as going over q and a on any previously read charts.

If you don't feel ready for that, then you don't have to. As long as you are committed to practicing and working with me in whatever way is accessible for you, that it fine. Find your edge and work there.

Yes. Each volunteer will consent to their session being recorded. The session, as well as my post-session feedback, will also be available for student review. If a student does not want to share their reading with the group, that is also fine. Recordings will never be shared outside of the practicum container.

If you feel that you could benefit from devoted attention from a teacher you trust, and a wide open space for practice and direct feedback, then this course might be for you.

Hopefully not. It's a very loving and inclusive container. Our bottom line orientation here is for our learning and spiritual growth. From that point of view, it matters not if you are jumping in now, or have been in the container for a year. Your individuality and the contributions of your own practice and efforts will surely add to the value and learning of the group. Lastly, we will create a little space during the first week just to say hello and get aquatinted with one another. 

  • 100% refund (minus processing fee, which is generally about 3%) up until the day of January 15th.
  • 90% refund (minus processing fee) after the first live class but before the second.

I am not offering any discounts on the practice course. However, for those who are simply not able to afford the monthly payment amount, we can work out a more long term, interest free, payment plan.

For example, instead of $155 a month for 5 months, it can be $77.50 for 10 months etc. I'm available to work that out with each individual on a case by case basis. Don't hesitate to get in touch: ceo@arimoshe.com