Heart & Soul Centered Astrology


With Ari Moshe Wolfe

About This Life

This life is for waking up. Our bodies, our relationships, our time, our work are all a part of the unraveling of our true and eternal self, waking up from the dream of separateness. The meaning of this life is to use it as best as we can to grow, to learn, to heal more and to let go. When we heal, we reunite with the open space of love and freedom that is our true nature.

The Heart and Soul Centered Astrology Training Program teaches astrology as a practice that provides profound and insightful knowledge into our own unique path of awakening. It is based predominately on the astrological teachings of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green, taught through the lens of Ari’s own ongoing realization. 

The Complete Training Program is offered at two tiers.

Tier one is for total beginners, and tier two is for those who are ready to begin learning actual chart interpretation work and includes all the components of tier one. Read on to learn more! 

About The Complete Training Program

I'm Ari Moshe, the founder of Heart and Soul Centered Astrology.

Drawing on the teachings of those who have come before me, and my own passion for truth and realization, my DESIRE is to make these teachings and myself available to students inwardly drawn to study this work.

The purpose of this program is to teach astrology as a path towards soul-knowledge in service our own evolution and of those with whom we work.

Open Enrollment

This program is an open enrollment program: You can join anytime!

Upon enrollment, you receive:

> Immediate Access – To the entire curriculum of your tier
> LIVE Program Access – Meet with Ari and the community of enrolled students in the weekly classes! Also included is an online forum for extra support and practice
> Complete Archive – Access to the complete archive of the weekly meetings of your tier

*Students are also supported to form study partners or study groups with other students.

Our first Live Meeting starts early March 2024!

Who is this for?

The Complete Training Program is suitable for students at all levels: 

> Those who are new to astrology in general, or Evolutionary Astrology specifically.

> Practicing astrologers who are drawn to study astrology from a spiritual, soul perspective from the ground up.

> Anyone who desires to deepen their own spiritual growth and their understanding of their soul and evolution through the lens of astrology.

The Essentials Course

The Essentials Course curriculum is devoted to teaching the core basics of Evolutionary Astrology and the natal chart


  • A firm foundation in the philosophy of Evolutionary Astrology
  • Meaning of the 12 signs and houses
  • Astronomy of the natal chart
  • Basic skills for planet, sign and house synthesis
  • A deep dive into each of the planets from an evolutionary perspective

The Chart Interpretation Course

The Chart Interpretation Course curriculum is devoted to teaching and practicing the core interpretive practice of Evolutionary Astrology


  • A deep dive into the Pluto and the Lunar nodes interpretive paradigm
  • Aspects and phases
  • A strong focus on aspects to the nodes
  • Practice in applying the Evolutionary Astrology interpretive modality
  • Applying transits, progressions, and life cycles to our interpretive work

Tier 1 Syllabus


  • Segment 1: Introduction and Philosophy

    Introduction to the Evolutionary Astrology lineage and philosophy, and the way of Heart and Soul Centered Astrology.

  • Segment 2: The Zodiac

    The 12 signs of the the zodiac from an evolutionary perspective.

  • Segment 3: Astronomy of the Natal Chart

    Astronomical basis for the tropical zodiac, the ecliptic, the nodes, the 4 quadrants and houses.

  • Segment 4: Houses

    Meaning of houses, practice synthesizing various house/sign signatures.

  • Segment 5: The Planets

    In depth teaching on the evolutionary meaning of each planet, plus many examples of various planet/sign/house combinations.

Tier 2 Syllabus


(includes the Essentials Course Curriculum as well)

  • Segment 1: The Lunar Nodes

    Learning about and working with the lunar nodes from an evolutionary perspective.

  • Segment 2: Pluto and the Nodes

    The EA interpretive paradigm of working with Pluto with the nodes and nodal rulers.

  • Segment 3: Aspects and Phases

    Meaning and practice of aspects and phases from an evolutionary perspective.

  • Segment 4: EA Interpretive Paradigm

    Application of aspects to Pluto, the lunar nodes and nodal rulers.

  • Segment 5: Transits and Progressions

    Study of transits and progressions in order to understand the various cycles and phases that manifest throughout a lifetime.

Included in the Complete Training Program

Tier I:
Essentials Course


  • 25 hours of video content

  • 150 page workbook

  • Complete 423 page transcription

  • Lifetime access to all material

  • Upgrade to Tier II when ready

Live Classes

  • Weekly Class

  • Access to archive of all classes

  • Student forum

  • Upgrade to tier II when ready

Tier II:
Chart Interpretation Course


  • 14 hours of video content

  • 330 page workbook with notes, practice examples, and sample answers

  • Lifetime access to all material

  • Includes Teir I curriculum

Live Classes

  • Weekly Class

  • Access to archive of all classes

  • Student forum

  • Includes access to Tier I classes

About my personal training

I am certified in the paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green.

I regard EA and the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green with such love and respect and am incredibly honored to be practicing and carrying on this lineage. I studied intensely from 2008 till around 2014 when I began teaching my first courses.

In 2011 I wrote the forward to the republished classic Pluto the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green. In 2012 I wrote my beginners guide to EA. 

For the next 10 years I taught occasional classes by myself and with various groups of astrologers. In 2021 I launched the first year of the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology Training Program.

Enrollment for first time students

Please See FAQ and Refund Policy Below

Training Program - Tier 1 Enrollment

$1695/$170 monthly for 5 months
  • Join anytime!
  • lifetime access to Essentials Course Curricrulum
  • Weekly Essentials Course Live Class
  • Access to complete live classes archives
  • Loving and inclusive community
  • Upgrade to tier II when ready

Training Program - Tier II Enrollment

$1695/$170 monthly for 10 months
  • Join anytime!
  • Lifetime access to complete training program curriculum
  • Weekly Essentials Course Live Class + Chart Interpretation Course Live Class
  • Access to complete live meeting archives
  • Loving and inclusive community
  • After 10 months (starting from March), renew anytime. See below

Please See FAQ and Refund Policy Below

For students interested only in the curriculum without the live program, please visit my classes page where the entire program is available as a Self-Study Program in individual segments, per course, or as a whole.

For tuition assistance, or to offer a donation to support for those in need Click Here.

Enrollment for Returning Students

Renewal available to students who have already completed the Training Program in past years.

Training Program - Returning Student Enrollment

$55/month (cancel anytime)
  • For returning students and anyone who has already taken this course in past years
  • Complete training program live weekly classes
  • Access to complete live classes archives

* For those who already purchased any portion of the training program in past years (self-study or live) and would like to upgrade to the full program, please email me at ceo@arimoshe.com, let me know what you paid, and I'll send you a coupon code.

What Past Students Have to Say

The most effective useful facet of the course where the videos which I listened to as many times as I needed to digest the material. I will review them before the next course as it truly is the foundation for putting a whole picture together. Material was presented beautifully, with so much depth and clarity. I appreciated how the course progressed, beginning with the stages of evolution. That gave me the foundation to understand the content that followed more completely. I also found the workbook served to reinforce the information in the videos.

– Iris

An astrology teacher can only teach at their level of consciousness and Ari’s teachings radiate at compassion and love. Evolutionary astrology is the practice of seeing the cosmos through the lens of the soul. Ari’s vast knowledge of archetypes at different layers of human potential bring a modern loving light to the ancient study of stars.

– Andrew

Ari Moshe Wolfe is undoubtedly one of the most knowledgeable, intuitive and sensitive astrologers alive today. He brings wonderful qualities to both his practice and his teaching. He has spent many years honing his understanding of the Cosmos, studying under the tutelage of many of the best exemplars of astrology. I feel very fortunate to be learning with Ari and look forward to continuing the art and practice of astrology along with greater understanding of my own Soul's journey. Wise Ari Bard is a gift to this field of study through his mystical insights and his lilting musical gifts ~ truly an artist. With blessings and thanks, 

– Roberta McKnight

I would recommend the Essentials Course to anyone and everyone who finds themselves asking the question “why?” in relation to their lives and purpose. It is for those wanting to not only understand themselves (and others), but also for those wanting a key to unlock the door allowing for the creation of a life that feels authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful. This course provides a pathway back home to the soul. And Ari Moshe Wolfe is the perfect person for passing along this sacred knowledge. A natural teacher on his own spiritual journey, he creates a safe environment that is supportive, compassionate, and encouraging. He is extremely knowledgeable, humble, authentic, and personable. It’s clear that this is a work close to his heart, and this energy pervades the entire course.

– Winter

This class was a true gift in my life. Not only did I learn astrology from Ari, but his teachings supported my own evolution and positively impacted all areas of my life. I am humbled and grateful to have Ari as a teacher and I highly recommend joining any of his classes that resonate for you.

–  Brooke

I was guided to do this course with Ari because his presence and approach to astrology and to life provides an opportunity for me to come into my own relationship with these energies and with the divine. Ari approaches teaching and life with the perspective that, “we are all walking the same journey” and that we are all facets of the divine. I resonate very much with this directive and this approach to life and to my work in the world. I can’t say enough how much I value this aspect of Ari’s way in the world, in addition to his authenticity, sincerity, openness, genuineness, willingness to learn and to be wrong, desire to listen, and commitment to ultimate, divine love. Ari is a rare gem of a human and teacher. 

– Martha

From the beginning, I was shy to talk but during the lessons, when I see how Ari Moshe lessened the question and perfectly answered them without any judgment, I start to talk and ask whatever the question regarding the lesson. And in each webinar, we could ask questions about the previous segment and that was helpful.

– Afsaneh

Frequently Asked Questions

Forever! Students will maintain website access to all pre-recorded video content, workbook and transcript material. The live classes are also available for download, however they are only accessible on the website for the student for as long as the student is enrolled in the live programs.

Yes! When you join you gain access to the entire curriculum and can jump right in at the tier 1 class which is based on the Essentials Course curriculum. Study the class archives for additional support. 

Not a bit of knowledge is required! In this program, starting with the Essentials Course, we study from bottom up with no assumption of any prior astrological knowledge.

It certainly can be! I suggest all students joining this program start with a beginners mind. These teachings offer a perspective on astrology that orients 100% from the point of view of the soul's intention for evolution through this human experience. It's a profoundly insightful practice and often requires some unlearning or reframing of previous astrological knowledge.

Even if you already know the basics of the natal chart, there is still immense wisdom and insight in the beginners content. In fact, I require everyone to start at the same point.

Those who are just starting off will begin in the Essentials Course weekly class. This class is devoted to Q and A and practice of anything related to the teachings of the Essentials Course.

Those who have completed their study of the Essentials Course content and feel ready to continue on to Part II are welcome to join in the second class tier which is focused on Q and A and practice related to the Chart Interpretation Course content. Students in this class tier are also welcome to continue attending the first class tier.

I require everyone in this program to start off their live classes at the Essentials Course tier. The only exception to that is for students who have either already studied with me, or are already well studied in the basics of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green.

Office hours are 1 hour to start. As more students enroll in the live program, I am open to extending the time as well.

The live meetings archives is a way to make the Q and A and practice work that happens during the weekly classes available to all current and future enrolled students. This provides eager students more opportunity for study and review, allows me to reference students to past recordings when that might be helpful, and also allows for more rich learning experience and community connection. 

Students will have access to two archive playlists: the Essentials Course classes and the Chart Interpretation Course classes.

All students have lifetime access to the pre-recorded video content, workbooks and Essentials Course transcription. All that can be accessed at anytime through the student login page. 

Those who complete the initial 10 month enrollment, as well as those have already taken this program with me in past years, are welcome to participate in the live program at a rate of $55/ month. This gives students entry to both weekly class tiers, access to the class archives, and use of of the online forum. 

This is a monthly subscription and students can cancel anytime so as not to renew in the following month.

The Advanced Practice Classes are available for students who have completed the Complete Training Program or are already well studied and practiced in the basics of the Jeffrey Wolf Green EA paradigm.

My lineage is Jeff Green's EA. His teachings are in my blood and continue to nourished my understanding of astrology, and more broadly the soul and soul evolution. This said, my teachings in this course are informed by a well of personal experience and insight that cannot be ascribed to a singular tradition or modality. It is for this reason that I call my work, and this course, the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology training, as it includes the EA lineage, but is not defined by it in its entirety. This course is compatible with the teachings of EA and is offered only on the shoulders of the teachers of the EA lineage: Jeffrey Wolf Green and Sri Yuktesewar and all the spiritual teachers and traditions that have and continue to nourish my insight. While there are occasional differences, both courses in my program are appropriate for those who would like solid training within the Jeff Green EA lineage. 

  • 90% refund within 24 hours after purchase.
  • After 1 day, the only refund available is for the live program, but not for the curriculum. It works this way: if a student doesn't want to participate in the live program, I can refund $670 which would effectively downgrade the student to a self-study enrollment. If the student was on a payment plan, I would cancel their subscription and begin a new one at the self-study rate with the cost adjusted according to what they already paid.