Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
Gemini in the 5th HouseIndicates one’s creative expression and personality is highly multi-faceted. This archetypereminds me of an actor: somebody who...
Taurus in 4th HouseIndicates an emotional nurturing style that is deeply materially-focused. This person may havegrown up with nothing, and thus food,...
Aries in 3rd HouseIndicates a learning style and social life that is self-driven. This is a person who may have always“stood out” in school, whether i...
Pisces in 2nd HouseIndicates a need to have ‘nothing to worry about’ when it comes to their personal well-being.One way this can manifest is as total ...
Hi Ethan, I'm responding here to your full analysis. Each post will be a different polarity. Aquarius in 1st HouseIndicates a desire to self-actua...
Hi Lisa, Aquarius on the first I meet life intellectually; I am a free thinker. People see me as different, and I can feel isolated because ...
Hi Sukanya, I'm not sure what your asking as houses can't be intercepted, only signs. Please feel free to clarify. Hi Ari, I gather the 1st hou...
First, thanks for giving me some great music and art to listen to today! Yes the total and sudden change in life direction is very Aquarius 1st hous...
Hi Allison, The actual sign on the AC CONDITIONS the entire house. So even if it's the very last degree, the Leo AC energizes all activity in the re...
Hi Lisa, The 12 signs of the zodiac in tropical astrology, not the chart itself. We learned that these points aren't lined up with th...
Ari, on this week's call you mentioned that Aquarian people can be distrustful and paranoid because of how much conditioning is here on the planet and...
This is great! Thank for initiating Julianne.
That's it. The essence of it is reconciling the personal self with oneness. The ultimate learning within Pisces is that of co-creation or of being an ...