Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
To creatively actualize oneself in the realm of ultimate truth. The soul has been experiencing God/Ultimate truth which can take on many forms rela...
Pluto in the 12th / desire to know god, to know the ultimate truth, to surrender to ultimate spiritual realisationPluto in the 12th in Leo - the evolu...
Oh you used Pisces 2nd as your example. Either way, hopefully you get the gist. Feel free to delineate the two right here if you'd like. Pisces 2nd...
Absolutely Think of the sign as the style, the orientation. The house as the what or where. House is the essence. Sign is what expresses in it. ...
With Aquarius on the first house cusp is going to be someone who approaches life in a detached way. They may not be someone who wears their heart on ...
Hi Sukanya, thank you for making the effort! I sense you have a basic intuitive grasp of these signatures, and can strengthen one of them as I explain...
Pisces 2 / Virgo My only feedback is I didn't feel too much of the Virgo 8th qualities in your writing. Check out some of my feedback to other stude...
Hi Mathias, It was a true joy to read your descriptions. Bdsm dominatrix, icily maltreating their circle of returning clientswith heart-felt lo...
Thank you for your efforts Brenten! I can tell you have a very strong intuitive grasp of these archetypes. Keep going. Check out my responses to other...
Taurus 4th- A strong connection to the physical earth as home. An identification with Gaia as the mother and nurturer of this life and recognition of ...
Hi Brenten, Aquarius 1st- A desire to liberate from others opinions and to stand alone in objective personal choice. I'm thinking this could be so...
Ethan, thank you for your amazing efforts! I feel you have a basic intuitive grasp of these archetypes and what remains is a refining and strengthenin...