1st house
Taurus in the 1st faces a general tension in that the 1st house requires constant movement and ongoing self-discovery, whereas Taurus itself wants to consolidate and persevere. Thus, the need here is to cultivate the courage to set in motion whatever changes and new decisions are necessary in order to establish a more meaningful life.
The soul needs to know its essential freedom to make new choices; even if those choices feel scary, even if it means trying something completely new.
On the one hand, someone with this transit might feel a lot of suppressed energy which can then express as anger or a general irritability. This is because they are staying put when they need to be moving. If one meets this inner pressure, there is a need to see one’s life from a new lens; what new choices can I make now? Where is my soul called? Don’t worry about how different or new it is. The alternative is truly a lot more stress than your system can likely handle.
On the other hand, external events might be triggering this necessary movement. You can’t “keep your cool” for too long until you are adequately irritated or pissed off! Be careful not to be reactive or defensive. Rather, how is life pushing you to evolve? What freedom lies beyond these necessary changes, whether you feel you are making them by choice or being pushed into them. This transit offers the opportunity to learn that you have the power to chose and respond thoughtfully to life experience. You are following the path of your own becoming, just keep on going.
2nd house
This house placement naturally emphasizes the theme of this transit. The issue with Taurus in the 2nd house in this case would be the strong resistance to making any changes. Change will only ever be considered once we know for sure that it’s safe to make it!
In this case, that long term consideration and careful planning may not be the right approach as we might be moving too slowly and stay “too safe” for our own good.
Jeffrey Wolf Green shared a useful analogy for the Taurus/ 2nd house archetype. This is of the frog in the well. The frog in the well feels secure within its little self-enclosed world. The frog has what it needs and all is well. Further, from the point of view of looking out of the well, the frog sees a very narrow pie of existence. Its life is simple, uncomplicated, albeit very narrow and self-enclosed.
There’s really nothing inherently wrong with that. But what happens if your little isolated world of what you know and depend upon is threatened? This transit can reflect the destabilization of our physical security, or more broadly the consistency and reliability of the world we know.
To the extent that we are resistant to change, this can be traumatizing and have a deep impact upon our sense of security. However, the key is to understand that sometimes the frog needs to be forced out of the well so that it can see more of the sky. We don’t know what we don’t know, and sometimes life has to push us out a bit more so that we can evolve out of our own narrow limitations.
Conversely, if we are feeling stifled, limited, having a hard time connecting with our self-value, self-esteem, worth and capacity to receive what is needed for survival and meaningful living, then this transit might be an inner pressure to self-select our own exit from the well!
We need to open-up to new ways of thinking about our lives. There are so many resources out there, so many ways to embody our soul-journey, we just need to trust our instincts a bit more and move in the direction of what we enjoy, of what makes our life truly livable for us, even if it’s scary.
Ultimately, this transit can teach us that we are free in our vibration. We have what we need in the clarity and spaciousness of this present moment.
3rd house
The limits of Taurus in the 3rd house lies in the fact that we are always giving logical order to our reality. Our logical ordering of reality isn’t very comprehensive or objective. Rather, it’s just a piecing together of the data points we do have, and making sense of it the best we can. For example, if I want to give you walking directions from downtown to my house, I’d likely rely on the pathways that I myself have walked, and give you directions accordingly. In doing so I’d tell you the street names and whatever landmarks I find to be helpful.
But what about the landmarks I may have never noticed? What about the streets I haven’t taken or the trails I have never even noticed are there? Essentially, there are many ways of logically ordering our reality, but we don’t know these ways because we simply familiar with what we know and tend to depend upon that to make sense of our world.
Well, enter Mars Uranus and there are simply thoughts you haven’t thought about relative to the things you haven’t thought to think about! On the one hand, we might feel threatened by way of our intellectual framework being challenged or pushed. The resistance would be to considering something new; to allowing our existing organization of reality to evolve. In a state of resistance, the instinct would be to defend our existing logical reality, to hold onto the known.
But there is simply another perspective, another angle that may prove very helpful for us right now.
Conversely, if you mentally stifled, as if the conversations, social media, studies and content of your thoughts are keeping you in a rut of intellectual stagnation, then this is a calling to try something new. Open up the doors to new exchange, new conversations. Share your thoughts more freely, learn something you didn’t think you would learn about.
One interesting correlation I feel to highlight about Taurus in the 3rd house is knowledge of commerce and money. Of course Taurus relates to resources, but the 3rd house corresponds to communication as well as to the exchange of goods or services. The 3rd house correlates to the way in which all forms of exchange (physical goods, money, ideas, data) further enhances and contributes to more people in this world seeing more of the picture. This happens naturally because in each exchange, something is added to each individual’s existing context that further expands the scope of each individual’s sense of the world around them.
Lastly, if you are studying something, stop trying to push a circle into a square. Follow the path of your soul, ask the questions that excite you and pursue the topics that draws your soul. Otherwise you will feel stifled and out of place.
This signature is about the liberation of the mind.
4th house
Taurus in the 4th house corresponds to emotional stability, emotional self-reliance, and the need for stability and continuity in one’s inner home life. It’s a beautiful signature for the cultivation of emotional intelligence and learning how to care for oneself in the most essential ways.
Mars Uranus here can reflect experiences that simply affect a destabilization of one’s grounded home life. On the one hand this can express as emotional overwhelm; content and stress that is too hard for the individual to manage and cope with. The desire might be to isolate or push away the chaos because of how overwhelming it is.
This can also feel like some kind of unwanted chaotic interruption comes and enters your personal life. It’s dysregulated, erratic and completely disruptive of the ground of your stability. Of course it’s important that we do our best not to blow up emotionally. Emotions need a space to be fully welcomed and expressed, and I think this is where we are being directed towards a life of greater emotional freedom; where we can feel more relaxed and safe to be our whole self.
This transit is pushing you towards a better and even more meaningful life. Sometimes changes in what is most familiar and secure is just to open the doors to something that is even better for you. Of all the signatures, Taurus in the 4th might exhibit some of the strongest resistance to change on the basis of the 4th house needing to know that it is emotionally taken care of. Relative to the physical stability of Taurus, there’s a strong pull to keep things as familiar as possible.
On the other hand, if you feel emotionally stifled, like you are not living in your own life; not inhabiting your own life, then this is the time to make some new choices. How do you want to live? What can you change in your home life and relationship to home that is more aligned with your essential vibration. Any element of dissociation or “just going through the motions” is not how we want to feel at home, in our day to day domestic lives. What is it like to embrace more of you, even if it looks different than those around you?
Further, we can also think of this as breaking down the walls of what we might think “family” is. Family isn’t just biological, nor is it just the people we live with. We can receive and share the essential human love and support that we all need with one another without a necessary biological or shared domestic context. Family here is about resonant vibration and friendship.
Be open to the stranger that knocks on your door, whatever form this takes. Invite them in, share a meal, they are here to bring out more of you. This signature is about emotional freedom, the freedom to feel at home within oneself.
5th house
Taurus 5th house is the essence of sensual and creative embodiment. For me it elicits the sense of feeling the music in every ounce of one’s body, of dancing with the paintbrush, or making love with the musical instrument.
The stress of this conjunction here might come in two forms. One, being seen and projected upon in all kinds of ways that are not natural for you. Maybe you feel like you need to put on a particular kind of show in order to be seen as beautiful or valuable. Or perhaps someone throws a rotten tomato at you during a piano recital. The temptation here would be to either shut down in embarrassment or fear; to dissociate and give up on one’s essential vibrancy, or to become prideful and defensive.
And two, you might be pushed to conform to something that is just not right for you. In such a case, you won’t be able to ignore how “out of your own body” you feel. The teaching in both cases is to allow all confrontation to ignite you further into your own creative essence. Be you, shatter the boxes of what you have known and care less about what it looks like or if others accept you. You need to strengthen your will to stand in your own soul vibration, whatever that looks like.
If you feel creatively stifled, like you’re not connecting with your unique spark, don’t worry! This transit has the potential to get you going. The stress of this conjunction in Taurus in the 5th, on the one hand, can highlight where we are hiding ourselves, not wanting to stand out too much, and thus not particularly inspired.
This signature wants to push you into life; into a more-free joy and embodiment of living. The comfort and security patterns of Taurus in the 5th can result in a lack of the necessary courage and adventurousness needed to try something new, to actualize one’s potential in ways never seen. So be open to call yourself into life and creation. Put on a song, dance to it, create that next artistic or creative endeavor, and don’t be afraid to liberate yourself and share it in whatever way you are called to.
6th house
Imagine a hurricane comes and ruins the well-organized system of keeping the shoes all ordered according to size you have set up at your front door. Nothing you do seems to keep it all tidy and put together. With this signature happening in Taurus in the 6th the stress can be linked with circumstances ruining everything; disorder, chaos and a loss of control.
This is pushing you to open to a more intelligent way of organizing your life. In relation to your health, to how you maintain all the details of your life in general, any sense of chaos or stress is an invitation to realize that you may have been too narrow in the systems and routines you depend upon. Perhaps there is a better, more simple, and essential way to live?
In other words, if it takes you 20 minutes to organize the shoes, and this shoe order is disrupted 20 times a day, perhaps there’s a need to let go of some control? More broadly, perhaps there is a threshold of unnecessary busy work that is just in fact a form of procrastination and way of avoiding the more relevant and meaningful work you are actually called to do? This transit might be clearing away what you don’t need to focus on so you can attend to what really matters.
On the other hand, if you feel stressed by the day to day, the chores, routines, the work you do, and monotony of your life, you might become the hurricane that messes up those shoes (and likely much more than that!). The invitation here is to embrace some necessary changes; let go of the perfection and continuity of everything you know. Find a different way. It might make your life a lot easier and bring great insight. There’s no one way to care for your teeth or clean the counter. Find the way that works for you, even if it’s a departure from what you’ve known.
The freedom here is in our freedom to tend to the work that is truly ours to do; that which enlivens our soul, makes our life work more holistically functional and congruently, and enables us to serve the whole in a more meaningful way.
7th house
In the seeming simplicity and stability of Taurus in the 7th, we can become overly comfortable in our relationships, to the point of commodifying one another. But people are not things. We are fluid, ever changing beings always on the edge of finding out more about our needs and what feels right.
We can be shocked by a person expressing needs or desires that we didn’t anticipate. We might feel rejected and our self-value and worthiness might be affected. The worst thing to do here would be to fight or argue about needs and expectations. This is an invitation to let the energy move. If you find in your relationships that other people are behavior or relating in ways that are destabilizing, this might be an opportunity to look more objectively. What does each relationship want to be, as opposed to the possessive way I’m been trying to make it be?
On the other hand, if you are feeling stifled by meeting needs and expectations that others are holding for you, you might feel the stress of living so incongruently with your inner being and be tempted to either leave or blow up. It’s important to not react from a place of thinking you can’t be accepted as yourself. When we believe we are under threat is when will act the most aggressively. Defense is often the first act of war.
Communicate your needs, express what you desire. Even if you are afraid of rejection or of changing the status quo – you need to be true to yourself. Let all relationships be one of peace and see what happens when you eliminate unnecessary conformity.
8th house
Taurus in the 8th teaches us to be stable and solid in the midst of great change. On the one hand, the stress of this conjunction can bring up deeper and suppressed memories of being betrayed, of having lost something essential. Perhaps it feels like something is being taken from us; that we are losing the ground of our security. The learning here is that what is essential will never be taken away.
This is an opportunity to strengthen your own soul; to find value and continuity in what doesn’t change in the midst of so much feeling unstable.
Or on the other hand, we might find ourselves involved in dangerously addictive and entangled situations that we can’t seem to get out of. Well, we have to get out of them! Again, as per Taurus, the challenge here is to actually embrace the changes that are necessary. 8th house points to our deepest psychological fears and weakness. Thus, we can think of Mars as sort of excavating our deep psyche and pulling out whatever it is we need to see so that we can let it go.
The purpose here is to become more free, more solid from within. Ramana Maharshi once said “let what comes come and what goes go. Find out what remains”. I find this quote incredibly apt for this signature.
9th house
The journey is always a lot more vast and expansive than what we currently understand it to be. I once heard a story of a devotee of a particular guru whose ashram he lived in that, after many years, was told by the guru to leave the ashram!
He was distraught. For a long time, he didn’t know what to do, where to be.
And this is the point, we can get so narrow and fixed in our limited scope of “the path’ that we fail to recognize where the path is actually wanting to take us. On the one hand we might feel lost, like we don’t know where we are. Mars Uranus doesn’t want us to turn back and go to what is familiar. It asks us to keep going and to follow the freshness of our intuition. This is a calling to trust our inner knowing and see everything in our life from a broader perspective, beyond the familiar patterns.
Perhaps life is asking us to make some changes we don’t want to make; embracing a spiritual path or new journey when we’d rather keep it simple, and not go so far out. Thing is, we never grow – be it in our spirituality, in our business or in any facet of our lives, if we don’t take risks and journey into unknown and unfamiliar places.
We also might simply feel stifled by the “boring” day to day; wanting more adventure, a more meaningful experience. Or philosophically speaking, perhaps the answers that we always turn to for the questions of life just aren’t doing it for us anymore. The teaching here is to follow your intuition towards wherever it takes you, for if you suppress it, you might become very irritated and restless.
This transit might be the calling to speak your truth and pursue what feels true for you. Pursue the journey that truly calls your soul; you might find it radically expands your insight and scope of reality, even if it seems to have no context with the patterns you are most familiar with. This transit is to teach us that we are free to walk our path and cultivate our own direct realization, wherever, however and whatever this means.
10th house
This signature can reflect the essence of one’s life being overly dependable and consistent according to what is known and familiar. It’s easy to build a life and an ongoing daily rhythm of doing and being all the things that we have learned we “should” be and do. But to be a free being means referencing our own inner authority, not external measures of “rightness”. Are you doing what you want to do with your life? Are you conforming and losing your soul? This transit is a calling to trust your own authority. Don’t be afraid to make new choices, even if it radically breaks from the traditional ways that have been set for a long time.
On the one hand, events can happen that radically shift the status quo. This is like an earthquake that shakes up the cement; what seems to crystalized is now broken. Again look at Trumps chart above. This is shaking up the status quo, and unfortunately will likely result in even more chaotic and dysregulated social behavior. We can think of this however as a metaphor for what happens when Uranus comes in and breaks up the “normal” patterns of our social lives.
On the other hand we might feel stifled, stressed and pressured by the demands of our adult lives. The family, the job, the responsibilities that come with being a human. The key here is to translate this stress into self-responsible and thoughtful new choices. What does it look like to embrace more of your whole self. What is being repressed that wants to be included? Give yourself permission to enjoy your life and do more of what you want. Otherwise you’ll likely leak out inappropriate behavior in the wrong moments.
The freedom here is the freedom to reference our own authority, our soul’s inner compass. We have the maturity and strength to navigate this life according to our soul vibration.
11th house
You belong according to your individual nature, not because of any external factor. If you find yourself as a part of a group or community, this transit might highlight a sense of feeling different. Maybe you feel a pressure to conform to something that is contrary to your values? Or perhaps there is someone showing up in your field that is “ruining the party” - like the guy you don’t want to be there, but shows up anyway and kills the mood for everyone. You can suppress this person, ignore them, try to tighten your little close nit group, but this person is here and will continue to irritate you.
The metaphor of this uninvited person is the individuality that you are currently suppressing within yourself. If life is making you uncomfortable, perhaps you are living out of alignment with your true nature. Are you seeking to belong and be “normal” more than to be yourself?
Or perhaps you are being pushed out of a pattern of living that you didn’t want to be pushed out of. If this is the case, there is a more resonant way of living for you. Sometimes we need to be a group of one before we can meaningfully join with others. Otherwise, we risk dissociating from our soul-individuality.
On the other hand, this transit can reflect a growing push from within to be more yourself, even if that means standing out. Community is truly within, and relative to Taurus, we have to water and nurture all of our inner characters, and not get so hooked on the “outside” characters as being as literal as we think they are. Others may not understand you and how you live, but if you don’t do you, no one ever will anyway.
12th house
Think of Taurus in the 12th as the quintessence hermitage signature. Its beauty lies in the quietness of retreat, the simplicity of being and inner communion. Its limitations however lie in the great possibility of living out of touch with reality, secluded from the greater complexity and participation with life in the ways that are necessary.
We might just expect that everything will always work out - that we’ll always have what we need, and that the people will get along with each other in a utopian kind of way, no one hording more than what they need and all sharing being equal. This transit can be the shattering of illusion leading us to feel confused or disillusioned about our life and the trust we placed in it.
Maybe the universe isn’t appearing in the benevolent way we projected it would. The invitation here is to re-orient our attention to the greater meaning of our lives, beyond our own making. Otherwise, we might feel very small, left behind, and in the background of our own lives.
We might need to put forward more effort, energy and personal will into manifesting our dreams and the greater possibility for this world we know can happen. Otherwise, sitting down and doing nothing when the fire is calling us towards action, won’t get us anywhere. Mars might be very destabilizing in this regard. The metaphor here is an explosion in your personal monastery retreat: something disrupts your idyllic peace and you have to do something about it.
On the flip side, if we are feeling stifled, uninspired, and a sense of apathy or meaninglessness, this is an invitation to stop waiting for something to happen to us. One of the greatest lessons of the 12th house is in the way that we learn to be co-creators, to actively participate in the flow of the tao, with the current of love.
If we direct our will towards what is meaningful, we can manifest that in our lives. This life is a dream and we can truly make manifest a more meaningful and holy life if we raise our vibration to the level of the soul instead of passively hoping or waiting for something to change for us. Think of Taurus as the Garden and the 12th house being Spirit. All gardens need active tending.
The freedom here is the freedom to know that we have what we need within our active co-creative involvement with life. We are the instruments that receive and share all that we are looking for.