Soul-To-Soul Companionship Sessions

My prayer and practice is always to direct us towards the love that we are; to allow the space for our return and reconnection to what is fundamentally true and forgiving. Our own soul empowerment and knowledge of our inner worth is of primary importance and value to me. I work with astrology in this vein.

Soul to Soul Companionship brings 100% focus on the soul regardless of any practices, lessons, techniques or skills we may bring into our sessions. Technical knowledge and skill is at best a vessel that serves as a channel for the exchange of love and healing, which I consider to be the true purpose of every interaction. Soul to Soul Companionship is more than just a discounted group of sessions. It is an intentional container for relationship and healing.

Soul to Soul Companionship allows for individuals to work with me over a more sustained period of time. We either plan our sessions via email exchanges, setting intention for certain topics (astrology and/or otherwise) or just show up and allow the purpose to reveal itself in each session.

Those who are called to join me
1. Are committed to applying spiritual learning into all aspects of their life and that love is the source from which all understanding and knowledge comes to be.
2. Feel a soul resonance in working with me and trusts the intelligence of the moment and soul authenticity to lead the way.

To set this container, you commit to 4 sessions at a discounted rate. These sessions can be spread out over a longer period of time or done more frequently for more focused intensive work.

Cost $800 (equaling $200 off)

Soul to Soul Testimonial

I have known Ari for a couple of years, I have had his readings and throughout I have participated in some of his online courses. His vast knowledge and humility are unmeasurable, I connect to his deep sense of service. Recently I decided to sign up for the soul companion 1:1 sessions. While Working with Ari I feel safe, connected and I have a feeling of expansion, as he attends to deep listen to my insights, narratives, and aha moments. Then he dives deep into the realm of his wisdom and brings forth insightful annotations about what he can observe and offer back to me - Although we met through EA, we can use and understand its language, what emerges during the sessions is a mutual appreciation, recognition, acknowledging that through deep dialogue one can find jewels that are brought back to light through mutual presence - I feel the excitement of a traveler during a journey of rediscovering and unveiling different views, Ari is a true soul to soul companion- I am in gratitude for his dedication that is full of sacredness
Monika Bravo
Multi Disciplinary Artist