Heart & Soul Centered Astrology

With Ari Moshe Wolfe
(Drop-in and single class enrollment available below)
The Importance of Nodal Squares
Planets that square the lunar nodes in the natal chart represent essential areas of soul growth and healing intended for the current life. Contained in these signatures is an immense amount of information that pertains to both the unresolved soul dynamics brought into this lifetime for healing, and it's potential resolution.
As per all things astrology, understanding and working wisely with planetary nodal squares can serve as a powerful aid to our personal evolution.
In this class Series, Ari will lead us on a deep and thorough journey into the full scope of planets that square the nodes, one planet at a time!
Read on to learn more!

My Lineage
These teachings come from Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. This lineage orients the natal chart from the point of view of the soul's ongoing evolutionary journey through the human experience.
The wisdom and gem of these teachings is in the way that it realtes the entierty of the natal chart back to the soul's underyling evolutionary purpose and intention for this life. Every facet of the natal chart is understood as intimately relevant to the soul's evolutionary program.
Learn more about Evolutionary Astrology as Taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green Here

Who is this for?
This series is for anyone interested in learning about the meaning of planetary nodal squares from an evolutionary perspective. It is open to students at all levels of astrological knowledge including those who do not have existing familiarity with EA.
For those who are already studying EA, this series will serve as an excellent study that will further deepen and enhance your understanding of astrology as a map of the soul's evolutionary journey in a very specific way. For those who are new, this series will be a strong orientation to learning about the planets and the lunar nodes from an evolutionary lens.
What you will learn
- The archetypal meaning of each planet in its square to the nodes.
- Working intimately with the nodal polarities and the multifaceted expressions of squares to these polarities.
- How to identify and interpret the specific karmic dynamics brought into this lifetime as indicated by a nodal square.
- How to identify and interpret the resolution to the square.
- Working with a diversity of nodes and nodal rulership combinations.
- Unique nodal square situations: stelliums, two square oppositions, squares involving nodal rulers and more.
- Practical life wisdom, compassion and invaluable astrological insight.

Included in this series
- 12 Live weekly classes on each planetary nodal square
- Each class includes lecture with chart examples and live Q and A.
- A mini workbook will be developed along with each class with essential teachings, notes and examples
- All classes recorded and available for student keeps
- Community of souls that share a similar passion for astrology & spiritual growth
Class Topics and Dates
All classes except for the free intro class will be held on Tuesdays at 11:00 am California time (PDT and PST)
- OCT 13 - Click for FREE Introduction Class Replay
- Nov 6 - Pluto Squares to the Nodes
- Nov 12 - Mars Squares to the Nodes
- Nov 19 - Neptune Squares to the Nodes
- Nov 26 - Venus Squares to the Nodes
- Dec 10 - Uranus Squares to the Nodes
- Dec 17 - Mercury Squares to the Nodes
- Jan 14 - Saturn Squares to the Nodes
- Jan 21 - Jupiter Squares to the Nodes
- Jan 28 - Chiron Squares to the Nodes
- Feb 11 - Moon Squares to the Nodes
- Feb 18 - Sun Squares to the Nodes
- Feb 25 - The 4 Angles Square to the Nodes
About my personal training
I am certified in the paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green.
I regard EA and the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green with such love and respect and am incredibly honored to be practicing and carrying on this lineage. I studied intensely from 2008 till around 2014 when I began teaching my first courses.
In 2011 I wrote the forward to the republished classic Pluto the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green. In 2012 I wrote my beginners guide to EA.
For the next 10 years I taught occasional classes by myself and with various groups of astrologers. In 2021 I launched the first year of the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology Training Program.
I continue to teach on various topics, including an entire series on retrograde planets, and I am enthusiastic to begin my teaching on nodal squares.

- Weekly class includes Q and A
- Lifetime access to class recordings
- Includes workbook with essential notes
- Join with a community of like-minded souls
Please See FAQ and Refund Policy Below
To enroll only in single classes (see schedule above for dates)
What Past Students Have to Say About Studying with Ari Moshe

An astrology teacher can only teach at their level of consciousness and Ari’s teachings radiate at compassion and love. Evolutionary astrology is the practice of seeing the cosmos through the lens of the soul. Ari’s vast knowledge of archetypes at different layers of human potential bring a modern loving light to the ancient study of stars.
– Andrew
Ari Moshe Wolfe is undoubtedly one of the most knowledgeable, intuitive and sensitive astrologers alive today. He brings wonderful qualities to both his practice and his teaching. He has spent many years honing his understanding of the Cosmos, studying under the tutelage of many of the best exemplars of astrology. I feel very fortunate to be learning with Ari and look forward to continuing the art and practice of astrology along with greater understanding of my own Soul's journey. Wise Ari Bard is a gift to this field of study through his mystical insights and his lilting musical gifts ~ truly an artist. With blessings and thanks,
– Roberta

The first time I encountered Ari’s teaching I felt this unmistakable yes rippling through my cells. Many times I I find my self jaw dropped and experiencing goosebumps listening to a knowing that I have had my whole life, articulated so profoundly by these teachings. It feels more like a permission slip and a mirror held up for me to be my own northstar then an astrology class. He truly has helped me see that we look to teachers and guides to remember that we were always the ones holding the map. If you are someone who is deeply called to Astrology, a path of integrity and spirituality, I truly could not recommend Ari’s work more. It has been a gift and a blessing to learn from him.
– Ariel
This class was a true gift in my life. Not only did I learn astrology from Ari, but his teachings supported my own evolution and positively impacted all areas of my life. I am humbled and grateful to have Ari as a teacher and I highly recommend joining any of his classes that resonate for you.
– Brooke

From the beginning, I was shy to talk but during the lessons, when I see how Ari Moshe lessened the question and perfectly answered them without any judgment, I start to talk and ask whatever the question regarding the lesson. And in each webinar, we could ask questions about the previous segment and that was helpful.
– Afsaneh
In the short time I have studied with Ari I have discovered an interior well-spring. He encourages each student to sincerely become acquainted with their own soul in a gentle and non-judgmental way. Everyone brings an individual evolutionary trajectory to Ari's teaching, and is welcomed into the perfection of the process of becoming, at their own pace.
– Mary

Frequently Asked Questions
Forever! Students will maintain website access to all pre-recorded video content, workbook and transcript material.
Each class is 90 minutes.
I will make the individual classes available for sale for $45/a class as I teach each class.
Naturally, basic knowledge and houses and sign knowledge would be helpful. However since each class is taught in lecture format, any student at any level will absorb what they are able to according to their level of readiness. Ari has a way of teaching that is both deep, thorough, but also accessible to all levels.
No. However to get more out of this series, students may wish to take some time to study the basic EA meaning of planets which will further enhance the student's knowledge and receptivity to these teachings. You can access that here: Planets in EA
I would also suggest reading Jeff Green's teachings on planets that square the nodes directly from him, as he wrote about it in his Pluto book.
- For those who pay in full, 100% refund (minus transaction fee in the case that the payment processing keeps that) up until the day before the first paid class. After the first class no refund will be offered with the exception of situations in which there is an unexpected financial need and the student needs that money back.
- For those on a payment plan. First payment can be refunded in full (minus transaction fee, just as above) until the day before the first paid class. After the first class, refund policy is the same as above in regards to all future payments.