Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
Hey Bob, I am open to joining you! I am (PST) so you are only an hour ahead of me. I can do almost any morning too. Is there a better day you wanna th...
Thank you Ari! I find it challenging to get too elaborate with details, thoughts or stories due to this nagging thought of "but where are all their pl...
Yes, Bob this was great! thank you for your take... really helpful to consider.
Thanks for sharing. I think you expressed that very fittingly 🙂
Hey!!! That totally made sense about the time. I like the way you explained. My email is surrealten@gmail.com It sound like you and Alli have a bet...
Hey Ethan! I'd be interested in connecting for a study group. Would Zoom be the way we connect? I'm on the west coast of the US in Oregon. So you ment...
My chart is very close to this orientation and there was alot I could relate to that Lisa said. But every tweak from Ari did actually bring it more ac...
@baileychristen24gmail-com Hi Bailey, thanks for sharing your story. My name is Ten. I also was very impacted by "Conversations with God" as one of...
Hello, My name is Ten. I am beyond excited for this new time and chapter to begin with You Ari, and all those I am about to connect with! I live in G...