Last seen: Feb 27, 2025
Hello there! My name is KrisTen. I go by Ten. I would love to join this study group. This day and time will work well for me. I emailed both of you....
Thank you Ari, As always very helpful. I do have one question. Can I have you further explain the difference between alienation vs. rejection/abando...
Thank you Ari! Always appreciate the further clarity 🙂
Thank you Ari for the feed back. I agree with everything you articulated, added and adjusted to my thoughts. Really helpful in fine tuning this unders...
Thank you Ari! Always appreciate when you course correct. The clarifying angles of thought are appreciated!! Ten! 😉
I did just want to clarify one thing, the family inheritance comment. What I meant was not "inheritance" (my bad) I understand that is 8th house. Wha...