Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Okay, we meet this coming Monday the 18th at 7pm CET. Here is my Zoom, we can use that. Anyone else is welcome too
Hi Bob and Jesse, I spoke with Ari about maybe asking one of the alumni to join us, but in any case, I am in for just the 3 of us if you are. Bob, par...
great, Bob! weekly, or at least bi-weekly?
My PPP is 6th house Aries, with Mars there squaring the nodes SN Cancer 9th and NN Capricorn 3rd... I have been walking the path of "Feel the Fear and...
Thank you, Ari. The whole thing feels kinds of ominous, and I was wondering if we could say that one trumps the other, as in Luna, the emotional body,...
noted on the 24hr window, will sign up earliler next time. next monday i am not able.
apologies ari, we have major floods going on here today, i spent the entire day trying to keep water away from my studio, completely missed this messa...
me too please, if there is still
@lisalefevre1964yahoo-com oh no.... that is one of my worst nightmares, i hate tracing back my steps in anything! did you redo? i didnt 🙁