Last seen: Feb 26, 2025
I'm about ⅓ way through Dont look back -- early Dylan before too much veneer and wariness. Highly recommend, but it's 1 ½ hrs. In U.S $3.99 Apple TV a...
I remember Ari saying the registration confirmation would still show as 10:00, but we will meet at 9:15 pacific. Our internet is down from ice storm, ...
Same questions. Thanks for asking.
Update: I gave pretty comprehensive feedback to Julie a week or so after the class. She said all of it resonated, she spoke about the importance of se...
I'd love to know something about Rebekah's family of origin, the arc of her life before the children were born and the health problems entered. She's ...
@lisamaryskeltongmail-com i think today is Alisa's chart -- a little lower down in the forum.
Her date of birth is June 16, 1965, 10:01 am edt. And here is her reply to what she is curious about re: lineage: "I’ve been told that I’ve inher...