Last seen: Oct 17, 2024
🌟Great links, my aquarian placements drinks it in. Two questions, uranianly tangential but still. Since it has been prompting me lately and ...
Thank you for your honesty in sharing, Ari. In itself an act of chironic medicine, I think, no?. It's very helpful. I understanding Chiron in general ...
"...the vulnerability, using one's own woundedness as medicine." Great, thank you, that's a great, simple definition for my Pisces mind to hang on t...
Thank you for the answers, Ari! I will read the other answers and try and get a better grasp on Chiron. My own Chiron is exact conjunct Mercury and c...
Q; In what ways might the soul create experiences where they are re-creatingwounding experiences for themself or others?Wounding might be recreated by...
Q: How might the soul avoid/deny/resist their own vulnerability and thusavoid cultivating the medicine?Stuffing and numbing the senses with material s...
(I´m posting remaining answers as replies to the first post) Q: What might the path to self-healing look like? Picking up your cross, standin...
Thank you Ari! I appreciate the course correction, I will look at the prompts more carefully and try and stick to them. I guess I was sort of giving m...
Hi Ten, sorry for the late answer. Here's the situation. We've had one meeting that worked great, I think. This week's meet up didn't happen, I don't...
My email adress:
Oops sorry Marija! I thought I had answered this last night, now I see apparently not. Anyway, yes I can be there at 10 AM. Hope you get this. I can m...