Last seen: Jun 27, 2024
These archetypes ring through me, with my mercury in Aquarius and my Sun in pisces in the 11th. It's easy for me to get deluded and attached to abstra...
The same issue happened to me a few weeks ago and my post was lost when I tried to return to the post creation page.I'm guessing that we get automatic...
Ari answered "Yes" that Venus is equal to Taurus + Libra. This connection is fairly clear because of the Taurus dimension inside and the Libra dimensi...
Really interesting distinction you're making Julianne. I'm curious what Ari has to say about this. I'm finding myself thinking about Pavlovian stimu...
@ari I'm drawing from this that starting with an understanding of the house container and then narrowing it to the sign expressing within it is an eff...
@ari thank you for your thoughtful responses! It's interesting to reflect on the relative ease or difficulty I have with articulating certain archet...
Taurus 4th - A strong connection to the physical earth as home. An identification with Gaia as the mother and nurturer of this life and recognition of...
I would also be interested 🙂
Hello all!My name is Brenten Lovato and I am so very happy to be here. My astrology journey began recently at the beginning of this year just as my fi...