Course Organization & Community

Community Forum
Please use this forum to post your questions, share any practice material you want feedback on, and engage with fellow students and with the course content for your learning benefit. Subscribe to the forum to receive word of new threads and posts.

Zoom link (All live meetings are 11:00 am Pacific time for 90 minutes). Passcode: 777999

Weekly Schedule Structure

  • Sunday: Workbook and video lessons posted (with the exception of segment 5). 
  • Saturday: Live review/practice and Q and A of the week’s content.
  • During the week: Throughout the entire course the forum will be available for practice, questions and engagement with the material. It will also be available during the break/catch up weeks.

Schedule – All live meetings are at 11:00 am Saturday Pacific time.

Segments 1 – 4: Intro, Signs, Houses, Astronomy

  • Segment 1: Introduction to Training Program, Intro to Evolutionary Astrology, Philosophy Evolutionary Stages
    • Sunday Feb 27: Content posted
    • Saturday March 5: Live review/ Q + A
  • Segment 2: The 12 Signs of the Zodiac Week 1 of 2
    • Sunday March 6: Content posted
    • Saturday March 12: Live review/Q + A Pisces-Virgo, Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio
  • Segment 2: The Zodiac Week 2 of 2
    • Sunday March 13: Continuation of last week's content
    • Saturday March 19: Live review/Q + A Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius
  • Segment 3: Astronomy of the Natal Chart
    • Sunday March 20: Content posted
    • Saturday March 26: Live review/Q + A
  • Segment 4: The 12 Houses
    • Sunday March 27: Content posted
    • Saturday April 2: Live review/Q + A

April 03 – April 16 Break/Catch up weeks (forum still open. All of segment 5 released)

Segment 5: Planets

  • Intro, Pluto and Mars
    • April 23: Live review/Q + A 
  • Neptune and Venus
    • April 30: Live review/Q + A
  • Uranus and Mercury
    • May 7: Live review/Q + A

May 8 – May 21 Break/ Catch up weeks (forum still open)

  • Saturn
    • May 28: Live review/Q + A
  • Jupiter and Chiron
    • June 4: Live review/Q + A
  • Sun and Moon
    • June 11: Live review/Q + A
  • Final Week
    • June 18: EC Open Q and A

Intention/Learning Goal

Our learning goal is to learn all the core basics of Evolutionary Astrology and the natal chart from the ground up. We starting with establishing a solid philosophical understanding of the natal chart: how it reflects the soul's evolutionary journey, the nature of the soul, karma, desire and evolution, and the evolutionary stages of the soul. Then, we dive into the archetypes of astrology, learning the 12 signs and the houses from an evolutionary perspective. We devote an entire week to the basic astronomy of the natal chart so that we know what it is we are looking at from a basic physics points of view. The 2nd half of our course is devoted to the planets, giving considerable time to each planet: learning it's meaning from an evolutionary perspective, practicing planet/sign/house synthesis, and allowing ourselves abundance space for practice and integration of the material.

By the end of this course students will have a firm foundation in the philosophy of Evolutionary Astrology, all the various elements of a natal chart, the ability to interpret planet, sign, and house combinations, a thorough understanding of the 12 archetypes as signs and houses and a deep understanding of the astrological planets from an evolutionary perspective.

Learning & Community

Our learning experience can be categorized in 3 ways:

  1. Solo learning: the time and intensity with which each student engages and practices the course content. The schedule is structured in such a way that allows ample time for self-pacing while in the context of a guided course.
  2. Group learning: our coming together in our live meetings as well as our forum involvement, both of which serve as an opportunity for students to learn from one another and interact with the teacher.
  3. Study partners. We encourage everyone to form a study partnership with one or two others. These study partners are optional and self-organized. We (Ari and Michelle) are happy to help out in the pairing for anyone who would like support. 

The Team

Joining Ari is Michelle. Michelle, an astrologer in her own right, will often join us (our toddler allowing) in our live Q and A classes, helping with fielding community questions and comments. She is also our backend/tech wizard and is holding down much of the backend student enrollment organization. She is also holding an overall space of attunement and care, to ensure that all students are receiving a healthy and supporting experience.

Special thanks to Daniella Veras who is responsible for much of the graphics and organization of the workbook material.

Guidelines and Agreements

Clear agreements set the stage for all students to feel rested and supported by a container that is dependable and consistent. These guidelines and agreements are established to prioritize and uphold a learning container that protects and honors the beautiful intention of all registered students to study and train in Heart and Soul Centered Astrology.

When it comes to each student’s personal study of the pre-recorded video content, there are no guidelines as all students will self-pace in a way that aligns with their schedule. The guidelines and agreements listed here are relevant to our live meetings.

Our live meetings are a very important facet of this course. They are the only times where we are both together as a community and also have the opportunity to interface with the teacher directly in live time. Our live meetings are relational and communal by their very nature. It is necessary and of greatest importance that all students understand and are in agreement of the basic guidelines for participating in these meetings.

Guidelines for participation in live meetings.

  1. Purpose. The purpose of our meetings is for question and answer of the segment's related content and/or for practice of the segment's review questions. Please align with this purpose and be sure that all questions are about understanding the course content.
  2. Confidentiality and respect. Any time personal information is shared by anyone it must be kept within the container of our class. This includes respecting the confidentiality and dignity of the views, feelings, and emotions that may be expressed.
  3. Inclusivity. Be mindful of how much “space” you are occupying. In a community space where we are all learning together, we all take it upon ourselves to appreciate that our participation affects the greater field. Some students tend to be more shy while others tend to be more outgoing. While these differences are natural, it is asked that those who are more forthright take it upon themselves to cultivate an abundance of sensitivity and awareness of how their own presence is either detracting from or supporting the collective field of inclusivity.
  4. Raise your hand. To ask a question, raise your digital hand. Ari, Michelle, or whomever is assisting in facilitating the meeting, will try their best to note the order of questions. Questions put in the comments are ok and they might be missed as they are harder to field. Digital hands will be prioritized.

If you are not able to review the segment's material before the live class, attendance is invited nonetheless. The community environment offers a richness of learning that is valuable in its own right. Just don’t ask questions or engage with content you haven’t studied yet.

My (Ari’s) commitment is to cultivate gentleness and decisiveness in doing my best to uphold a group space of highest integrity for the benefit of all of our learning. Please feel invited to reach out to me at any point if any needs or concerns arise for you.

Refund Policy

100% refund for cancelations before the course begins. 90% refund after course begins but before the first live meeting. No refund after that point.


For technical support, please contact Michelle: 

Video Curriculum


Complete Transcription

Transcription Cover

All content will be posted when the course begins.