@jeremychanpengchugmail-com hi!! small world!!! I went to university in singapore, also am in the arts and healing world 🙂 will be excited to connect!
@juliannethomson33gmail-com Dear Julianne, thank you so much for your sharing and reaching out to connect. I look forward to learn more about your journey and great to be here together.
Hello all!
My name is Brenten Lovato and I am so very happy to be here. My astrology journey began recently at the beginning of this year just as my first Saturn return was finishing. At that time, fate lead me to Ari's youtube channel and intuition lead me to reach out to Ari for a reading. I was and still am amazed by the richness of this system and the questions it opens to me about my life path.
Some background about me-- My Sun is in Pisces, Moon in Taurus, and Ascendant in Taurus. I was born in Santa Cruz, California and I'm currently living here with my parents while I'm figuring out what is next for me. I've done a lot of my own healing work over the years in individual and group therapy, Vipassana meditation, Diamond Approach inquiry, Bufo ceremonies, and others. All of which have brought me into more direct contact with my own Beingness on a day to day basis.
My intention for joining this course is to begin to develop mastery in chart interpretation and psycho-spiritual development, so that I can eventually work with individuals in some type of transpersonal coaching setting. I also want to meet and connect with peers on the way 🙂
Looking forward to learning along side you all.
May we all be successful in our endeavor.
Hi everyone, I'm Mathias from Malmö in the south Sweden. So glad and grateful to have happened this way!
Astrology has always been a fascination. For some years now (since getting medicated for adhd and the brain kicking sufficiently into gear) I have been osmosing the subject piecemeal through the internet and books. I have been putting off going for it in a more dedicated way for a while, but in finding Ari Moshe's talks and courses I realized this was it and the time was now. Evolutionary astrology layed out this way, based in timeless deep spirituality, checks all the boxes as to what I've been looking for. ACIM, Ramana Maharshi, christian mysticism are some of the paths I've loved in life and stumbled along in deep, dumb confusion and absolute certainty.
I make my living working as a nurse's assistent helping elderly people. Invaluable life lessons there in many, many ways for a north node/Pluto in Virgo. Before that I was, among other things, an illustrator and a portrait artist. I'm divorced and have a daughter now in her twenties.
A central learning theme in my life has been finding a balance with some intense south node/8th house, "cleave to or leave" kind of premises. I.e., much enthusiasm/much fear battling it out forever in the dark recesses of the everloving little hyper-vigilant psyche. But as time is getting shorter (being in my 60's now) there's really no more time to dally and the personal goal of studying/practicing astrology in depth is one I'll try my hardest not to give up on til I'm done on earth this time.
So, with some of the usual trepidation but mostly with happy anticipation, I'm eagerly looking forward to taking part in the course and community!
Hello everyone,
My name is Megan. I just recently registered for the course, so I’m a bit behind, but hope to catch up quickly. I’m from and currently still reside in Henderson, North Carolina.
I have always had an immense interest in astrology but have never really pursued learning it more deeply for just being busy and such. Within the last year or so I have come across evolutionary astrology and felt very drawn to it and knew this is what I wanted to study more of. I look forward to learning with all of you.
-Megan ❤️
I'm Sukanya Sikka living in New York with my family. I love the outdoors, animals, sun, water but seems like i have not been listening to myself for almost two decades. I do sometimes enjoy product development ( kids + home goods)
After listening to my regular videos on you tube ( be here now ) i heard Ari for the first time, it was a beautiful, alive and fresh teaching.i am so grateful and intrigued.
Thank you.