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Welcome to the Essentials Course 2024! Please introduce yourself.

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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Essentials Course 2024 forum. Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself. Where are you from, what brought you to join this program? etc. I'll start!

I'm Ari Moshe Wolfe, your guide and teacher for this program. I live in Sonoma California USA with my family. Teaching this work is a very important part of my own spiritual journey. I created this program in 2020 after a teaching group I was a part of fell apart. With the pressures of having a family and needing to provide stable income, I felt the soul-calling to step more into my role as teacher and create something on my own. This has proven to be a valuable and healing experience far beyond my expectations.

This is now the 4th year, and it keeps on working me from all angles. I'm fully committed to each and every one of you and want to do my best to serve your learning journey. Looking forward to getting to know each of you more and sharing these upcoming months with you.

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Hello everyone, my name is Lisa Skelton and I am from the midwest, near the Great lakes, homelands of the Dakota and Annishinabe people. I have been a lover of astrology since I was a young person and I am here to find a foundation and unifying principle to what feels like a patchwork of astrological knowledge. I work with people and dogs as a Family Dog Mediator which is an evolutionary and ethological approach to helping dogs and their people with life in the modern world. It dawned on me after I signed up for this course that naturally I would be drawn to an astrology with evolution as a central principle since it's the heart of my other work. I am grateful to be here!

Bob Bills
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Hello everyone.  My name is Bob Bills.  I live in Midvale, Utah.  I was born and raised here.  I have been through several iterations of my career in my life from construction to home inspector, to managing drivers for a food distribution company.  Currently my wife and I run two businesses together and I am self-employed.  We sell things on eBay; we have a store where we have 1300 items listed and we run an Airbnb.   

I have been looking to astrology for guidance for 40 years or so.  Starting with looking in the newspaper for my horoscope.  (dating myself) Recently, starting about two years ago I have gone a lot deeper into it as I have been going through a transformation in my life.  Not sure if I would call it a midlife crisis or a dark night of the soul, but I have been leaning into learning more about myself through counseling and astrology.  Both have brought me to a place where I am more peaceful, and I feel like I am settling into who I am here to be. 

I have been interested in Evolutionary Astrology pretty exclusively for about 6 months and have leaned into learning it through several avenues, starting with the EA conference put on by the JWGAEA back in October.  I am currently enrolled in another school as well as this one and looking forward to participating in the community and friendship with some like-minded souls that find as much passion as I do as I explore this amazing topic.  I am looking to provide readings for people at some point, but mostly I am just passionate about the subject because it is the vehicle I have been using to wake myself up so to speak, and step into myself.  It feels like coming home.  The ultimate goal of giving readings is my way of sharing how I have come to the place I am now.

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Hello, My name is Ten. I am beyond excited for this new time and chapter to begin with You Ari, and all those I am about to connect with!  I live in Grants Pass, Oregon. I have been a contemporary dance teacher/choreographer for 30 years. In the last year I have left it all behind and let go of many ego constructs, shedding what I don't feel aligned with. My whole identity has unraveled and is in transformation as I simultaneously realized my deep connection with astrology. I have been in overdrive learning for the last year. I understand alot but have little to no experience under my belt. I am very visual, musical and abstract in the way I see life. With 6 of my natal planets retrograde, Astrology has been the most eye opening into self realization, self acceptance and compassion. I have been searching a while for the right program to deepen my understandings and make me accountable. I have always been a spiritual person and have been aligned with The Course in Miracles since 2003. The moment you, Ari, brought attention to the CIM I knew you were my next step forward. I am so grateful to be joining in this sacred journey with your wisdom.

Much Love and See you Thursday,


( I will be attending both class times! )


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Warm greetings from sunny Singapore. My name is Jeremy Chu, a third-generation Chinese descent from southern China. A practicing multidisciplinary artist and healer who currently works as a gilder at a Tibetan Buddhist Center in Singapore.

A major health crisis in 2003, while I was a student in the USA, pulled me into a deep catharsis, leading me to search for answers about life and purpose.

In the past 20 years of my healing and spiritual awakening journeys, I have encountered many teachers. I have been very fortunate to have trained in various esoteric traditions and energy healing systems, including Jikiden Reiki, Quantum Healing, Acutarian Healing Method, BioGeometry, Chinese Metaphysical Studies, Numerology, and Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism. Embarking on a Dark Night of the Soul journey involves reconciling with oneself and relationships, aiming to heal and integrate the shadow into the light. This process leads to transmutation and embodiment.

Since the 2020 lockdowns, I have had ample time and space to delve into podcasts and YouTube videos on astrology as a means of inner exploration, guiding me through another significant crisis after becoming unemployable due to my personal decisions. Online learning began with Galactic Astrology which I am making my way through at a very slow pace.

Here and Now 2024, a new chapter begins... I feel a need to develop a strong foundational basis in order to read a chart. With the intention to nurture the Healer Guide that wants to find a way to come out to say hello to the world.

Grateful to be here with everyone. 

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Hi, I’m Emma. I live in Portland OR. I have studied astrology a bit, mostly to figure out my own chart, but I’ve never committed to learning it fully so I’m excited to do so now.

I have JWG’s Pluto books and they helped me a lot to figure out negative relationship dynamics and what I needed to learn on a soul level to stop playing them out.

I like astrology because it combines psychology and spirituality in a way that makes sense to me and is very practical, and JWG’s work in particular because I’ve always been fascinated by ideas about karma and soul lessons and I try to make the most of every experience and learn from it. This reality has always seemed not really real to me in some way, so the idea that it is some kind of soul training program always made sense to me.

Studying my chart has helped me so much in my own journey, so if I could learn to help other people make sense of difficult experiences in their lives, that would be an awesome skill I would love to have.

I have found the level of details involved in astrology to be intimidating in the past so I’m glad to have a structured course and cohort to learn with.

Looking forward to meeting everyone on the calls!

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Hi everyone

my name is Gracie Swann, I live on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand.  I don’t usually say a lot, so please excuse me for that!

a great chart from Ari has helped me to find direction, I have always loved astrology, but never studied it, but now is the time!

I hope to be able to attend the live classes, but it is very early in the morning for me, & I love to sleep, so I may not make every session, if sleep hasn’t gone to well. 

looking forward to meeting you all, and thank you Ari for this great expansion opportunity.

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Hello future friends!

I'm Lisa and I am currently living with my eldest son and daughter-in-law in Ellicott City, MD where I am helping to care for and raise my 3 grandchildren ages 4 1/2, 1 1/2 and 7 weeks. The middle has been sick for 3 days, the newest isn't sleeping much and life is a glorious blur at the moment. I have 3 children of my own, ages 39, 27 and 23. I have earned a living in many different ways. My life has been a wondrous adventure. 

I became interested in astrology 10 years ago after my mom died suddenly of a heart attack a month before my 50th birthday. Strange and synchronous things began happening to me soon after that and I truly felt I was losing my mind. Astrology was one of the modalities that helped me understand that I was not insane. In the past 10 years I have changed to the point where I barely resemble the person I was before I turned 50. I have been delving in and out of astrology during that time and recently felt "called" in ways I now understand to take this class. I am both scared and excited which I have learned is an indication of good things to come. 

Hopefully that makes some sense. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. Much love!

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Aloha, I am KayT ( pronounced Kate or Katie) and am excited about this class.


I have been a preschool teacher and am now a massage therapist and yoga teacher. I teach art/creativity and an passionate about astrology. 


I didn't focus on it until the last decade but have been dabbling in self study and occasionally take classes online with Molly McCord and Sam Geppi but have not completed them.

I am a poet and many of my poems are about planets/transits and I did not know it.  When I listen to Molly's videos I hear phrases that I wrote in my poems. I parked up and paid attention!!!! What???

I have been tapping into the energies and didn't even comprehend astrology and I believe it is my souls guidance giving me the signs I pray for. I also learned that I had been tapping into the Akashic Records intuitively and that most likely was where the info I received came from !?! Wow! I am meant to be here now... In this class!!! 


People have led me to believe I was crazy and a fraud but I AM exactly who I came here to be 




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Hello everyone!

I am Alejandra, an aspiring astrologer, a student of life currently living in St. Petersburg Florida.

I joined the course last night after a perfectly timed reading from Ari and I’m so glad to be here! I’ve been studying astrology for four years now and I’ve started giving readings in the last year. It brings me so much joy to be in company with other curious and “weird” souls 😉 (weird being a high compliment).

I am a student and teacher of yoga and meditation as taught by Sivananda, when I was 18 I lived at an ashram for 6 months and my entire life changed! When I was 21 I moved to Nevada City, California where I had, literally, an other-worldly experience: I found myself host to a “hungry ghost”. Feeling not at all like myself and seeking help I was introduced to an elder medicine woman of the Hopi lineage. She helped me, cleared the ghost from me and in that first meeting I was completely enamored. I became her student and at the end of a year I did a Vision Quest. Another very transformative experience…

I am now 26 years old and my Astrology studies have lead me here, into another chrysalis of the soul, I believe. I am excited to be here with all of you on this journey lead by Ari, a teacher who I strongly resonate with and am so grateful to learn from. I don’t know much about Evolutionary Astrology besides what I have learned from Ari’s YouTube channel. I come here with an open mind and tender heart, ready to learn and happy to connect with this beautiful community.

It’s been so nice reading about you all! Also if there were any ice-breakers from the orientation that you enjoyed and would like to hear my response to I would be happy to engage in that way 🙂 



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Helo everyone, I am Marija. I live in Dubrovnik, Croatia. I run a small holistic fitness and retreat center here and teach yoga and yoga trapeze classes, as well as host small retreats for up to 15 people in the Villa adjacent to the studio. 
This is a new endaveour and it has been a major growth spurt, trying to bring it and myself to a level of mastery required for long term sustainability. I have learned a lot about my Scorpio rising Cancer sun Pluto aspected to almost every major planet chart, and I continue to expand rapidly into my Capricorn north node whether I like it or not. 

I am super identified with the Cancer/Capricorn gender roles and patriarchy unravelling process that Ari speaks about in part 2 of the course. 

I have a stellium in the 9th house in Cancer, so I lived in the USA for 23 years, and then 10 years ago returned to Croatia as my parents were dying. Something compelled me to stay and since then I have been discovering my evolutionary reasons for incarnating here (small town in the heart of patriarchy)

It seems to me that it is about working through subdivision 1 of individuation stage of evolution. (It was very helpful to learn that, Ari, thank you.)  I write a local newspaper column and it seems to be evolving into my way of comunicating my 3rd house NN purpose. I speak of astrology there often. 

I became enamored with astrology on a deeper level when I discovered the usefuleness of following current transits. I love YouTube for that. Most of the you tube channels I follow seem to be Evolutionary astrologers but Ari compelled my with a structured live course and with such a clean conscious vibration.

I have Saturn in the 8th house square Pluto in the 11th, and a Venus Mars Neptune trine. Relationships have been trecherous and profoundly disappointing, I am divorced, and single many times over, healing codependence after many experiences in relationships with narcissi. Thankfully no children out of that, I was born under a Solar Eclipse in Cancer with my south node right there in the middle of it. 

I believe in past lives and have done lots of regression work in different ways. I have a spiritual master but currently that fits under the codependence healing journey labe as well. 

Excuse the oversharing, I ADORE learning to speak this language and I have Pluto Mercury sextile, I abhore chitchat. 

I look forward to getting to know all of you and your charts. 


Bailey Christen
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Hello! So nice getting to see faces on the recordings and reading about everyone here. 


My name is Bailey(she/her). I am 34, from Mobile, Alabama. I currently work in Audiology. I love film/tv, music, art, somatic therapies, learning about near death experiences, stories of past lives/life between lives and depth psychology. I would describe myself as an intuitive/highly sensitive person who is analytical, down to earth, shy at times but expressive. I am always looking at the deeper message of what's being said and looking to connect the dots of the bigger picture in the current unfolding... 


I am a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising. 5th house Pluto, NN Aquarius/SN Leo on the 9/3 axis in Porphyry, 8/2 in some others. Just starting my Pluto Square Sun transit. 


EA was the first real form of astrology I was introduced into and it happened completely by "chance" in a random Facebook astrology group I had joined in my 20s right before my Saturn return 🙂 


I would dabble in learning from watching old YouTube videos of JWG, reading his books and watching some others like Mark Jones and Patricia Walsh along with Patricia and Mark's books as well. I've also studied some of Renn Butler's work on Archetypal and Holotropic astrology.


At the end of 2022 right before Christmas my partner died in a car accident and my life was completely changed in an instant. A few weeks later my father died. In the midst of grief, chaos and a deep sense of abandonment and betrayal, I reached for astrology. I felt a calling to deepen my connection to EA again and look at death from the perspective of the soul evolutionary journey again...Could love be found in loss? 


I ended up connecting with Sabrina Monarch who I had followed for some time and participated in her and Aliza Penelope's intensive last year which just ended at the start of this month. Sabrina had Ari's book as part of her course material which is how I found him. I really connected to Ari's perspectives on EA, I appreciated the clarity and thorough, grounded explanations(something I really need) with the expansive spiritual energy I felt as well. There's a lot of genuine care that I feel from how Ari approaches astrology. In the past, I have also taken Mark Jone's Pluto School and have had sessions with Mark Jones and Patricia Walsh. 


My background includes being raised in a conservative southern area but starting into the new age spiritual realm as a teenager... My first spiritual book as a teen was Conversations with God, I was also learning healing modalities like Pranic Healing. I have lived and traveled all over the US and had many lifetimes as far as careers go. I took a big break from the spiritual world and community during my Saturn return... I would say I am just now starting to navigate how I would like to reproach the spiritual realm in relation to community, work and personally as well. 


My current focus astrologically, is really learning interpretation. Overlaying different energies and reading them as one...  Also planetary phases... I don't have any demands of where I want EA to take me but I am interested to see where it goes and what's created within this container. 


My current focus in my private life is really coming out of the shadows and really learning to be an embodied person who is also highly sensitive. I would say I have a high "charge" around being in a physical body which of course "skews" or compromises everything else in life so that's been where a lot of my work stems from. 


If you read this far, you're a trooper! Hah! Thank you for reading 🙂 





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Hi Bailey, thanks for sharing your story. My name is Ten. I also was very impacted by "Conversations with God" as one of the many paradigm shifting books, teachings and concepts that all fell like dominoes for me around 2001. Which led me to break free form much of the conditioned belief systems. Super Cool to be here with you and experience this wisdom together. 

Much Love


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Hi everyone! 

it was so nice to join you all here on zoom today. I look forward to our time learning together 🙂 


love Alejandra 

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Hello 🙂 

I'm Julianne. I was part Ari's original batch of Essentials Course students and am back here now to take the course again and hopefully move on to the full interpretation course which I didn't get to in the first round. 

I grew up mostly outside of Chicago Illinois, and partly in London, England. I studied for one year in high school on exchange in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and I then went onto study my full undergraduate degree at the now soon to be shut down Yale-NUS College in Singapore. In Singapore I became a painter and eventually found my way to graduate school for a masters of fine arts in 2020 in Chicago. Painting was my gateway to spiritual vocabularies and in my final years of university I began self-studying astrology. I ended up quitting my masters program to focus on studying astrology (with ari) and other energy work modalities.

The last three years have been a profound saturn through the 12th house transit where I felt in all aspects, locked down and unable to access the rich life I had created "outside" me. Turned inwards. I'm "flipping back out" recently, spitting out almost exactly where I shut down it seems. 

I am 27 and in the throws of my nodal reversal.ha. 

I have been giving readings for a few years now though not a profound many. I seek to refine my own understanding, increase my confidence, and be able to more widely offer myself and my use of this language to the world, especially the world of "hidden beauty", relationship sensitivities- all 8th house libra "stuff". 

Looking forward to connecting!

Much love,



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