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Venus in Aquarius in the 2nd House

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Venus in Aquarius in the 2nd House



This could be the signature of a fashion designer, a creative individual that is attracted to beauty in a rebellious way, creating new innovative styles and designs to push the status quo.  Choosing to be different “simply because one can” might influence and drive this soul to share concepts that are outside the box. This may satisfy their craving to broaden how everyone else sees the fashion industry.

With Capricorn on the ascendant, structure and discipline to bring forth these innovate ideas may come easily.

With Pisces on the 3rd house cusp, an “other worldly”, dreamy, creative style of communication may really help this individual to be a huge influencer.

With Taurus on the 5th house cusp, they may have a natural attunement to being in the body, a joy for the sensory experience of how fabric, color, and designs bring forth expression and actualize their gifts of being a visionary.

With Cancer on the 7th house cusp, relationships may be a sensitive and vulnerable area of their life. This may cause a tendency to operate more objectively (Venus/Aquarius) and stay focused on their broader visions for the larger group, fashion industry. This may be a distraction from being willing to open to show any sensitivities.

With Libra on the MC, they may have a graceful way of appearing in the world being very diplomatic, while pushing those normalcies, because of how they express their artistic nature.


How will the soul listen to and relate to their own inner needs?

They may feel that pushing new ideas forward and inspiring others to see fashion in a different light really satisfies their intrinsically rebellious nature which is something they need to explore.


How might the soul cultivate self intimacy, pleasure, contentment, a connection to the poetry of life?

All of these enjoyable aspects to life my flow naturally with “Taurian” influence on the 5th house area of life as explained above.


What are the souls core relationship needs?

Needing to feel appreciated and recognized for being different, this soul would be well suited for being in a relationship that allows them freedom to be different and express without strings attached and enjoys the different perspective they bring forward


How might the soul listen to another based upon their own inner-self relationship?

If this soul is in tune with their needs to be unique and push the the boundaries of expression, they may listen to another by way of being very self centered, focused and appear slightly more selfish, causing them to not be as sensitive to listening to others needs. This could be a disadvantage to their relationships and cause them to lack the ability to open up and be vulnerable, truly listen and show their sensitivities because they can’t hold that space for others.


Describe the kinds of projections or expectations the soul might receive or project in a relationship.

This soul may hold expectations of another to be supportive of the more innovate path to life.  Expecting freedom in expression within the relationship would animate the more authentic path for this soul.  If however, this was to express less authentic, this soul may be insecure to shine their authenticity and hide what they truly desire to express because they are afraid to be vulnerable to rejection. Their 7th house cusp is Cancer which may influence an insecure dimension filled with strong emotions when it comes to relationship.


How might a soul avoid feeling/self-intimacy by way of either numbing out, indulgence, over-dependence on others to provide a sense of self value, or over-dependence on physical resources/particular ways of relating to one’s own body and sensual feelings.

This soul may have come into this life with many resources, family inheritance and financial ease.  This would allow the potential for indulgences in many forms to distract from true self intimacy.  Their radar for real self love and worth could be completely of course and they  may struggle with this internal understanding.  Substantial gratifications and pleasure seeking can be extremely tempting when money flows like water.  All the while, they are distracted with materialism, disconnected from the real inner lover they seek.  Aquarius leans towards that objectivity and may cause a numbness in the emotional accessibility.

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Venus in Aquarius in the 2nd House



This could be the signature of a fashion designer,a creative individual that is attracted to beauty in a rebellious way, creating new innovative styles and designs to push the status quo.Choosing to be different “simply because one can” might influence and drive this soul to share concepts that are outside the box. This may satisfy their craving to broaden how everyone else sees the fashion industry.


With Capricorn on the ascendant, structure and discipline to bring forth these innovate ideas may come easily.

With Pisces on the 3rd house cusp, an “other worldly”, dreamy, creative style of communication may really help this individual to be a huge influencer.

With Taurus on the 5th house cusp,they may have a natural attunement to being in the body, a joy for the sensory experience of how fabric, color, and designs bring forth expression and actualize their gifts of being a visionary.

With Cancer on the 7th house cusp,relationships may be a sensitive and vulnerable area of their life. This may cause a tendency to operate more objectively (Venus/Aquarius) and stay focused on their broader visions for the larger group, fashion industry. This may be a distraction from being willing to open to show any sensitivities.

With Libra on the MC, they may have a graceful way of appearing in the world being very diplomatic, while pushing those normalcies, because of how they express their artistic nature.

Reminder we are only focusing on the actual signature for these practices. Partially because, depending on the individual chart, not all souls will have these house cusps. Were we working with whole sign or equal houses, that would be different. Later in the course we'll of course be working with the whole chart with examples that I'll be giving.


How will the soul listen to and relate to their own inner needs?

They may feel that pushing new ideas forward and inspiring others to see fashion in a different light really satisfies their intrinsically rebellious nature which is something they need to explore.

Yes, and even more than inspiring others (which isn't implicit in this signature alone) they will simply enjoy their own sense of fashion. This might attract others, but more likely than not, this soul will be content with who they are.


How might the soul cultivate self intimacy, pleasure, contentment, a connection to the poetry of life?

All of these enjoyable aspects to life my flow naturally with “Taurian” influence on the 5th house area of life as explained above.

Yes and of course there's more to flesh out here without going to Taurus 5th.


What are the souls core relationship needs?

Needing to feel appreciated and recognized for being different, this soul would be well suited for being in a relationship that allows them freedom to be different and express without strings attached and enjoys the different perspective they bring forward

Yes this carries strongly the "live and let live" and will need to feel free to have their own intimate relationship to themself without needing to conform or condition themselves according to the projections of another. 


How might the soul listen to another based upon their own inner-self relationship?

If this soul is in tune with their needs to be unique and push the the boundaries of expression, they may listen to another by way of being very self centered, focused and appear slightly more selfish, causing them to not be as sensitive to listening to others needs. This could be a disadvantage to their relationships and cause them to lack the ability to open up and be vulnerable, truly listen and show their sensitivities because they can’t hold that space for others.

Yes, there can be an allergy of sorts to complexity and drama. That Leo 8th house polarity speaking to all of this.


Describe the kinds of projections or expectations the soul might receive or project in a relationship.

This soul may hold expectations of another to be supportive of the more innovate path to life.Expecting freedom in expression within the relationship would animate the more authentic path for this soul.

Yes to this part ... 

If however, this was to express less authentic, this soul may be insecure to shine their authenticity and hide what they truly desire to express because they are afraid to be vulnerable to rejection. Their 7th house cusp is Cancer which may influence an insecure dimension filled with strong emotions when it comes to relationship.

Hiding what they desire is not so implicit within this signature. Disconnection from feeling body, or receiving projections from others that they are cold, unavailable, disinterested etc might happen in terms of the kinds of projections this soul might receive.


How might a soul avoid feeling/self-intimacy by way of either numbing out, indulgence, over-dependence on others to provide a sense of self value, or over-dependence on physical resources/particular ways of relating to one’s own body and sensual feelings.

This soul may have come into this life with many resources, family inheritance and financial ease.  This would allow the potential for indulgences in many forms to distract from true self intimacy.  Their radar for real self love and worth could be completely of course and they  may struggle with this internal understanding.  Substantial gratifications and pleasure seeking can be extremely tempting when money flows like water.  All the while, they are distracted with materialism, disconnected from the real inner lover they seek.  Aquarius leans towards that objectivity and may cause a numbness in the emotional accessibility.

Family inheritance is not in this signature. Nor is money flowing like way, not implicitly on its own anyway. Literally, that would be more of a Pisces 2nd house thing.

For family inheritance, Capricorn or Saturn in the 2nd could could be an example of that. 

Please see Marija's post and my responses where this is addressed a bit more - and feel free to add more or ask any questions. Overall great job Ten, and thank you for your efforts.

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Thank you Ari. Always appreciate the course corrections 🙂

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I did just want to clarify one thing, the family inheritance comment.  What I meant was not "inheritance" (my bad) I understand that is 8th house. What I meant was someone "born into money"  Paris Hilton appears to be an example of this. And when I expressed "money flows like water" i was referring to an extravagant lifestyle as their base line. 
