2nd house is about learning to embody, to find security, stability and safety in ones own body, learning how to be here in the body. Natural house for Venus, house of Taurus. Aquarius is a masculine air archetype and here he is learning to be more feminine, earth, receptive, to feel, enjoy more pleasure in the body, to respect and care for the body and the feminine realm of the material, manifested, aspect of life.
There might be something important about the introverted self-oriented aspect of Taurus based Venus vs extroverted, community and innovation focused Aquarius, tho they both love their freedom.
This soul maybe values the sense of safety and embodiment of creating an alternative community, and might have a natural impulse to be the leader in creating the new paradigm for humanity, the New Earth, as a place focused on the survival and thriving of community. Their values might be based on new ways community functions together, equality, sharing, creating food, comfort and safety together. His uranian nature still makes him a changeable and a lone wolf, so he values having his freedom and space within the community, of course. He is not one to live in a community house and work in teams by consensus.
Perhaps this house/sign placement is about shifting the natural self-interest, selfishness, personal focus values of taurus to the values to include the community, working for community safety and survival as core value, graduating beyond personal need satisfaction to the feminine paradigm / going beyond personal pleasure and satisfaction to caring for community
Taurus and Venus are about the present moment and being in the body and slow, Aquarius is mental, fast and about the future, innovation, creating the new way... this signature might be about embodying, grounding, materializing the aquarian vision of the better world for everyone, slowing down to make it happen step by step.
This soul would be attractive as a visionary provider and alternative solution maker, someone who knows how to grow food in a tiny garden, or how to build home made tools and solutions to common problems, perhaps he has built a sustainable earthship home with a vertical garden inside, he figured out how to make his own fuel and how to get heat for the house from composting.
In terms of sexual pleasure, this might be a soul who likes the freedom of poliamory within a conscious community where pleasure is freely shared and available.
He might love movies, futuristic fantasy survival stories and other ways of creatively endulging in the archetypal realm with a touch of beauty, magic, and romance to the survival challenge
I forgot to outline the negative aspect of this house sign combination>
this could be a soul who has a hard time being in the body and surviving in the world, he lives in fantasy and future. He might be a phisicist or engeeering professor with no contact with practical aplication of his knowlegde
He might be a recluse building an underground bomb shelter preparing for the end of the world, checked out of what is actually happening and available in the world now. He might have a skewed sense of security, hoard weapons and be willing take life without concern for anothers life and inherent value. He might live in perpetual trauma and isolation from reality and others. Or he might belong to a cult that is all about a small group survival, be an elitist in an us versus them survival paradigm.
2nd house is about learning to embody, to find security, stability and safety in ones own body, learning how to be here in the body. Natural house for Venus, house of Taurus. Aquarius is a masculine air archetype and here he is learning to be more feminine, earth, receptive, to feel, enjoy more pleasure in the body, to respect and care for the body and the feminine realm of the material, manifested, aspect of life.
There might be something important about the introverted self-oriented aspect of Taurus based Venus vs extroverted, community and innovation focused Aquarius, tho they both love their freedom.
Great intro - all accurate and I want to clarify from the getgo that it's a mistake to immediately associate Aquarius as intrinsically extroverted. This is not always so. This archetype, depending on where it falls can be incredibly internal and content within itself, by itself. Manifesting in the 1st or 2nd are two typical examples of that often pointing to souls that are inwardly oriented to be true to themselves and learning to enjoy the company of the "inner community". Especially true in the 2nd house which is about inner stabilization/ continuity.
And in general, in any house placement, Aquarius will often reflect the lesson of "being a community of one" and not necessarily finding others of like mind - or perhaps an inner soul need to rebel from any kind of conformity, and thus doing it alone for the most part. In my observations, Aquarius has a fascinating correlation with both community and being the outlier/outsider/ doing one's own thing differently than others, which makes sense if we understand that community always follows our inner vibration.
This said, I also understand where you are coming from. It is true that wherever Aquarius is, we will often find ourselves in association with groups/ resonating with others of like mind. A common Aquarius 2nd house dynamic would be things like sharing a plot of land; one's approach to living and survival being about a more intelligent form of sharing and depending upon community etc. But still, being in the 2nd house there is an underlying introverted orientation.
This soul maybe values the sense of safety and embodiment of creating an alternative community, and might have a natural impulse to be the leader in creating the new paradigm for humanity, the New Earth, as a place focused on the survival and thriving of community. Their values might be based on new ways community functions together, equality, sharing, creating food, comfort and safety together. His uranian nature still makes him a changeable and a lone wolf, so he values having his freedom and space within the community, of course. He is not one to live in a community house and work in teams by consensus.
You're saying all the right pieces, but are mistaken in a couple places. This absolutely can be a situation of living in a community house and work in teams by consensus. As I wrote above, both the iconoclastic hermit and also living in community are possible expressions here. The key thing to understand in the case of the latter is, this would define the nature of their 2nd house hole in the ground: their community/ how they live would define the world they know and are comfortable and familiar with.
Also, regarding the idea of leadership, Aquarius will point to the impulse to liberate from the known and in that sense one can stand out and even bring in something that seems new to humanity. But leadership itself, as an archetype, would bring in 1st house/ Aries type things. So what you said about creating a new paradigm for humanity, new earth etc is correct as Aquarius is about liberation from the known, and can in fact be ahead of it's time and in that sense be a leader, but I wouldn't describe this as "a natural impulse to be a leader" as you wrote (as that feels more Aries/1st house) but rather, leadership in terms of creating something new on this planet that others can then join in/ learn from/ elevate the consciousness of this planet. Hope that distinction makes sense.
Perhaps this house/sign placement is about shifting the natural self-interest, selfishness, personal focus values of taurus to the values to include the community, working for community safety and survival as core value, graduating beyond personal need satisfaction to the feminine paradigm / going beyond personal pleasure and satisfaction to caring for community
Yes, we can think of this as "elevating" to a higher level of intelligence (all Aquarius key ideas) how we survive/ live. This can include radical ideas around money, resources, housing, pleasure, basic needs etc that are more about thinking about the larger picture of how we live as humans and seeing from a higher, more intelligent and inclusive mind state.
Taurus and Venus are about the present moment and being in the body and slow, Aquarius is mental, fast and about the future, innovation, creating the new way... this signature might be about embodying, grounding, materializing the aquarian vision of the better world for everyone, slowing down to make it happen step by step.
This soul would be attractive as a visionary provider and alternative solution maker, someone who knows how to grow food in a tiny garden, or how to build home made tools and solutions to common problems, perhaps he has built a sustainable earthship home with a vertical garden inside, he figured out how to make his own fuel and how to get heat for the house from composting.
Excellent presentation of possible examples of this
In terms of sexual pleasure, this might be a soul who likes the freedom of poliamory within a conscious community where pleasure is freely shared and available.
In regards to pleasure, there can be a more egalitarian approach here for sure. I'm not sure if I'd use the term polyamory as that itself feels more like a 7th house expression such as Aquarius in the 7th. But this might be so, just the first thought that arises for me. I feel there's a lot more to unpack about how this soul may relate to their sexuality within relationship relative to the Libra side of Venus: how the soul gets its needs met and serves its own ongoing growth through relationships. See my final notes to you below.
Conversely, the opposite can be true. This soul might actively distaste the "lower vibration" of sensual gratification and look down upon it. The quality of "distaste" and 'looking down upon" is a common arrogance of Aquarius where the soul might feel separate of "beyond" the " lower vibration conditioning" of what "them humans down there" tend to do.
Positively, this soul may have a refined inner relationship to their own senses and the inner universe, leading to more interest in cultivating the inner garden with an embodied connection to the intelligence that runs within them. Examples of working with their own qi, circulating their own energy, developing sexual self-reliance based upon a higher understanding of the body as an intelligent system etc.
He might love movies, futuristic fantasy survival stories and other ways of creatively endulging in the archetypal realm with a touch of beauty, magic, and romance to the survival challenge
Sure, and to clarify so that no one is confused by this: the point you are making is that all of these things point to either futurist or "outside of the box" thinking about survival etc. Movies and fantasies itself would however correspond to Pisces.
Aquarius signatures can often reflect a sort of cult like interest in one particular book, movie, television series etc because of what they represent archetypally. So things like that.
I forgot to outline the negative aspect of this house sign combination
this could be a soul who has a hard time being in the body and surviving in the world, he lives in fantasy and future. He might be a physicist or engineering professor with no contact with practical application of his knowledge
Excellent, I'm glad you brought in the isolation /hermit piece. One correction: fantasy is Pisces and elicits more of a sense of imagining things that may be impossible or unreal. So perhaps an innovator, free thinker, someone in their head a lot envisioning new ways of living, innovating how we live and survive - but all of this can be happening in their own little world with no contact with others.
Aquarus also corresponds to "thought" as reflections of the intelligence of creation, and can reflect where thoughts occur on their own from the "higher mind" beyond the conditioned ego structure. So there can be an sort of antenna attuned to more elevated thought forms from which this soul can come up with new ideas for living. Reminds me of Nicolas Tesla, who had Uranus in Taurus actually.
He might be a recluse building an underground bomb shelter preparing for the end of the world, checked out of what is actually happening and available in the world now. He might have a skewed sense of security, hoard weapons and be willing take life without concern for anothers life and inherent value. He might live in perpetual trauma and isolation from reality and others. Or he might belong to a cult that is all about a small group survival, be an elitist in an us versus them survival paradigm.
Excellent Marija. I love that you brought in the paranoia and someone preparing for some kind of survival crisis. Aquarius in the 2nd, once we learn more about seeing karmic patterns in the chart, can often reflect the soul who has subconscious memories within their soul of prior lives of survival trauma and will project that in their current life.
Marija excellent work, thank you for your real efforts here. Once again I feel your work, along with my feedback and comments, is a good model that other students can learn from for this chart example.
The one element that is lacking is you did not address very much this Venus signature relative to their personal relationship needs. It was addressed a bit, but I'd want to hear a bit more on that. In particular these two questions from the workbook:
2. What are the soul's core relationship needs? How might the soul listen to
another based upon their own inner self-relationship?3. Describe the kinds of projections or expectations the soul might receive or
project in a relationship.
This is where more can be expanded upon in terms of their relationship needs and how they relate to others all from the POV of the relational (Libra) side of Venus.
You or others are welcome to develop that theme further if you'd like.
Great, thank you so much Ari, that was so useful to tease out the archetypes like that.
After reading over what I wrote, I noticed I did not speak to Venus specifically enough.
Relationships, right ... i missed a major aspect of Venus 🙄
The second house Aquarius focus on relationships would probably have to do with keeping one's freedom but needing to feel the security and stability at the same time. If healthy, this is a great, the balanced modern conscious relationship. If not totally balanced, there might be fear of being suffocated, smothered or restricted by relationship. He might have difficulty feeling intimate with another if he perceives it as a restriction and as a way of being trapped in the known reality, and creating difficulty in communication by staying detached from the body and emotions and staying too much in the mind.
Aquarius might be living totally in the mental and projecting past traumas onto the current relationship, thus not feeling safe and stable.
This soul might create chaos and instability with its Uranian need for change and freedom to follow the higher mind inspiration. It might look like self-absorbed drastinc turns and making changes without informing the people he is in relationship with. He might make logical decisions that completely forget to take into account the feelings of the other and feel very impatient when faced with emotional breakdown.
This soul might project their need for grounding in the physical onto a partner.
He might be overconsumed with his work and creation, and expect the partner to just be there as a comodity, providing safety, emotional stability and physical comfort.
If this is a woman, she might be looking for a guy who will provide safety and stability through the practical and the material while she does her intellectual work. She might be the woman who makes more money in the family doing some highly unique well paid profession and expect a man to take care of the house, food, and other ways of mantaining the physical wellbeing.
What kind of projection this soul might receive....? hm...
Perhaps he gets elected as the leader in times of crisis, to solve challenging issues by innovating and bringing new ideas. In intimate relationships, he gets to be of a bringer of new ideas, direction for the future of the family, the inspiration for creating a more involved and meaningful life different from the basic home, kids, work, play.
Something like that...
and how does this soul listen to another based on their inner self relationship...
they might be listening for brilliance, high minded ideas, innovation, uniqueness... they might not be comfortable listening for emotional undercurrent or deeper feelings, or noticing the physical quite as much as another Venus placement would.
The second house Aquarius focus on relationships would probably have to do with keeping one's freedom but needing to feel the security and stability at the same time. If healthy, this is a great, the balanced modern conscious relationship. If not totally balanced, there might be fear of being suffocated, smothered or restricted by relationship. He might have difficulty feeling intimate with another if he perceives it as a restriction and as a way of being trapped in the known reality, and creating difficulty in communication by staying detached from the body and emotions and staying too much in the mind.
Aquarius might be living totally in the mental and projecting past traumas onto the current relationship, thus not feeling safe and stable.
This soul might create chaos and instability with its Uranian need for change and freedom to follow the higher mind inspiration. It might look like self-absorbed drastinc turns and making changes without informing the people he is in relationship with. He might make logical decisions that completely forget to take into account the feelings of the other and feel very impatient when faced with emotional breakdown.
Yes, there can be a narrowness of self-interest in the form of being very detached and impersonal. Of course Leo in the 8th is the polarity, so tending to people's hearts (including their own) might be an issue here.
This soul might project their need for grounding in the physical onto a partner.
Sure, that's a Venus 2nd house thing in general but not much about Aquarius.
In Aquarius it might be totally devoid of intimate connection. It can also be very detached from the ability to really feel their own feelings and sensations, and thus might need to be somewhat detached in order to get into their body. An example of this could be things like pornography or watching someone pleasure themself, or mutual masterbation. All of these examples allows for the soul to remain separate, more so in a place of "witness consciousness" while in their own body space. For some souls, much proximity can lead to dissociation from feeling.
He might be overconsumed with his work and creation, and expect the partner to just be there as a comodity, providing safety, emotional stability and physical comfort.
If this is a woman, she might be looking for a guy who will provide safety and stability through the practical and the material while she does her intellectual work. She might be the woman who makes more money in the family doing some highly unique well paid profession and expect a man to take care of the house, food, and other ways of mantaining the physical wellbeing.
Much of that feels speculative and not strongly connected with this Venus signature per se.
For sure being very self-focused with what one likes, their won body autonomy, their own space, living their own values etc. This isn't an issue so long as they are able to get along and find mutual ways of sharing that enhances everyone's sense of life and value.
What kind of projection this soul might receive....? hm...
Perhaps he gets elected as the leader in times of crisis, to solve challenging issues by innovating and bringing new ideas. In intimate relationships, he gets to be of a bringer of new ideas, direction for the future of the family, the inspiration for creating a more involved and meaningful life different from the basic home, kids, work, play.
People can project that they are detached, disinterested, unavailable etc. Whereas from within this soul they might simply be content and happy with themselves, or prefer to be with themselves and not depend upon others to add more than what is already inside. This might be hard for some people to grasp. That's just one example that occurs to me in this moment.
Being a leader in times of crisis is a bit of a stretch with just this one signature by itself. But of course they might be resourceful to find ways of living, sharing and thriving together that are outside of the normative conditions of thought.
and how does this soul listen to another based on their inner self relationship...
they might be listening for brilliance, high minded ideas, innovation, uniqueness... they might not be comfortable listening for emotional undercurrent or deeper feelings, or noticing the physical quite as much as another Venus placement would.
Excellent. I will add that they might notice/connect with the physical just in their own way - kind of in their own bubble, one that is very rich and known but perhaps not similar to how other people relate to the idea of embodiment.
One thought I don't think I've seen anyone address here is - if their partner has a strong desire nature, that may be a turn off if that partner is "needy". Aquarius 2nd house Venus might feel a need to check out in order to preserve their space and not want to become contractual or depended upon in anyway that makes them a commodity.
Note too that Venus IS all about transactions, to some extent. It's just a matter of what the agreements are, if they are workable for each individual.
Really great job Marija, thanks for putting in the extra effort.
Thank you for your time and focus Ari as well, I learned so much from this