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The rulership book

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Bob Bills
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Hi everyone.  

I posted this book reference in class and Ari recommended I post it in the forum.  

The Book is 'The Rulership Book'.  By Rex Bills (no relation)  LOL

I think her question was in relation to health and healing, and I thought it would be helpful.


If you like to look at Keyword lists it may be helpful.


One of the books that I found helpful to learn about the archetypes was 'Understanding Karmic Complexes' by Patricia Walsh.


I would be interested in hearing what others have been reading.


Hope this finds everyone well.


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Hi all,

I forgot that there actually is one book on medical astrology. This was a compilation from 2014 or so when myself and several students were learning basic anatomical/physiological correlations from an EA perspective.

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Are there any books or resources or people doing mundane astrology from an EA perspective?

Like what I mean is -- each soul has evolutionary necessity, but does humanity as a whole have evolutionary necessity? or groups? The soul of a nation? Or is that not a thing? I mean, I guess nations don't reincarnate tho. 😂 I was just wondering. 

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Hi! Listened to brilliant Patricia Walsh on YouTube and ordered her book. Thanks, Bob.

I am looking for my copy of Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance whose  science is based on the a nonmechanistic, matrafocal view where the universe—nature—is a living organism, as in Lovelock’s Gaia. 

He postulates a morpho-genetic field for each of us that holds our past lives, our ancestral lineage, all the data currently being generated by all our body’s (including mind) functions and is the energetic data loaded operating system that holds amd mothers our day to day living. I’m totally paraphrasing, I read him decades ago.

Since then I’ve found another scientist (A New Science of Heaven) who pulls together all the plasma research and he and Rupert say the morpho-genetic fields are made of plasma and thus connect us to the universe;  and this is how we can have direct experience of the planets, past lives and the universe. I’ve pretty much relied on these these approaches now for most of my life.

On the Waking Up app I listened to a McGilchrist (James?) describe his 25 year research on the right and left research and how the right brain is plugged into our consciousness, which may be this morpho- genetic field.

Having read Rudhyar in my 20’s, he paved the way for me with Jeffrey and these others approaches, mentioned here.

So, this is a long way of saying how Evolutionary Astrology is a map that connects all of this. I feel such gratitude for EA’s practitioners, and Ari specifically, for illuminating this map to show us it’s living  energy.

I’d love to know if anyone else has read these authors and your thoughts.

Phew! Now I’m gonna go take a nap! 

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Janice, I think maybe you mean Iain McGilchrist? He wrote The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World andThe Matter with Things. This article goes through his worldview.

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Thank you, Emma! Yes, Iain. An amazing tour de force of an article! Overflowing with meaning.’ A lyrical David Bohm.

Bob Bills
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Nice!  Yet another book to toss on the pile.  Thanks for sharing.
