Sun in the 4th House in SCORPIO
1.What is the life purpose of the soul?
This may be a soul that is instinctually attracted to getting to the root of their core identity and any challenges that have come along with it. They may feel a deep connection with their family, heritage and roots of which they feel they come from and want to understand more psychologically how they tick. Their purpose may be to deepen the understanding and merge with their ancestral lineage. Getting to the core of what they are connected to and what contributes to and formulates their identity will be important to this soul.
2.Describe the unique ways this soul can give personal meaning and purpose to their entire life? In what ways will the soul be drawn to become creatively self-absorbed and engaged with life?
This could be someone that chooses to become a psychologist and or specializes in family dynamics and works with the deeper topics that speak to the undercurrents of the family ties, connections and relationship dynamics. By bringing their creative essence and shining their light on the darker hidden areas of life they my harness their actualization process and contribute a vitality and understanding that is engaging and rewarding for themselves and for others.
With a wider lens, this could possibly even be an archeologist that is digging to the roots of humanity to see what is deeply embedded with the grounds of the earth for the purpose to develop understanding of the greater whole of humanity and our origins associated with the Earth. With Taurus in the 10th, the highest point of recognition may support this path of focus with the earth element connection.
3. What does self-confidence look like? What would healthy radiant being express as here?
Confidence here looks like someone that is willing to shine a light and bring to the surface things that others my not feel comfortable doing. Confidence is facing topics, memories, traumas, stories and programing that does not serve our evolutionary growth and dissolving them. By bringing a light and an awareness forward to face family members and these relationships, they could begin to free themselves of thoughts that no longer serve their highest potential. A healthy radiant being isn’t afraid. They see that acknowledging the discomfort and by holding space for it is beneficial and to no longer repress or suppress memories from the past. This will positively impact their way of expression. Their light will shine with radiance that others will feel as well.
4. What might be some issues the soul may face in self-confidence, claiming their creative agency and right to be here? What does it look like to lack confidence and thus not grow in one's creative agency?
If an individual is in denial, distracted or feeling depression of some sort of way, this may build upon itself and pull them farther away from their radiance, confidence and overall vitality. It may contribute to unhealthy relationships with their family because of avoidance and the uncomfortable energy felt within and between them. A coldness and disengaged behavioral pattern my take the lead. They may have a feeling of not being seen, understood, and genuinely loved for who they are. They may cower inward and become unavailable for themselves and others. Disconnection and or distraction may be a strong coping mechanisms as they avoid facing the subconscious material that resides deep within.