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21/06/2024 2:03 pm
Saturn in cancer in the 6 the house
Where is the soul is learning alignment? In what ways might we expect to see failure and the long journey of learning right action?
Caring for the emotional body in everyday life, seeing feelings as a practical useful guidance system, a toolbox to be used for health and well-being.
Neglect of the emotional body as it relates to a 6th house need to do it right or be perfect before it can get started. This can cause a backlog of needs that don't get dealt with, thereby creating health crises. They may silently wish for others to come along and meet their needs for them. They might try and gain mastery here by initiating cycles of going within and trying to sort through emotions and cycles of repression of feelings. The emotional body may feel like an impediment to their lives. They may feel burdened / enslaved by their feelings. They may try and talk a good game about how they feel without the actual release or connection with feelings.
They might be drawn into helping others out of crises and being the responsible person but then neglect themselves. Overwork might be a learning curve.
2. What might shame look/feel like for this soul? What might the soul repress?
We live in a culture that is feeling phobic. Crying in front of people is one of the most natural things a human can do to release emotions in the body and this basic expression can be difficult for many of us. We also have issues with self-care and how that looks. Shame might be around having any feelings at all and repression of these in small daily ways can then build up into larger issues that become problems at work or in the body. They might judge others for being too emotional.
3. What are some examples of boundaries and limitations that the soul must learn to respect and work with? How might discipline help with that?
Understanding over time that the human experience includes having a feeling body, that caring for the physical body includes the emotional body and includes the ability to give care to oneself. This can be a powerful statement of adulthood. To take charge of one's feelings and be curious about them vs. feeling pushed around by how others "make them feel " especially as it relates to daily life and all the hidden assumptions, we have about how things should be.
The discipline here might include aligning with practices that highlight the non personal nature of feelings. Reparenting and gender role concerns all might be on the table with this signature as places to apply discipline of interest and care.
4. How might a soul exemplify mastery of time and space?
Over a lifetime this person may learn that feelings are full of valuable that are essential to health. They would be an example of how feelings are tools that can be beneficial and understood as information and guidance for the everyday concerns of life and not an interruption of life. They would be able to provide the most tender and precise care to themselves and those around them.
27/06/2024 4:19 am
Saturn in cancer in the 6 the houseWhere is the soul is learning alignment? In what ways might we expect to see failure and the long journey of learning right action?Caring for the emotional body in everyday life, seeing feelings as a practical useful guidance system, a toolbox to be used for health and well-being.Neglect of the emotional body as it relates to a 6th house need to do it right or be perfect before it can get started. This can cause a backlog of needs that don't get dealt with, thereby creating health crises. They may silently wish for others to come along and meet their needs for them. They might try and gain mastery here by initiating cycles of going within and trying to sort through emotions and cycles of repression of feelings. The emotional body may feel like an impediment to their lives. They may feel burdened / enslaved by their feelings. They may try and talk a good game about how they feel without the actual release or connection with feelings.They might be drawn into helping others out of crises and being the responsible person but then neglect themselves. Overwork might be a learning curve.
This is all excellent.
2. What might shame look/feel like for this soul? What might the soul repress?We live in a culture that is feeling phobic. Crying in front of people is one of the most natural things a human can do to release emotions in the body and this basic expression can be difficult for many of us. We also have issues with self-care and how that looks. Shame might be around having any feelings at all and repression of these in small daily ways can then build up into larger issues that become problems at work or in the body. They might judge others for being too emotional.
Yes, all possible examples. More broadly there would be a need to keep it all suppressed and under control because of a shame in the messiness or chaotic nature of the emotional body/ the feminine. I need to constantly manage something that is wrong about me.
3. What are some examples of boundaries and limitations that the soul must learn to respect and work with? How might discipline help with that?Understanding over time that the human experience includes having a feeling body, that caring for the physical body includes the emotional body and includes the ability to give care to oneself. This can be a powerful statement of adulthood. To take charge of one's feelings and be curious about them vs. feeling pushed around by how others "make them feel " especially as it relates to daily life and all the hidden assumptions, we have about how things should be.The discipline here might include aligning with practices that highlight the non personal nature of feelings. Reparenting and gender role concerns all might be on the table with this signature as places to apply discipline of interest and care.
Yes, and to give a bit more attention to the 6th house part of it: it's a practice that needs to be developed and improved upon every day, in all kinds of ways. Where there is a lack of appropriate boundaries is where emotional neglect and crisis would result. This can make its way to the body, to one's family, to one's home, and of course where one is working.
4. How might a soul exemplify mastery of time and space?Over a lifetime this person may learn that feelings are full of valuable that are essential to health. They would be an example of how feelings are tools that can be beneficial and understood as information and guidance for the everyday concerns of life and not an interruption of life. They would be able to provide the most tender and precise care to themselves and those around them.
You got the essence of it. Great job Lisa! Some of the feedback and refinements I want to offer you I just wrote out in my response to Ten, so please read through that post as well.