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Saturn in 6th house in Cancer homework / Marija

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Saturn 6th house in Cancer

Saturn indicates where the sould might have work to do in the areas of structural reality of their life, taking responsibility for direction and purpose in ones life and having the discipline to do the work, also a planet that can indicate where gaining maturity might be the work at hand.

6th house is the house of daily work and disciplines, as well as the house of body health and practices that maintain it. It is the house of Virgo.

Cancer is the sign that governs emotional expression, nourishment and care for self and others.


Where is the soul learning alignment?

This soul is probably learning alignment in basic daily practices of self care, nourishment for the body, taking responsibility to get beyond the emotional struggles and show up for the daily work of a job and other duties, as well as taking care of ones body and wellbeing.  

 In what ways might we expect to see failure and the long journey of learning right action?

This soul might have a tendency to neglect their job or their duties because they were riding an emotional wave, feeling depressed that their life is a mess or hoping someone will step in and fix it for them once it is clear that they are too much of a mess to handle it on their own.

They might prioritize personal drama over responsibilities, so they could fail at jobs, or have major health issues, perhaps obesity issues from feeding their emotions, or body pains from lack of exercise regiment because they feel to depressed about their body to get out and get in shape. They will wallow in emotion rather then take action to fix it, deeply driven by a need for their life messes to be fixed by some parent figure.


What might shame look/feel like for this soul?

Shame that they are such a mess and cant even handle to get to work on time, or to get their bills paid and feed themselves.

 What might the soul repress?

Sadness over not having had the proper mothering/parenting to learn structure, boundaries and responsibilities, and shame they do not seem as capable as everyone else. Also they might repress the drive towards maturing and growing up and instead succumb to rely on people who will take care of them.

What are examples of boundaries and limitations that the soul must learn to respect and work with?

Simple disciplines of time space reality, showing up to work no matter what is happening emotionally and doing what it takes to fulfill their duties.

Disciplining oneself to nourish and take care of their own body and health, working out regularly, going to the doctor for the checkups, making and eating proper foods to stay healthy.

How might discipline help with that?

The hardest thing for a Cancer is to prioritize practical things over their emotions, so creating a discipline to get things done no matter where on the emotional wave one is, is the challenge of this archetype that will lead Cancer to maturing past the eternal child and into a person who can provide care and nourishment for others. Being a parent is a natural path for cancers because it forces one to do that naturally, tho not always and not ideally.

 Describe how this soul might exemplify mastery of time and space?

Having the discipline to get things done, to plan daily tasks and organize a structure that works will make this soul a cornerstone of family, community or team, someone who knows what is needed on the deep emotional level and how to support others in staying healthy, on task and in high vibration. For example, this is a mother who has organized her life, tasks and self care, so her children have a reliable predictable schedule of food, sleep, play and share. This way they can grow up with healthy boundaries and a sense of responsibility for their own wellbeing, and she is able to feel a sense of agency and therefore wellbeing herself.

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Saturn 6th house in Cancer

Saturn indicates where the soul might have work to do in the areas of structural reality of their life, taking responsibility for direction and purpose in ones life and having the discipline to do the work, also a planet that can indicate where gaining maturity might be the work at hand.

6th house is the house of daily work and disciplines, as well as the house of body health and practices that maintain it. It is the house of Virgo.

Cancer is the sign that governs emotional expression, nourishment and care for self and others.

Yes ... 

Where is the soul learning alignment?

This soul is probably learning alignment in basic daily practices of self care, nourishment for the body, taking responsibility to get beyond the emotional struggles and show up for the daily work of a job and other duties, as well as taking care of ones body and wellbeing.



 In what ways might we expect to see failure and the long journey of learning right action?

This soul might have a tendency to neglect their job or their duties because they were riding an emotional wave, feeling depressed that their life is a mess or hoping someone will step in and fix it for them once it is clear that they are too much of a mess to handle it on their own.

They might prioritize personal drama over responsibilities, so they could fail at jobs, or have major health issues, perhaps obesity issues from feeding their emotions, or body pains from lack of exercise regiment because they feel to depressed about their body to get out and get in shape. They will wallow in emotion rather then take action to fix it, deeply driven by a need for their life messes to be fixed by some parent figure.

Excellent. Other examples are failing at caring for the home, nurturing children properly etc. Patterns of emotional neglect leading to crisis.

What might shame look/feel like for this soul?

Shame that they are such a mess and cant even handle to get to work on time, or to get their bills paid and feed themselves.

Yes, an internal sense of inadequacy relative to their capacity to care and care for their lives and those around them/ their responsibilities.

 What might the soul repress?

Sadness over not having had the proper mothering/parenting to learn structure, boundaries and responsibilities, and shame they do not seem as capable as everyone else. Also they might repress the drive towards maturing and growing up and instead succumb to rely on people who will take care of them.

Yes, and repressing their own needs for perfection and control. There can be a deep sense of emotional overwhelm/ feeling out of control relative to the ongoing needs for maintenance. They might be stressed out and in a state of constant dysfunction, perhaps always keeping everything tidy and clear. So for example, opposite of neglect: on top of everything, making sure nothing ever goes wrong. Giving a child medicine the second there seems to be an issue etc. Hyper control but repressed emotionally. This issue here being one of guilt and inadequacy masking through the need for control.

What are examples of boundaries and limitations that the soul must learn to respect and work with?

Simple disciplines of time space reality, showing up to work no matter what is happening emotionally and doing what it takes to fulfill their duties.

Disciplining oneself to nourish and take care of their own body and health, working out regularly, going to the doctor for the checkups, making and eating proper foods to stay healthy.

Yes .. 

How might discipline help with that?

The hardest thing for a Cancer is to prioritize practical things over their emotions, so creating a discipline to get things done no matter where on the emotional wave one is, is the challenge of this archetype that will lead Cancer to maturing past the eternal child and into a person who can provide care and nourishment for others. Being a parent is a natural path for cancers because it forces one to do that naturally, tho not always and not ideally.

Yes. And things like having the job as a care provider (doula, nurse etc) and the responsibilities that come with that might teach the soul the necessity for discipline and consistent, healthy boundaries.

Describe how this soul might exemplify mastery of time and space?

Having the discipline to get things done, to plan daily tasks and organize a structure that works will make this soul a cornerstone of family, community or team, someone who knows what is needed on the deep emotional level and how to support others in staying healthy, on task and in high vibration. For example, this is a mother who has organized her life, tasks and self care, so her children have a reliable predictable schedule of food, sleep, play and share. This way they can grow up with healthy boundaries and a sense of responsibility for their own wellbeing, and she is able to feel a sense of agency and therefore wellbeing herself.

Excellent. Essentially continually improving and grounding a structural reality that supports for healthy maintenance of all that needs care and nurturance. The mastery is also in the attitude of non-judgment and relaxation when things "go wrong"; the agency to deal with problems as they arise and grow stronger as a result of them - as opposed to jumping to "fix" it all and make it go away, or just neglecting them.

Great work Marija, I think you got this really well. And of course please be invited to read my responses to others on this signature to further support your learning. Thank you for your work.

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Posted by: @ari

They might be stressed out and in a state of constant dysfunction, perhaps always keeping everything tidy and clear. So for example, opposite of neglect: on top of everything, making sure nothing ever goes wrong. Giving a child medicine the second there seems to be an issue etc. Hyper control but repressed emotionally. This issue here being one of guilt and inadequacy masking through the need for control.

OOOOH, i always forget about the opposite manifestation, right. I have quadruple Cancer in 9th, Chiron and Mars in 6th, this is me, completely disregulated half of the time by the amount of work it takes to keep up with the daily chores to maintain that sense of control and perfection of the damn Virgo house... yup. check. 

Very useful practice, thank you!
