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Question regarding Uranus vs. Ascendant/1st house

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In the 2nd video, you mention the "3 levels of Uranian information".

On page 308-309 of the transcript "It's the blueprint for who we become in our most individuated form and expression"

and also quote from JWG "Uranus also correlates to all the information that pertains to your larger future. In other words,
it contains in a blueprint-like way abstract information that relates to your larger future or the
life print involving your future."

I have often have heard the idea that the Asc. and first house holds the "original" factor, the differentiating factor, the unique destiny of the individual, blueprint.

How do these ideas of Uranus differ, relate and or compare to the Ascendant and first house? 

Does Uranus correlate more to the shared function we all hold as a humanity of activating the process of liberation and point back to the Asc./1st house? 




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I have often have heard the idea that the Asc. and first house holds the "original" factor, the differentiating factor, the unique destiny of the individual, blueprint.

It does not. At least that is not how I am teaching it here. I understand other astrologers do teach this.

The AC is no more important than the DC, or the MC IC for that matter. These are the 4 angles of the chart that initiate, hold the container of our human experience here. So the AC has a lot to do with how we are always in a process of becoming; how we instinctively move through life from which we will continue to learn and discover more of who we are/ what we are doing.

In that sense, it is developmental because it reflects a process of becoming progressively more self aware; the more we experience action and reaction and all the learning that happens through life experience. So the AC does develop and reflect a more self-aware self-leadership orientation to one's life. This is just maturation. Similar developmental processes can be spoken about with all of the 4 angles.

Does Uranus correlate more to the shared function we all hold as a humanity of activating the process of liberation and point back to the Asc./1st house? 

No, Uranus is exactly as you quoted above.
