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Question about the Soul from Intro section 3 and one from the FAQ section

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In the Intro segment part three you talk about the soul as undivided/source energy/Love in the absolute AND also that the soul's nature is desirousness itself. Is there a difference between our soul and the source of all creation?
You say how the desirous nature of the soul wants to know its own wholeness, that it belongs and is unified.
So, the soul will turn back towards source OR towards the world of experience (Earth) to learn its way back to itself
I am trying to understand how the soul as source that is perfect whole and complete gets outside of that somehow and comes to Earth in the first place. I understand once a soul is here curiosity/desire may lead into wanting many experiences and have lifetimes exhausting its desires until there is nothing left but source.
In the FAQ section I am trying to understand the concept of being born into a paradigm that doesn't match our soul's evolutionary stage.
Aren't we all born into the same paradigm (Earth) at whichever stage we are at? Like, Jesus was born here where everyone was in all their different stages.

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Hi Lisa,

Posted by: @lisamaryskeltongmail-com

In the Intro segment part three you talk about the soul as undivided/source energy/Love in the absolute AND also that the soul's nature is desirousness itself. Is there a difference between our soul and the source of all creation?

Yes. The soul implies evolution: the journey of the soul realizing its Self. The soul ALREADY is whole and one with the Source (which is beyond comprehension) but is also bound by the desire for something else. And so the nature of the soul points to the nature of evolution: the journey of the soul awakening to it's (already) true nature by way of working through all of its desires. This is why I emphasize that evolution is truly more of an elimination process: a gradual letting go of everything that isn't eternal to arrive at what already and always is.

We also don't just jump to the absolute, and thus the significance of understanding the principle of evolutionary stages.

We will continue to have the chance to understand the difference between "soul" and "source" as we learn more about Scorpio and Pisces and even more so Pluto and Neptune. And I'm happy to speak more to this during our first class.

Posted by: @lisamaryskeltongmail-com

You say how the desirous nature of the soul wants to know its own wholeness, that it belongs and is unified.
So, the soul will turn back towards source OR towards the world of experience (Earth) to learn its way back to itself
I am trying to understand how the soul as source that is perfect whole and complete gets outside of that somehow and comes to Earth in the first place. I understand once a soul is here curiosity/desire may lead into wanting many experiences and have lifetimes exhausting its desires until there is nothing left but source.

I don't understand "how" all this began either, other than it seems to be happening. The greater existential question "why did separation ever seem to happen in the first place?" is not something I feel capable of understanding. When I ponder this I'm personally brought back to the path now, my own personal point of choice, taking responsibility for my own soul.

Posted by: @lisamaryskeltongmail-com

In the FAQ section I am trying to understand the concept of being born into a paradigm that doesn't match our soul's evolutionary stage.
Aren't we all born into the same paradigm (Earth) at whichever stage we are at? Like, Jesus was born here where everyone was in all their different stages.

Paradigm implies the social/familial context a soul is born into/ raised in. The total conditions of a human life is understood as 100% relevant to the soul's ongoing evolutionary needs. There are often reasons why a soul may choose to be born into or raised by a consensus stage family, while themself being at a spiritual stage of evolution etc.

For example, I had my own evolutionary reasons for being born into an orthodox Jewish environment. My schooling was consensus for the first 18 years of my life but I am in the spiritual stage of evolution. As I grow I continue to find more insight into why this was relevant for me, and of course my own chart helps me with unraveling the underlying evolutionary intention.

The emotional and social conditioning we experience growing up has a purpose, and will be relevant to whatever the soul's evolutionary program is. It can only be understood on a case by case basis.

Let me know if you have any further questions on this.

