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Practice on the Sun in the 4th house

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Bob Bills
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Loved this, Lisa.  I hesitated to read it until I posted mine.  I like how you went to the betrayal, revenge, addiction and possibly needing power.  I feel that is something I missed. 

Thank you for sharing.

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@wallsofreprievegmail-com Thanks Bob, I also like to try out the practice before I read others work or do the supplemental studies just to see if I can tap in.

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1.What is the life purpose of the soul?

To become adept in the realm of emotions. To have in depth psychological experiences that are transformational on a core level.
The soul will go through the process of desire for xyz, become one with it or use concentration to know it as deeply as possible and then release whatever this was- to go through the elimination process of many desires, this represent the souls process that we all go through life after life on a micro level.
In the 4th house the soul will be exploring issues around early childhood imprinting and how it affects the current state of being. The family of origin may have included themes of betrayal and misunderstanding and possibly a lack of care. There may be a deep desire for family in some form. 
Great point. This is something worth noticing. Also if the opposite is true: solid emotional empowerment and being cared for in a deep and essential way.
2. Describe the unique ways this soul can give personal meaning and purpose to their entire life? In what ways will the soul be drawn to become creative, self absorbed and engaged with life?
Care of the soul, deep intimacy with self and others can be underlying motivations for this soul's creative expression. There needs to be safety for this soul to manifest its interests- studying in the realms of the mystical, healing, root practices of the soul, resources, mythology may come naturally in some way.
Yes, though not sure if mythology relates here.
3. What does self confidence look like? What would healthy radiant being express as here?
Someone who authentically expresses their emotions and takes full responsibility for them and their lifepath. The self confidence may be expressed outwardly as a sense of ease and purpose that comes from the work of having run the gamut of emotional extremes. This person can know themselves deeply and be focused intently on whatever the object of their desire is. There is a sense of concentrated depth that comes from within that can radiate outwards as natural healing energy. This person could have a healing effect on others just by their presence. Sharing themselves with purpose and care feels like an essential signature.
Yes. And the ability to care for others, to be deeply emotionally present. Perhaps actualizing as a parent or doing work in the world that brings them into exposure to holding deep emotional space and presence for people in a psychologically oriented way.
4. What might be some issues the soul may face in self confidence, claiming their creative agency and right to be here? What does it look like to lack confidence and thus not grow in one's creative agency?
Scorpio energy, depending on the level of agency, can get caught in cycles of betrayal, revenge, addiction, needing power and connection, and can make choices that appear to not be good ones.  Getting lost in emotional despair / hatred / feeling victimized  or just feeling stuck and in a holding pattern may be what appears. 
Lacking confidence this soul might get caught up in other people's business trying to save them or caretake them or they may also become reclusive, pulling inwards, being deeply sensitive they may not have the interest in dealing with the outside world. Building a pathway to trusting themselves and the world feels important.
Not so much save them - but stuck in emotional dependencies that might be unhealthy/ entrapments by their nature. Overly dependent on these connections bc of lack of confidence to be oneself in this world, to be safe from within themselves. Taurus 10th house polarity is a useful reflection in this regard.
Great work Lisa, thank you for your efforts.
