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17/05/2024 11:31 am
Neptune in Libra in the 5th house
Seeking the truth and spirituality through relationships that are fun, romantic or creative.
Illusions could come from trying to make romantic relationships into God or into everything, they may long for in the perfect partner who makes them feel special and encouraged to take on the world. They might want a romantic partner to see them this way as well. Feeling unseen or as not special might be very discouraging and they may be addicted to romance as a way to avoid feeling the loss of not finding a perfect partner.
Issues with gambling might be a form of avoidance
The inability to see their children for who they are vs. an extension of their own unmet creative endeavors. Sadly, Jon Benet Ramsey comes to mind.
The loss of a child/or something they were creating.
They might idealize partners not willing to see the facts about then, then resent them for not recognizing how they felt that they did everything for them to make the relationship so beautiful. Or they may long for someone to come along and just adore them for who they are without having to do anything to actualize themselves.
Forgiveness might come from allowing for the joy of creation to flow through relationships without grasping and understanding that each person is unique and has specific needs that don't have anything to do with the native. The native might learn that becoming adept at identifying and communicating their needs to others becomes a fun activity that feels much more dignified than expecting a partner to be the be all- end all.
As an instrument of divine will and love a person might learn to create partnerships that are spiritual and connect community through the arts, sports, theater, heart centered activities.
21/05/2024 10:24 am
Illusions could come from trying to make romantic relationships into God or into everything, they may long for in the perfect partner who makes them feel special and encouraged to take on the world. They might want a romantic partner to see them this way as well. Feeling unseen or as not special might be very discouraging and they may be addicted to romance as a way to avoid feeling the loss of not finding a perfect partner.
Excellent. This is one essential and possible expression of this signature.
Issues with gambling might be a form of avoidanceThe inability to see their children for who they are vs. an extension of their own unmet creative endeavors. Sadly, Jon Benet Ramsey comes to mind.The loss of a child/or something they were creating.
I don't know about gambling but inability to see one's children is accurate - also being a child and not being seen by one's parents.
The Jon Benet Ramsey story is a bit too dark for it to involve just the signatures. Issues around abduction/murder etc would likely involve Scorpio/8th house in some way. Though the archetype of being an idealizing beauty queen that everyone likes but no one "knows" can be expressed in these signatures for sure.
They might idealize partners not willing to see the facts about then, then resent them for not recognizing how they felt that they did everything for them to make the relationship so beautiful. Or they may long for someone to come along and just adore them for who they are without having to do anything to actualize themselves.
Well said. Can be the traditional "waiting to be saved by a prince charming" or idealizing every relationship and making them feel like a million bucks - but not really cultivating any true intimacy or knowledge of one another.
Forgiveness might come from allowing for the joy of creation to flow through relationships without grasping and understanding that each person is unique and has specific needs that don't have anything to do with the native. The native might learn that becoming adept at identifying and communicating their needs to others becomes a fun activity that feels much more dignified than expecting a partner to be the be all- end all.
This can be a learning and I'd hone in the idea of forgiveness more directly that this is about the soul realizing that it was only their need to project their own self-made meaning onto others that lead to confusion. Each soul is divine, special and holy according their inherent nature. This allows for dignity and respect in all relationships and a listening to purpose according to divine will, not human projection.
Also means the soul is no longer looking for special recognition, appreciation or stuck on not being seen from the outside, they know their function to to shine a unique purpose that will serve others, and it matters not how they are seen, but rather being what they are.
This can be the ultimate lesson of "I receive the love that I give" and learning that one's ultimate joy is in being the love and joy that they are, unconditionally.
As an instrument of divine will and love a person might learn to create partnerships that are spiritual and connect community through the arts, sports, theater, heart centered activities.
Could be. Though "connecting community" is the 11th house polarity and isn't implicit within the 5th house on its own. The correct understanding of the 11th house Aries polarity is to not be concerned about what others think: to be true to one's own vibration.
Often 5th house Neptune souls will find higher purpose through working with children or doing creative work that can reach the heart of the masses.
Great work Lisa!