Pluto in LEO in the 12th house is a soul that has come into this life to continue exploring their desires to align with all that is and to creatively self actualize into the transcendental. They may have a focus to dissolve that which blocks their individuality from being an extension of that unified source.
The subconscious aspects of the individual will hold signature qualities that will influence as an undercurrent and bring forth the types of experiences that either keep the individual lost and disconnected or deeply in touch with the search to identify with what it takes to unit with the ultimate. The steps required to transcend time/space could potentially be distorted by fear and shame due to experiences that hindered self worth and created a lack of confidence to shine and express the essence of light that they hold.
Depending on the the evolutionary stage this soul is at… It is incredible to think of all the prismatic potentials of manifestation, but here are a few listed short and simple:
- A soul that seeks to actualize the self by living in solitude to escape from all that represents barriers and distractions from ultimate meaning. Any beliefs, ideas or experiences that stand in the way of this union will be the focus for dissolving.
- A soul that struggles to access the creative actualization based on fear or lack of self worth and confidence. They may feel lost in accessing their way of expressing because something is inaccessible to them or hidden within their subconscious.
- A soul that demonstrates a strong self centered drive, attention seeking for validation and feelings of specialness from the external. This is how they believe the path to actualize their creative potential will unfold and ultimate meaning will be reached
- A soul that becomes a symbol of power or icon to the collective such as celebrity, political leader, a highly respected teacher or philosopher and because of their status holds great amounts of influence and power in their role in society.
- A soul that expresses as spiritual guru and shines their vitality and sense of truth in ways that inspires the collective. They may radiate a healing and compassionate spirit toward all aspects and all stages of humanity.
Pluto in LEO in the 12th houseis a soul that has come into this life to continue exploring their desires to align with all that is and to creatively self actualize into the transcendental. They may have a focus to dissolve that which blocks their individuality from being an extension of that unified source.
Well said
The subconscious aspects of the individual will hold signature qualities that will influence as an undercurrent and bring forth the types of experiences that either keep the individual lost and disconnected or deeply in touch with the search to identify with what it takes to unite with the ultimate. The steps required to transcend time/space could potentially be distorted by fear and shame due to experiences that hindered self worth and created a lack of confidence to shine and express the essence of light that they hold.
A soul that seeks to actualize the self by living in solitude to escape from all that represents barriers and distractions from ultimate meaning. Any beliefs, ideas or experiences that stand in the way of this union will be the focus for dissolving.
Yes in general the 12th house can express in that way - and often because of a need to either retreat from the distractions of the world (fame, glory, materialism etc). This is why 12th house is also about "hiding" in the sense, that the soul might want to get away from all these confusing elements. Hiding can happen in plain view too - keeping one's essence hidden so as to stay protected from all the people who "want something" from them.
One thing that is common with Leo in the 12th in general can be a projection of importance and meaning, but a deep emptiness. I.E everyone sees me as an icon and loved me, but no one KNOWS me. Or everything is attracted to my light and wants something from me, and I need to hide to protect myself (lack of discernment in the 12th house)
A soul that struggles to access the creative actualization based on fear or lack of self worth and confidence. They may feel lost in accessing their way of expressing because something is inaccessible to them or hidden within their subconscious.
Absolutely, and this can express as a permeating sense of smallness and personal insignificance.
A soul that demonstrates a strong self centered drive, attention seeking for validation and feelings of specialness from the external. This is how they believe the path to actualize their creative potential will unfold and ultimate meaning will be reached
- A soul that becomes a symbol of power or icon to the collective such as celebrity, political leader, a highly respected teacher or philosopher and because of their status holds great amounts of influence and power in their role in society.
A soul that expresses as spiritual guru and shines their vitality and sense of truth in ways that inspires the collective. They may radiate a healing and compassionate spirit toward all aspects and all stages of humanity.
Yes to all. Another one to add is a soul who aligns with forms of service that allows them to be in service to creation. Anything Leo-like that makes them available to anyone, from all walks of life. 12th house is very often things like hospitals, volunteer organizations, public facilities that are open to all people and are served with no discrimination.
Excellent analysis Ten, you grasp this archetype well. Thank you for your efforts.
Thank you Ari! I find it challenging to get too elaborate with details, thoughts or stories due to this nagging thought of "but where are all their planets!!! Haha... I know this is building blocks to the osmosis. Its so great!
Thank you for your carving all the paths of possibilities.
Ten 🙂