Hi everyone,
In order for me to support students who would like to connect with others for practice groups, I'd like to know what groups currently exist. Please use this thread only for the purposes of indicating who is in your group (if you are in one). Also feel free to indicate if you desire/ are interested in or open to more people joining your group/partnership.
And again, anyone who would like support with being paired in a group, feel free to email me if you have not yet done so. I have noted those who have already reached out.
I'm also curious to hear if there are students who do not want to be in a group but still want to be able to meet with me during my office hour slots. I wonder if there can be a non-group group where those operating solo can all get together so they can also sign up for a slot. Kind of a funny idea, but it's one way to create an equal opportunity for everyone. Feel free to connect with me directly about that if you do not desire to join a group, but this idea appeals to you.
Hey Ari.
We have formed a practice group with Ten, Sukanya and myself.
Let me know if you need any other information.
I am currently in a group with Bill and Sukanya as Bill mentioned above.
I am also in a group with Allison and Ethan.
I am open to being involved with another.
Julianne T. Emma A. and Lisa S. are in a group- we are happy staying in this trio for study purposes
I'm a lone wolf for now and would appreciate the availability of office hours if possible....
Hi Lisa,
Meaning you are not in a group and not wanting to be in one? I would like to create an avenue for those not in groups to show up for office hours. I just need to figure out how that can be booked by more than one person. If anyone has any knowledge of skills of organizing such things please chime in! Otherwise, I'll be sure to do what I can next week to create some open spaces for those who want to jump in for more direct office hour time.
I'm involved in three study groups:
Ten, Allison, Ethan
Ten Bob, Sukanya
Ten Julie, Brenten
Mattias and Marija on Mondays at 10CET, Ten was going to join us perhaps. Open to others as well.
Unfortunately that is 1 am for my time zone so that will not work for me.
thanks anyways