The 5th, the house of expression, creative expression in whatever area of life that the individual wants to personally shine, to make the self known to others. The creativity in this house can actually transcend the personal as we have heard artists talk about being in the flow--the Flow book by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly ( looked that up!) and that we ourselves have most likely felt as well. I wonder actually from my own experience is that that flow may be integral to the inherent pull of the creative urge. Of course, we know that the 5th can rule love affairs, children and investments and gambling. So what do these have in common I wonder. They are all objects of the person's creative urges to impress the self as the self on the world in some way. How that manifests will depend on many variables not stated in this problem. It seems there is a lot of power in this house (Leo's house/sun). How that power wants to be used seems important to it's manifestation as an outlet for frustration or for a conduit to the divine.
Breathing in that power through Libra energy, which is air, the creative experience will eschew any intensity or drama, wanting to attend to and languish in the beauty of whatever the medium--in the more mental and conceptual aspects of. the experience. Perhaps, the art would be mostly seeking compositional unity rather than depth of meaning. With libra here maybe seeking love affairs more than an outlet of frustration may be just a matter of being the "goddess" or "god" for a beloved and not being able to gain any objectivity due to a trine from pluto to the venus. With in the 5th sandwiched between the Virgo 5th and Scorpio 6th, an emotional home life charged with criticism or a demand for continual practicality, this 5th house libra could be so caught up in wanting to seeking emotional expression but wanting to be perfect that the positive/open to beauty of creating is stymied and the libra swings toward its opposition Aries and the person exhibits risky behaviors--gambing, promiscuity, etc.
I suppose one needs to consider procreation here, which could be some kind of urge toward immortality, leaving ones mark on the gene pool, wanting to reproduce oneself in a sense. One the other hand, one could be committed to bringing children into the world for spiritual reasons of perpetuating an advancement of the species and transferring all of the best parts of oneself into this divine being that has chosen to come through the 2 lives creating it.
All of what is produced in the 5th, will find its way into the 6th it seems, and the reality of 6th, as well, is also having some influence on the 5th. If the 5th house experience held difficulty for the person, the adjustments required and sought by the 6th, especially in Scorpio could result in various kinds of suffering, self inflicted or not--could be difficulties with working with others, perhaps blaming tendencies. This sounds horrible. Poor person. So, what could be redeeming here? Possibly Neptune in the 5th.
Neptune in the 5th with Pisces in the 10th could bring a career of one on one counseling and with the 6th in Scorpio, one could get into some kind of in depth psychological situation that could bring processes of adjustment, like Jungian analysis to bear on the difficulties experienced in the 4th house. Neptune here could get absorbed as samadhi experiences with the generation of the creative energy or it could become an escape for this person to seek refuge from suffering resulting in disillusionment. Neptune here could be offering unconditional love for a love partner or for a one's children. The Libra energy in addition to partnering issues as a setting for the Neptune could result in art products that actually inspired others to seek enlightment. This reminds me of Yayoi Kusama actually and her amazing art that has suffering from the parental influence as a backdrop and is so inspiring to others bringing other worldly experiences to this world for others that seem divinely informed. That's enough for this one.
The 5th, the house of expression, creative expression in whatever area of life that the individual wants to personally shine, to make the self known to others. The creativity in this house can actually transcend the personal as we have heard artists talk about being in the flow--the Flow book by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly ( looked that up!) and that we ourselves have most likely felt as well. I wonder actually from my own experience is that that flow may be integral to the inherent pull of the creative urge. Of course, we know that the 5th can rule love affairs, children and investments and gambling. So what do these have in common I wonder. They are all objects of the person's creative urges to impress the self as the self on the world in some way. How that manifests will depend on many variables not stated in this problem. It seems there is a lot of power in this house (Leo's house/sun). How that power wants to be used seems important to it's manifestation as an outlet for frustration or for a conduit to the divine.
Breathing in that power through Libra energy, which is air, the creative experience will eschew any intensity or drama, wanting to attend to and languish in the beauty of whatever the medium--in the more mental and conceptual aspects of. the experience. Perhaps, the art would be mostly seeking compositional unity rather than depth of meaning. With libra here maybe seeking love affairs more than an outlet of frustration may be just a matter of being the "goddess" or "god" for a beloved and not being able to gain any objectivity due to a trine from pluto to the venus.
I'm not sure what you mean by "trine from Pluto to Venus"
With in the 5th sandwiched between the Virgo 5th and Scorpio 6th, an emotional home life charged with criticism or a demand for continual practicality, this 5th house libra could be so caught up in wanting to seeking emotional expression but wanting to be perfect that the positive/open to beauty of creating is stymied and the libra swings toward its opposition Aries and the person exhibits risky behaviors--gambing, promiscuity, etc.
Too much speculation to know just with those signatures. And to be clear, I'm looking for Libra 5th in general - not necessarily dependent upon which house rules the 5th house.
I suppose one needs to consider procreation here, which could be some kind of urge toward immortality, leaving ones mark on the gene pool, wanting to reproduce oneself in a sense. One the other hand, one could be committed to bringing children into the world for spiritual reasons of perpetuating an advancement of the species and transferring all of the best parts of oneself into this divine being that has chosen to come through the 2 lives creating it.
Excellent reflection in bringing up the immortality through children piece. This isn't about procreation of the species per se, as that's a purely Taurus/2nd house thing. This is more about personal legacy and self-importance.
All of what is produced in the 5th, will find its way into the 6th it seems, and the reality of 6th, as well, is also having some influence on the 5th. If the 5th house experience held difficulty for the person, the adjustments required and sought by the 6th, especially in Scorpio could result in various kinds of suffering, self inflicted or not--could be difficulties with working with others, perhaps blaming tendencies. This sounds horrible. Poor person. So, what could be redeeming here? Possibly Neptune in the 5th.
Again, this can be any chart. So we can even have a chart with Neptune in Libra in the 5th and also Libra on the 6th house cusp, as would often be the case. But going along with this example - the 6th house Scorpio can correspond to in general to a lesson of the soul learning that it is neither important or significant: to do what is needed and not make a big deal of it. So, relative to Libra 5th, this can be humbling where the soul might be overly self-aggrandized or naively romantic etc. 6th house Scorpio gets real deep doing the soul work.
Neptune in the 5th with Pisces in the 10th could bring a career of one on one counseling and with the 6th in Scorpio, one could get into some kind of in depth psychological situation that could bring processes of adjustment, like Jungian analysis to bear on the difficulties experienced in the 4th house. Neptune here could get absorbed as samadhi experiences with the generation of the creative energy or it could become an escape for this person to seek refuge from suffering resulting in disillusionment. Neptune here could be offering unconditional love for a love partner or for a one's children. The Libra energy in addition to partnering issues as a setting for the Neptune could result in art products that actually inspired others to seek enlightment. This reminds me of Yayoi Kusama actually and her amazing art that has suffering from the parental influence as a backdrop and is so inspiring to others bringing other worldly experiences to this world for others that seem divinely informed. That's enough for this one.
Great, you got the general gist of Neptune Libra in the 5th in what you write above. All possible correlations. And the correlations with Pisces 10th are also possible, though Libra 5th Neptune would have nothing to do with Jungian analysis on its own. Actualizing within spiritual work a counseling nature, especially if with children, for sure.