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Moon in the 6th house in Pisces - Ten

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Moon in the 6th house in Pisces


1.What is the way that this soul will emotionally process and integrate experience?

This may be a soul which feels emotional stability by integrating a vast multitude of forms of service to others. This daily integration of some form of skill will contribute to a healthy happy inner landscape. Developing artistic or  therapeutic skills and techniques with a fluidity and versatility may speak loudly to this soul. Developing daily habits through, routines, rituals of which all contribute to the greater good may help with emotional processes and keep the mind and heart feeling safely aligned.


2.How does this soul embrace change on a moment-to-moment basis in such a way that allows them to maintain a sense of security within?

By having a grasp of the larger picture and finding the common threads weaving through the different aspect of life, this soul may easily recognize and allow the ebbs and flows of daily life, With the wisdom of riding the waves that circumstances present and avoiding rigid expectations they may embrace change gracefully. Through this lens and attitude to life they may carry a comfort that they extend to others which ultimately they experience within because they naturally see how all things are connected. They may operate with great acceptance and deepen their sense of security through this.


3.What behavior patterns might reflect insecurity/ need to hold on to what is familiar and thus not cultivate internal security?

Insecurity may set in from lack of organization, lack of focus, confusion and overwhelm, not setting boundaries, weakness in defining tasks to the daily commitments and daily schedules. All of this may cause the sense of identity to feel low, insecure, humiliated and even lost. With a need to cling to what is familiar only, this may lead to a tendency to avoid new experiences and social activities.


4.What kind of core emotional imprinting might this soul have experienced early in this life?


This may be a soul that experienced extreme forms of structure, rigid rules and feelings of confinement. By choosing a type of work or service that allows for versatility and fluidity within their daily life they may feel a sense of freedom they never had when they were younger.


Or they may be someone who had a lot of freedom, openness, acceptance and inclusivity within family and home. The shadow of this freedom may be emotional imprinting of unpredictability and unreliability from lack or undefinable structure.

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Moon in the 6th house in Pisces


1.What is the way that this soul will emotionally process and integrate experience?

This may be a soul which feels emotional stability by integrating a vast multitude of forms of service to others. This daily integration of some form of skill will contribute to a healthy happy inner landscape. Developing artistic or  therapeutic skills and techniques with a fluidity and versatility may speak loudly to this soul. Developing daily habits through, routines, rituals of which all contribute to the greater good may help with emotional processes and keep the mind and heart feeling safely aligned.

This is all about a need to spiritualize one's day to day routines, practices, work in life. Having meaningful work/service that they can cultivate and develop as well as a spiritual orientation to healing/ self-development that they can nurture in their own life. Natural interest in healing practices, spiritual service etc.

2.How does this soul embrace change on a moment-to-moment basis in such a way that allows them to maintain a sense of security within?

By having a grasp of the larger picture and finding the common threads weaving through the different aspect of life, this soul may easily recognize and allow the ebbs and flows of daily life, With the wisdom of riding the waves that circumstances present and avoiding rigid expectations they may embrace change gracefully. Through this lens and attitude to life they may carry a comfort that they extend to others which ultimately they experience within because they naturally see how all things are connected. They may operate with great acceptance and deepen their sense of security through this.

I'll add more dimension to this. This is about learning to surrender to their reality as it is, and to continually re-orient to do the work and improve conditions in the way that they can. There is a need to feel a sense of meaning and purpose in their day to day life, the work they are doing every day, and the ability to improve conditions/ give a spiritual sense of meaning to the life they are living.

Without that, there is a sense of losing control, living in crisis, or martyrdom of giving too much and lacking proper discernment. The need here is to stay healthy by way of knowing how to care for oneself and one's life in the ways that are necessary without neglect or issues of self-sacrifice coming in.

3.What behavior patterns might reflect insecurity/ need to hold on to what is familiar and thus not cultivate internal security?

Insecurity may set in from lack of organization, lack of focus, confusion and overwhelm, not setting boundaries, weakness in defining tasks to the daily commitments and daily schedules. All of this may cause the sense of identity to feel low, insecure, humiliated and even lost.

Excellent Ten. This can be an extreme of emotional and health neglect. Totally ignoring the physical body - or in an opposite way being fixed on ideals of urity and perfectionism that aren't possible. Issues regarding one's emotional/physical health and vulnerability to the environment such as fear of getting sick, picking up pathogens and always needing to stay clean/ protected from the possibility of crisis/sickness.

This can reflect the insecurity of feeling deeply vulnerable and unprotected in life and thus the need to 

With a need to cling to what is familiar only, this may lead to a tendency to avoid new experiences and social activities.

There can be a fear of such things from the POV of losing control, lacking in healthy boundaries, getting sick oneself. Staying inside about avoiding anything that might lead to crisis kind of thing.


4.What kind of core emotional imprinting might this soul have experienced early in this life?

This may be a soul that experienced extreme forms of structure, rigid rules and feelings of confinement. By choosing a type of work or service that allows for versatility and fluidity within their daily life they may feel a sense of freedom they never had when they were younger.

Or they may be someone who had a lot of freedom, openness, acceptance and inclusivity within family and home. The shadow of this freedom may be emotional imprinting of unpredictability and unreliability from lack or undefinable structure.

Yes there can really be these two extremes: one of total crisis and chaos growing up. Imagine there was no discernment from the nurturing figures around what to eat, healthy routines etc. There can just be a free for all. Of being sick but not getting appropriate care. This leading to a deep sense of being small and vulnerable in the midst of the need for care and nourishmen.

The other extreme as you pointed out can be a sort of puritanical reality. Everything being properly sanitized and perfect all the time but on an emotional level this can lead to a sense of hiding, that imperfect wasn't ok - it all had to be "sprayed a good smelling odor" so that nothing was ever wrong, always fixed and just right. I have the imagery of dressing up nicely to go to church Sunday mornings - everything is always ok and clean and tidy, even if on the inside there was actually a lot of undealt with distress and dysfunction.

To your post, I wouldn't call the rules rigid, it's not about that as much as its about a sense of perfectionism and unrealistic meaning given to organization/purity etc. From a Moon POV this can be damaging to the chaos that a soul needs to experience on an emotional level in order to be properly cared for and expressed in their natural emotions.

Great job Ten, I feel you grasp the essence of this signature. Follow along any other responses to other students I put out there.
