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Mercury in PISCES in the 11th

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Mercury in PISCES in the 11th


This may be a soul with a highly intuitive nature. Their way of perceiving information may offer gifts to the groups and associations they are apart of .  They may contribute creativity and spiritual understandings with full inclusivity of the larger scope of this world and reality.  They may understand and think things that are beyond what the dominant left brain logical world considers normal and consensus.  Often interpreting information and connecting dots that contradict logic or go beyond it brings a unique and creative capacity to this individual. If this individual can orientate confidently within the social environment, they could bring greatness, advancements, benefits, and evolution to who and what they are apart of.


1.) If Mercury corresponds to memory recall, what are the gifts and limitations of the soul's memory recall in these signatures? 


The gifts this soul might possess could be very creative and imaginative thought processes. They may be artistic and utilize expansive, eclectic and unhindered styles of connecting thoughts. With that in mind, this could cause limitations in the ability to convey their ideas with others.  If they are not organized in the how they convey ideas and not receptive to listening to how others perceive what they share, this could really become a limitation and shadowed quality that causes them to loose confidence and become introverted because they believe others just don’t understand them.


2.) What is this soul's general way of communicating about what they know?


Because the element is water, this souls may feel confidence through the use imagery and visualizations, through empathic and clairvoyant capacities.  Emotional intelligence and sensitivities to other energetic realms and dimensions may also be possible.


3.) What kind of information/learning/data collection might this soul be drawn to study or investigate? 


They may be drawn to larger concepts, spiritual concepts, world wide and or humanitarian concepts. They may be attracted to seeing life interconnectedness through very spiritual and/or artistic filters.


4.) What is a way the soul might become trapped in identification in the limitations of linear thinking? What might be the way out of it for this soul?


This soul may become trapped within their own internalized view of the world because they struggle to convey the connections that they naturally are wired to see.   Becoming introverted and lacking confidence to communicate may grow and really restrict their interactions with others.  If they struggle to find ways to apply their abstract right brain concepts into the linear paradigm, they may just be very frustrated, feel unrecognized and unvalued. They may become quiet and reserved, isolated individuals that would rather just remove themselves from others because they just don’t feel they fit in. They don’t see life the way the left brain dominant world interprets most things.


A way out of this trap could be turning their attention inward, recognizing their gifts, establishing the confidence to see that there is power in both left and right brain perceptions. They could benefit by tuning into the compassion for the human condition and state. Bringing their ideas forward with a desire to connect and utilize their capacities through more wholistic concepts. Seeing that there is a purpose they may be able to bring forward to influence others to feel the power in the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

This topic was modified 9 months ago 2 times by Ten

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Posted by: @surrealtengmail-com

Mercury in PISCES in the 11th


This may be a soul with a highly intuitive nature. Their way of perceiving information may offer gifts to the groups and associations they are apart of .  They may contribute creativity and spiritual understandings with full inclusivity of the larger scope of this world and reality.  They may understand and think things that are beyond what the dominant left brain logical world considers normal and consensus.  Often interpreting information and connecting dots that contradict logic or go beyond it brings a unique and creative capacity to this individual. If this individual can orientate confidently within the social environment, they could bring greatness, advancements, benefits, and evolution to who and what they are apart of.

Excellent. Only refinement is they might contradict prevailing logic, but they themselves would remain logical as Mercury is always logical.

Posted by: @surrealtengmail-com

1.) If Mercury corresponds to memory recall, what are the gifts and limitations of the soul's memory recall in these signatures? 


The gifts this soul might possess could be very creative and imaginative thought processes. They may be artistic and utilize expansive, eclectic and unhindered styles of connecting thoughts. With that in mind, this could cause limitations in the ability to convey their ideas with others.  If they are not organized in the how they convey ideas and not receptive to listening to how others perceive what they share, this could really become a limitation and shadowed quality that causes them to loose confidence and become introverted because they believe others just don’t understand them.

There can be a struggle in conveying ideas to others based on a much higher, objective view of the whole and a connection to the interconnectedness. They might see in more archetypal and universal terms, which might be hard for others to follow or understand.

Losing confidence isn't the term I'd use - but a sense of either alienation based on no one understanding them. Or feeling very small and confused in following the way others are thinking - since they orient in such a differnet way. Or being outright delusional and really not being sane in their thinking. More on that later.

2.) What is this soul's general way of communicating about what they know?


Because the element is water, this souls may feel confidence through the use imagery and visualizations, through empathic and clairvoyant capacities. Emotional intelligence and sensitivities to other energetic realms and dimensions may also be possible.

This is true. Also perceiving the web of oneness amongst all things they may have a more transcendent way of communicating that seeks to orient to how we are all the same, or what is unifying amongst us all. Very strong possibility of being sensitive to more subtle forms of intelligence and energetics at play - and relating to it from a Mercury place: linear and empirical based perception

3.) What kind of information/learning/data collection might this soul be drawn to study or investigate? 


They may be drawn to larger concepts, spiritual concepts, world wide and or humanitarian concepts. They may be attracted to seeing life interconnectedness through very spiritual and/or artistic filters.

Yes. Also scientific developments that connect all beings in a transcendent way. This can be a deep interest in the future of AI to save humanity. Or (and this is where delusion can come in) scientific ideas that are out of touch with reality and humanity itself, but are a projection of imaginal thinking, which as per the Mercury function, can be made into a logical reality.

Also since Pisces often relates to that which is universal and can relate to all things - this soul can also be working as a computer tech for some computer company - and they talk to anyone who calls regardless of who they are. And they will access the server and diagnose/identify/fix that which is causing the issue etc.

We can also have someone who is interested in understanding how the intelligence of creation manifests within all things: pisces 11th house, universal oneness expressing as the intelligent design of existence. So things like astrology and the likes serving to bridge the mind into this unity awareness.


4.) What is a way the soul might become trapped in identification in the limitations of linear thinking? What might be the way out of it for this soul?


This soul may become trapped within their own internalized view of the world because they struggle to convey the connections that they naturally are wired to see.Becoming introverted and lacking confidence to communicate may grow and really restrict their interactions with others.If they struggle to find ways to apply their abstract right brain concepts into the linear paradigm, they may just be very frustrated, feel unrecognized and unvalued. They may become quiet and reserved, isolated individuals that would rather just remove themselves from others because they just don’t feel they fit in. They don’t see life the way the left brain dominant world interprets most things.

Yes there can be a strong isolation dynamic since this is about thinking NOT along the common lines of social thought.

It's important to appreciate that in general with Mercury in Pisces we can have two situations. This is Mercury Pisces in general, I'm not speaking just to the 11th house, feels helpful to share this:

1. a soul feels utterly lost because they don't grasp what everyone is talking about. Nothing logically fits. This happens because in this sign the need is to logically grasp the interconnectedness of all things - and thus all things can feel all disconnected and confusing, not related. 

2. a soul that learns to really apply themselves and DEVELOP their mental faculties. If I want to understand physics I'm going to have to start reading it - as opposed to just EXPECTING it all to make sense. The issue of expectation and then feeling lost/confused is what happens when the soul is not acting with agency and active participation. With all things Pisces there is the learning to put forth effort, to develop oneself in life and not expect it all to work out. Otherwise there is an atrophy and non-development that occurs. So in this case, with the efforts to study, lets stay physics, the soul will make the choice to make it work. Read, ask questions, research, open up the mind to the whole field, take the time to contemplate, write things out etc - get very involved. Through this effort they can come into a very deep understanding that is thorough and encompasses many components.

As a result there is the ability to articulate and communicate potentially high level/complex ideas in a very accessible ways because they developed their mind to grasp the larger picture from an empirical step-by-step place.

Relative to this placement in the 11t house we can totally have a social that is socially alienated as you inferred, and doesn't take part in all the activities/ social groups etc that everyone else is a part of. How do you even join? What are the fads, what kind of apps do I need on my phone to find out? How does everyone know how to use instagram etc? They can feel lost and like an outsider swimming in an ocean of confusion, lost to the social world around them.

Then we can also have a soul that decides to actively learn about their world, and in so doing can develop a brilliant understanding of things like social media, being a part of or social networking events that will bring people together, totally embodying and osmosing with the current cultural topics/fads/"in" things to talk about and express in one's community. 

A way out of this trap could be turning their attention inward, recognizing their gifts, establishing the confidence to see that there is power in both left and right brain perceptions. They could benefit by tuning into the compassion for the human condition and state. Bringing their ideas forward with a desire to connect and utilize their capacities through more wholistic concepts. Seeing that there is a purpose they may be able to bring forward to influence others to feel the power in the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

I wonder if we can also say that Pisces corresponds to right brain similarly to Sag. I'm wondering this because from a "conception" point of view, they are both relating to life from a more holistic/unified mindset. Something I'm thinking about.

What you expressed is accurate and I would emphasize the possibility of mapping out the unity amongst all people. This can be, again through things like technology, but also ways of thinking that transcend separation amongst groups of people (different divisions of society) that recognizes our shared oneness. Or platforms/mediums/styles of communicating that bring all people together.

Great work Ten! I think you have a grasp of the essence of this signature - track my upcoming response to other students to strengthen it. Thank you for your efforts.

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Thank you Ari for the feed back. I agree with everything you articulated, added and adjusted to my thoughts. Really helpful in fine tuning this understanding.

Greatly appreciate it!

