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Mercury in Aquarius in the 11th house

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This soul has the capacity to have a brilliant mind with insights that are ahead of their time. S/he could be a natural born loner and remain that way unless/until they find a group of people that resonate with their eclectic inclinations. Even after finding a like minded group, they could outgrow it after a period of time as they continue to learn at a faster pace. 

Homework questions:

1. If Mercury corresponds to memory recall, what are the gifts and limitations of the soul's memory recall in this signature?          Gifts would be the brilliant mind, capable of out-of-the-box problem solving and innovative inventions resulting from their ability to process incredible amounts of information and find connections that wouldn't occur naturally to most people.  Limitations could be the inability to ground these insights into their current culture. They could be more concerned with innovation than the usefulness and practicality of their ideas. 

2.  What is this soul's general way of communicating about what they know?  S/he would probably have an emotionally detached style of communication, lacking in emotional intimacy. They might not understand or be concerned with culturally traditional styles of communicating information. They probably have little interest in small talk and tend to be blunt and straight to the point. Others could consider their style of communication to be quirky and even offensive, which makes it more difficult to put their creative, innovative ideas to use.

3.  What kind of information/learning/data collection might this soul be drawn to study or investigate?  This soul could be drawn to things like technology, computer programming, artificial intelligence, cutting-edge medical innovations, systems engineering, and humanitarian causes.

4.  What is a way the soul might become trapped in identification in the limitations of linear thinking? What might be the way out of it for this soul?  This soul is definitely oriented towards left-brain, logical analysis.  They probably see right-brained, intuitive thinking as nonsensical. By exploring the polarity of Leo in the 5th house, they could learn to explore their inner child and connect to a sense of playfulness and exploration of their more intuitive, creative capacities and this would expand and enhance their perspective and balance out their rational inclinations.




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OOOPPSS!!  Looks like I did the wrong sign. Sorry about that!!  

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Yes wrong sign! But since we are on the correct house I'm going to respond to your work here and add some additional thoughts. I recommend anyone following this to read your work and my responses.


This soul has the capacity to have a brilliant mind with insights that are ahead of their time. S/he could be a natural born loner and remain that way unless/until they find a group of people that resonate with their eclectic inclinations. Even after finding a like minded group, they could outgrow it after a period of time as they continue to learn at a faster pace. 

This is true - however one correction is "leader" doesn't apply entirely here or for anything Aquarius/11th house just on its own. Leader would be more Aries. It can end up that one is standing out, and in that sense their own vibration and steadiness in their vibration will attract others, so I imagine that's what you thought. But that's different than the literal archetype of "leader". Thought innovator, intellectual iconoclast, thinking outside the box etc. would be more accurate terms.

Homework questions:

1. If Mercury corresponds to memory recall, what are the gifts and limitations of the soul's memory recall in this signature?          Gifts would be the brilliant mind, capable of out-of-the-box problem solving and innovative inventions resulting from their ability to process incredible amounts of information and find connections that wouldn't occur naturally to most people.  Limitations could be the inability to ground these insights into their current culture. They could be more concerned with innovation than the usefulness and practicality of their ideas. 

Excellent .Remembering that 11th house/Aquarius corresponds to higher mind the issue with Mercury is actually being able to articulate and decipher the higher mind impulses coming through. An analogy to this is seeing life on an archetypal level, all the symbols appearing (like a dream with a bunch of symbols) and needing to process that through the linear and intuitive minds to be able to make meaning out of it and talk about it. 

Not directly related to what you wrote - but arises in me to share as useful teaching for us all: A great example, strictly speaking, of Mercury in the 11th is looking through a telescope and seeing something new. A star that is moving faster than all the other stars. To notice this, first and foremost, there needs to be a sort of open mindedness to see something new, perception free of pre-conception. And then, in the seeing of this fast moving star, there needs to be a broad mindedness, free of drawing logical immediate "logical" conclusions based upon what is already known, so that more of the whole reality can be perceived. The moment a theory is designed is the moment new data inclusion becomes harder. As a reference, if it interests you, check out "Bernards Star" and what most scientists are saying/postulating about it vs what Walter Cruttendem is saying about it.

It's incredibly hard for the conditioned mind to open up to new data points, to stay free of the temptation to draw a conclusion based on existing and known assumptions, and actually learn something new. 

Something essential we learn with Mercury in general is the difference between an OPINION and a FACT. Opinions are often taken as fact because we decided it is true and then use it as a logical premise to include with other thoughts.

In our world, what is regarded as scientific data, more often than not, reflects a group thinking that enough people have all agreed upon, thus rendering it as "fact" all the while it still just being a theory we all like to regard as fact, but not actually necessarily true.

2.  What is this soul's general way of communicating about what they know?  S/he would probably have an emotionally detached style of communication, lacking in emotional intimacy. They might not understand or be concerned with culturally traditional styles of communicating information. They probably have little interest in small talk and tend to be blunt and straight to the point. Others could consider their style of communication to be quirky and even offensive, which makes it more difficult to put their creative, innovative ideas to use.

Excellent. However one contrary point would be a soul that, in living in a sort of detached objective state of mind, is always posting on reddit and social media - living as an online avatar, relating in totally impersonal ways. Or even in person, they could get distracted (Mercury) in constantly interacting with community in various ways (online or otherwise) and overstress their nervous system via social involvement, but not necessary being true to their own vibration.

A conformity pressure here could be speaking and thinking the thoughts/ following the fads and trends that one's immediate social group/community might follow. Otherwise the fear is being too different. So these dynamics can be at play here too.

This can be an issue with Pisces in the 11th as well: merging with the group and losing one's unique individual nature because of a desire to belong and not separate oneself. Here with Pisces we are looking at the misdirected transcendent impulse to unify equaling a lack of discernment and dissociation from one's unique vibration.

3.  What kind of information/learning/data collection might this soul be drawn to study or investigate?  This soul could be drawn to things like technology, computer programming, artificial intelligence, cutting-edge medical innovations, systems engineering, and humanitarian causes.


4.  What is a way the soul might become trapped in identification in the limitations of linear thinking? What might be the way out of it for this soul?  This soul is definitely oriented towards left-brain, logical analysis.  They probably see right-brained, intuitive thinking as nonsensical. By exploring the polarity of Leo in the 5th house, they could learn to explore their inner child and connect to a sense of playfulness and exploration of their more intuitive, creative capacities and this would expand and enhance their perspective and balance out their rational inclinations.

They in fact can be hyper rational to the point of projecting logical ideas in an elitist kind of way, not being open to other thoughts. The example of someone that is convinced that astrology is a pseudo science comes to mind. The polarity of Leo 5th wouldn't be about connecting with their intuitive nature (unless Jupiter was literally placed there) but it would speak to embracing a more heart-centered playful attitude and thus less dissociating/arrogant in their thinking. Maybe this would allow for hearing new thoughts and listening to people whom they might otherwise disregard as unintelligent.

Great job Lisa. While it was the wrong signature, you have an accurate grasp of the one you were working on.

This post was modified 9 months ago by Ari Moshe

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Thank you for your kind, thoughtful responses even though I did not write about the correct signature. I just wanted to point out that in the first paragraph, I referred to this person as potentially a natural born *loner*, not leader.  🙂

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lol thanks for the correction. To speak to that however, "loner" as well wouldn't innately imply. This person can be VERY social, immersed in the current community group/fad/party - even always on social media, the most "in" trend etc. This can be a dynamic that they might also feel the calling to liberate their mind from.

Or perhaps very social in the sense of being involved in social groups, sharing data, knowledge etc. Not very much a loner.

Loner can apply from the POV of thinking differently from the group, choosing to free one's mind from group consensus thinking and perhaps having no one to speak to, no one to relate to socially. This can for sure be a part of the soul's path. Just loner itself isn't defacto implied.

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Thank you for the clarification!
