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Mathias- 1st Aquarius chart " playing dollhouse" with the concepts to zone in

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To zone in on the meaning here I´m  playing with different imagined characters/situations as possible expressions for the houses. If possible synthezising it in the end.

Aqua 1st house/Leo 7th house

Renegade cavalryman gone cowboy crossing the praire alone
on his horse. Absent-mindedly watching the vast sky and clouds
he accidentally slips out of the saddle falling to the ground,
managing to shoot off his right big toe in the process.

Bitter, frustrated IT-geek in loveless marriage with domineering
partner finds relief walking the neighbour´s big, shaggy dog.
Gets divorce and opens a kennel.
Moves in with the neighbour.

Gang-member breaks off from gang life, beginning medical studies.
Finally becoming an emergency ward medical doctor, much appreciated
by their patients.

Office clerk in large software company unexpectedly quitting to pursue his
dream of being a voice-over actor for children´s cartoons.

Bdsm dominatrix, icily maltreating their circle of returning clients
with heart-felt love and care

Remote viewer for the Air Force, much decorated, holding high military rank, for 
for unquestioning zeal in his work and keeping his eye fixed on the
target and primary objective.

Soldier having become separated from his team.He´s standing on a vast plain of rubble
stretching to the horizon, where once stood a town.
On the ground, on a dirty blanket, a miraculously unharmed baby is whining.
The soldier picks the baby up and holds it in his arms. 

[To be continued]



This topic was modified 11 months ago 3 times by Mathias Sköld

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Pisces/2nd house-Virgo/8th house

39 year old jobless virgin living in the basement of his grandmother´s house. Bankrupt 10 years ago, since then writing on an elaborately constructed long form prose poem movie script detailing his woes and how the illuminati brought him down.
Gets a job cleaning the halls of his old high school nights. Starts saving money, eating better and going to the gym. His grandmother dies. A small inheritance. He buys a car and gets the hell out.

Gourmet chef and restaurant owner specializing in rustic food and wine made from locally grown ingredients. Succesful because of his congenial manner with the customers and the uncompromising quality of his food, every detail perfect. But the skilled people working for him behind the scenes aren´t as happy with his petty, dictatorial, thinly veiled racist style as a boss. They have enough and walk out. He has to downgrade, and try to run the business on his own. It quickly degrades because of his incompetence with the money part. He closes the place and goes back to school studying accountancy. Not a great talent at it. His teacher, mr. Martinez, helps him out, though. Even gets him a job as a busboy at his sister´s small mexican restaurant.


Longtime catholic sister, faithful to God and the church, builds a charity and shelter for women. It´s flourishing, becoming a central spot for safety and spiritual and bodily nourishment in the neighbourhood. A few years in, the office of the local diocese abrubtly announces the operation won´t be enjoying their support any longer, financially or otherwise. Shocked and furious the sister realizes the fact of this coinciding with her bishop going to court soon for suspected sexual abuse and needing money for his defense. Long inner and outer struggle.

She asks Jesus "Should I disrobe?" at that moment the smell of her beloved irreligious aunt´s perfume comes in the room. She who always used to say: "There´s a time and place for everything, you know. Your life belongs to you".
She leaves the church but takes the holy spirit with her. Writes a bestselling book about her life and starts up a new private charity foundation for the money.

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Aries/3rd house- Libra /9th house

Relentless motormouth travelling salesman, hawking bibles and encyclopedias to the innocent.

Hairdresser with their own salon telling risque' jokes and expounding their many views of the world for the edification and entertainment of their customers.

Boxing champ (feather weight)/ martial arts TV-commentator. Working hard, doing interviews at different locations. An active social life and lively interchange with their transgender flight attendant wife (one of the first) makes for helpful recuperation in their free time.

Teenager bullying and manipulating their way to the top as president of the local postage stamp collector club.

Student with a severe stuttering problem, finds knowledge, insight and a new, freeing way of looking at their problem and themself, through helping and exchanging views with others with similar issues.

This post was modified 11 months ago 3 times by Mathias Sköld

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Hi Mathias,

It was a true joy to read your descriptions. 

Bdsm dominatrix, icily maltreating their circle of returning clients
with heart-felt love and care

My only feedback on the Aquarius 1 Leo 7 post is this one. BDSM as an archetype corresponds to Capricorn. Any kind of "role" playing when it comes to domination vs submission or gender/sexual polarities is a Capricorn/Cancer thing. Libra too but only in terms of exploring extremes. Otherwise, I absolutely love the way it reads and even how you spaced the lines.

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Pisces 2 / Virgo

My only feedback is I didn't feel too much of the Virgo 8th qualities in your writing. Check out some of my feedback to other students so you can perhaps brush up on that signature.

Aries 3 Libra 9

Relentless motormouth travelling salesman, hawking bibles and encyclopedias to the innocent.

Will you clarify what is Aries 3 and Libra 9th in this one? Innocent brings in Pisces (i.e. trying to sell something to those who are naive). Libra 9th could be pretending to hear or appeal to other people's needs by way of actually convincing them/converting them to your view. If that's what you meant perhaps?

Teenager bullying and manipulating their way to the top as president of the local postage stamp collector club.

That's the only one I don't understand, nor feel the Libra 9th in it.

Once again, I enjoyed your writing and creativity. You might want to read my feedback on other posts so you can strengthen any areas that might need some tightening up.

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Thank you Ari, my self-evaluation of whatever usually swings between stuff being pitiful crap or grandiosely marvelous, so your encouragement and grounded, well thought out critique is a great help.

I am winging it all slightly, of course, as is the beginner's lot. Also, natal watery Mercury is resisting painting by numbers, wanting to do it all by undefined intuition. Luckily Virgo in opposition says "uh-uh".

With the dominatrix I guess I was thinking Aquarius=kink, Leo=dominant/playful/caring. But the icy, stern part etc. didn't feel quite right. Natal 8th Mercury insisted though. Interesting  about Capricorn/Cancer having to do with domination and Libra with extremes. 

"To the innocent" was not real clear to me either but I left it in anyway. I suppose I sometimes perceive certain versions of Libra and Sagittarius as having a kind of a naive way about them (or, hey, wait a minute. You mean to say they got me fooled there..??).

Yes, Libra, to my (naive) Aries mind, seems to sometimes be combining the "boopidoo, I'm so honest and innocent" (Venus as your bff salesperson stroking your ego while fleecing your behind), with another side of the manipulative diplomat slash your unscrupulous, well-groomed foreign-department assassin. Doing the deed with the tip of their designer's brand umbrella dipped in deadly poison. Or, at least maneuvering so that others will kill for them. Themself coming out still smelling like roses (Putin, e.g. is mega-Libra, Scorpio ac but still).

"Relentless motormouth" I guess would be the firely verbose pest with the foot in the door not giving up til he's inside.

The teenager bully/manipulator I was thinking as an immature, unbalanced Aries/Libra combo, doing political combat to win the (laughably petty, in the end) prize of a power and status of the leadership position (or maybe that's more Leo-like?). In an environment to do with writing on paper travelling all over the world (as in 3rd/9th house). Not sure if it checks out.

The Virgo/8 h parts I was intending, were the procrastinating, painfully elaborate and never-quite-good-enough writing project(Virgo) and paranoidish illuminati ideas(8th?) of the guy in the basement plus his job cleaning(Virgo) in the dark of the night(8th) his Virgo shaping up and doing the daily maintenace for evolution of going to the gym and eating right,  the inheritance (8th).

With the chef, the bordering on sadistic perfectionism behind the scenes, hidden from the customers' view. Maybe his being demoted in life to more "menial" labor could be seen as a Virgo thing too, but it needs some more examples.

I don't know if it works but with the nun I'm thinking she's kind of Pisces, 2nd house (the church as longtime stable home/values, the shelter etc.),Virgo. And her Virgo 8th house as opposing side would be a self-righteous(Virgo)bishop being exposed as secretly a dark figure(8th house) betraying his flock using the money intended for joint purposes (8th), cruelly destroying her Pisces/2nd (probably justifying to himself and his version of God as he's doing it) house operation. A Pisces part too I guess, would be her being deluded as to the nature of the people running the church. I will put in some more at the end there too though

(Maybe like how in the struggle before leaving the church how she's ruminating and going over and over in her head what's happened, accusing herself mercilessly for being a fool not seeing what was going on in the dark. And how in course of  writing her book she delves deeply into investigating various shady dealings her church has had going on(8th) )

A long answer here but this is fun, will check out your answers to the others, as well!



This post was modified 11 months ago 11 times by Mathias Sköld

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Here's a shot at Taurus 4th/Scorpio 8th   

(a bit long but I'm having fun)

His dad used to always take him to soccer games on sundays. It was hot dogs and the crowd cheering as one when their local team scored. His uncles were there and his grandfather once. Big, tough men always with a smile and a pat on the back for him. When he was grown maybe he too would be working in the docks like them or cleave a dead pig with one chop like his grandpa had done. He didn't much like the smell of blood though, and hoped his grandfather didn't know.
When the hometown team won it was heaven. When they lost it was bad like someone died. His throat would ache then but he held it in til he got home alone in his room. Only the colorful scarves and soccer posters on the walls could see him there. Then there was the banging on the door: "OK, buddy! Food's on the table!", and his mom's sunday roast would make things almost all alright again.

In the car going home on the bad days they would sit quiet or his dad would swear. Sometimes he wished silently in his mind that the referee would get a horrible disease and die so his dad wouldn't lose all the money he bet and his parents wouldn't fight. Then he felt bad about it. Because, the referee was probably a dad too, like his dad, and maybe had a son too, like him.
The winning sundays were something he liked to remember. They would be there, but since his dad moved out there weren't any wins no more. His mother wouldn't stop crying and after a while he tore down those childish posters from his walls too.

He wished he was as good at hating people as his father, who was expert at declaring in a second who was dispicable crap and who wasn't . He knew he was stronger than most of his friends, or looked it anyway, and noone would pick on him at school. Noone called him a sissy, but sometimes he was afraid he was one anyway. He couldn't see the point of making trouble all the time, and tough guys weren't really supposed to like pottery or art or cooking class, his favorite things in school. He could spend hours messing that stuff, happy on his own.

The one time he was in a fight was when two boys a little older,13-14 years old, kept shoving a girl in his class at recess, making fun of her hair. He wasn't sure why he'd gotten so mad but he liked that girl. He had been thinking she was like someone he could maybe marry when he got older. It was like kind of a job he'd done, that's how it felt, keeping her safe and she was ginger like his mom. But when the icy cold whiteness in his body faded he felt sick and scared. The knuckles of his right hand ached. The biggest of the older boys was crawling in the gravel whining like a puppy hit by a truck, his friend gone. The circle of onlooking kids had gone dead silent.      He was in trouble now. Still, as their teacher came barging across the schoolyard shouting like crazy, dragging him away by the neck, he knew he'd do it again. Hit them til they bled if they wouldn't quit bugging her.


The whole time he was sitting in the headmaster's office he could see her through the high window, waiting outside.
She was still there when they finally let him out.
- Hey, she said.
- Hey.
She reached out her hand.
- You want a piece of gum?
- Sure.
There was a drawing of a small cartoon animal he didn't recognize on the pink wrapper.
- Is that a dog or a cat...?
- I don't know. Who cares?? She said and laughed like the sun coming out of the clouds.
-Taste it and see, dummy!
So he did.
And they stuck together most always from then on, him and her, for a long time.

This post was modified 11 months ago 12 times by Mathias Sköld

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Gemini in 5th/Sagittarius in 11th

 Popular head of community for center for kids in big city regularly taking everybody on outings to the countryside to pat real horses, climb trees and watch starfalls at night. Playing her ukulele and telling crazy stories around the campfire .


Pentecostal child preacher, star in tent meetings across the countryside. In his teenage years God tells him He/She can be found in many traditions. Gets ostracized by church and family. Drops out of school, leaves home. Money saved from his preaching years gets him ticket across the Atlantic. Spends several years busking and fire juggling with a troupe of jesters on the streets of big cities and small towns. Meeting and picking up loads of deep life info from people of multi-varied walks. Street act turns into funky free-form new age preaching. One thing leads to another yada yada yada- now he's the leader of small post-neoadvaita shamanist group in the centre of Barcelona. Soon an OK payed position with a quickly expanding group of devoted followers. Sitting in cafe' one late afternoon bored with life. Sees free-spirited bicycle delivery girl zig-zagging through the dense mass of rush hour cars, a centaur's burning arrow, a sleek streak of lightning...Tries to chat her up and make her join his operation. She's too fast for him though (doesn't date "bullshit artists"). Is smitten against his own will. Buys a racing bike and enters a race to impress her. Has accident falling off mountain road. Breaks arms and legs, has to eat through a straw. Not able to speak for six months. Has epiphany, becomes new man. Starts up 100% legit megaashram and goes on international non-speaking speaking tour as "Shusho the Silent One".
Leaving venue on last night of tour his right foot gets run over by a bicycle, both wheels.The Silent One screams *AAOOWW* very loudly, all heads turning. Bike messenger chick stops and looks back at him winking. And zips away.

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Cancer in 6th/Capricorn in 12th

After all of this time keeping this place going, doing her duty flawlessly...This was the thanks she got?! This place would have fallen apart without her. "Difficult, unsupportive, a control freak"...?? Oh, she wasn't perfect, that she was well aware of. But she was a quiet sort, not a troublemaker, shy! If they only knew how much she cared for her patients, and them for her, and how they appreciated her warm, tender care and attention to detail. That is, when she got to do it her own way. Not in the lazy manner of so many of her colleagues. How often had she not tried to help them improve? And then they go and complain to the head of the ward about her, and make sure she wouldn't get the promotion.

Coming out from the meeting with the management her legs felt unsteady and heavy, like walking under water. It felt like everything was dissolving around her. She had counted on getting promoted. Now what could she do? Or say? She was no loudmouth full of herself who would debate every opinion of those in charge. But, though she hadn't said in there, this was not fair. No, a disgrace actually. Her head was beginning to ache too, and her stomach was acting up again. She just wanted to get home. She left work four minutes early that day, and didn't even notice.

She didn't go to work the next day, or the day after that. The torture of her Irritable Bowel Syndrome raging made sure of that. Besides, what was the point? Nobody wanted her there anyway. She was doing them all a favor lying in bed here all day instead. She called her mother to talk and regretted it instantly. It was just the same old litany of how "she should have known better, it was her own fault", etc.

On the third day, her brother came to see her. He had heard from their mom she wasn't well and asked if he could do anything for her. He was younger than her, and she was the one always looking after him when they were kids so it felt a little weird. But it was kind of him, she realized, and she did need some things from the store.
They hadn't seen each other for some time so he stayed for a dinner of frozen food and orange soda that evening. Sitting at the kitchen table they talked about old times and looked at pictures from long ago. Their father had been a nice man. Too nice maybe, they agreed. Couldn't say no to anyone or anything, not least a drink. She didn't touch the stuff herself, didn't want to end like that. Nor did her brother, these days.

It felt good to have touched base with with him and they hugged as he was leaving. Almost out of the door he mentioned briefly that he knew a guy who was working with alternative healing techniques. Maybe that could be something for her stomach problems? She almost laughed out loud, alternative wasn't her thing, but stopped herself and thanked him. It was sweet of him to care.

The next day she had a change of heart. She didn't quite recognize herself lately. It seemed like everything was in a flux and stuck at the same time somehow. What would it matter then if she went to see some healer? It could hardly make things worse. People at work and her mother could say what they wanted to. Why the hell NOT try something new?? Even if she was pretty sure it was all some kind of ridiculous woo thing...

As it turned out it wasn't. To her astonishment her brother's aquaintence managed to help her a lot with the IBS, and some other things, too. And, after thinking about it for a while, she contacted the man again asking to sign up for a course he was running teaching his particular healing modality. She had a knack for it. And a couple of years later, having left her job as a nurse, she was his full time apprentice soon to open up a practice of her own.

This post was modified 10 months ago 3 times by Mathias Sköld
