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Mars in Gemini in 6th house, Mathias

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  • In a drawer in a desk in a tidily kept 13-year-old's room sits a mind unlimitedely limited, a precoscious strange conglomerate of coagulated not-so-cosmic ideas theologized at mundanely motorized hyperdrive speed, couragouesly repressing a  germophobe and pretty vacant crackhead baby-AI' s curiously dry wet  dream of transgressive kitchen utensils and food stuffs exploding out of cupboards on to the newly polished floor (AI: Anal-retentive Intelligence, Angry Interregator, Amoral Instigator, Alternative Isness-regulator). 10 trillion particles spinning, 10 gazillion omnicomputer cogwheels churning day and night inside that little fanatically well-ordered deskdrawer. Obsessive compulsively  trainspotting the comings and goings of all the hairs on all the heads in the immediate earthly neighbourhood, pinning them up, all in due order, keeping calm and carrying on juggling brittle split hair-ends on fire and dancing on heads of pins for their mother to critically scan with raised eyebrows from a safe enough distance- though to no avail or any truly loving end- well and goodly trapped in their own ever movable little guantanamo lepidopterarium
    (Look it up! Lock everything up!) of bitter dishes done too loudly.
    But, oh !, what a good boy/girl doing somersaults through nice smiles and gritted teeth in countless (almost!) furiously frustrated good boy/girl-peg designated slot-boxes and so everly effedup square hole sarcofaguses of bored ass dead cat verbiosity.
    Yes and so, O, Sort of great Megalomind and almost Supreme Vanity of all vanities-
    What can be more stoopid, pray tell, than Mars in thine 6th house...?

    And so on, and so it goes.
    Words, words, a few semicolons crapping; and then more words ad idiotum....

    (Maybe Rene' Descartes/Deckard was more actually more stupid in trying to crack the world egg?, and succeeding in a way maybe, with one system of thought attempting to beat all systems forever by cutting it all down to so many pieces of meat. "I think therefore I am." "Am become dumb and deaf and absolved from all sin by selling my soul to a graven automaton god, and I myself become one in the process ..."
    Still, as they say, the house will always win regardless the system. Of any one room. )

    But also- flipping sides -...
    What could be smarter than this combination? As someone's chalice of daily practiced prayer; the chores of Martha, the surrender of Maria, for a 12th house angel's tears and smile of joy to be poured into as their sovereign mind-heart womb.To be communicated in the world no end, with a passion.

This topic was modified 10 months ago 13 times by Mathias Sköld

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Hi Matthias, 

You are producing a genuine work of art here - and you put a lot of Gemini in the 6th house tediousness in your word choices etc. In that sense you are embodying a sort of Gemini 6th house in your very expression. 

I'm hot however entirely clear on the actual extent to which you are addressing much of the workbook prompts in this - if you are then I simply might be missing it. For example, how might this soul respond to confrontation?

To be sure you are learning and growing from these exercises please read Marija's post and my response to her as it covered a lot of the core details. And feel free to offer your own additional insights or questions.

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Thank you Ari! I appreciate the course correction, I will look at the prompts more carefully and try and stick to them. I guess I was sort of giving my Uranus in Leo 1st house some leeway to be freestyling a bit, rather than freezing with the old Pluto Virgo/2nd house not getting anything done:)

This post was modified 10 months ago 4 times by Mathias Sköld
