Jupiter is a teacher/guru/student archetype. It is about knowledge, the truth with a small t, as the soul is able to perceive it. Placement of Jupiter indicates where in our chart lies the biggest opportunity for growth and expansion. It expands things, period, and it is up to the soul to align with the highest expression of Jupiters gifts. Jupiter requires honesty with self about what we truly know and can receive. It also governs deception of self and others, proselytizing and sales.
Cancer is about our emotional body and expression, as well as about nurturing of self and others. It is the archetype of the mother.
5th house is about creativity and pleasure, taking space for one’s self expression, enjoyment, beauty and romance, the house of children. It is the home of Leo.
What is the way this soul will expand its understanding and insight into the nature of reality?
Probably this soul will learn through children, through literal creation and raising of kids. Cancer souls learn through emotional process, and this soul will probably experience its peak emotions and creative expression in the process of childbearing and maturing through the natural self-centeredness of Leo with exaggerated emotionality and neediness of Cancer, and into a mature parent role.
Consider how the energy of sincerity and authenticity might express here.
Learning what is truly creative and pleasurable and what is one’s true creative self-expression will probably be the process for this soul. Also learning how to take space for self, how to be in the spotlight in a way that is also inspiring and a learning for others.
Cancer has a tendency to wallow in emotion, and learning instead to express it creatively, to manifest it into something beautiful or useful to others will liberate Cancer from the emotional house of mirrors.
In what ways might the soul be dogmatic and already "know" the answers.
This is the house of children, and Cancer is a natural mother. Here, if the soul is not yet mature, due to the natural self-centeredness of Leo and desire for grandeur additionally amplified by Jupiter, she might not see her children for who they are, but rather have grandiose expectations of them living out her/his unexpressed creative potential.
She might be the overbearing mother, or teacher, who imposes on the children/students her own version of truth/beauty/creative expression as The Way.
Leo is the natural leader, influencer, stage performer, and Jupiter might make them “bigger than life”, and this soul might demand attention with their overly emotional self expression, but have the “don’t tell me what to do you just don’t understand how it is for me” (or “what I do for everyone”) attitude of someone who just wants attention with their emotional drama but isn’t ready to learn or release the old stories and receive what Jupiter can offer.
If she is not living her creative self expression, she might be the nightmare narcissistic Cancer/Leo mother, the Grand Martyr, who has “sacrificed everything” for others and now they are just not grateful at all and give “nothing” back, live all wrong, and “make her life” miserable.
How might the soul manifest the patterns of seeking, opportunism and restlessness?
This soul might live for romance and the grand emotional happy ending, jumping at every opportunity to “fall in love” and have a big dramatic emotional affair, but soon gets disappointed and jumps onto the next promising story, or continues to leave and seek the “one”.
Rather than seeking one’s truth and finding a way to express it creatively, this soul might be seeking pleasure and heightened emotions, romance in all ways.
Rather than painting their own, for example, they might be going from one gallery opening and art party to another, looking to meet the famous successful people and to feel in the creative center by proxy.
Their Cancer nature might express through being the caretaker, support and inspiration to the artist or teacher, rather than making art or accessing direct knowledge themselves.
How might "letting go to receive" apply in these signatures?
The Cancer/Leo expression of maturing with Jupiter might be about letting go of the addiction to the emotional drama and intensity, quieting down to look at ones emotional stories and patterns, taking responsibility for them and letting them go. At this point this might become a very sensitive creative soul with deep inner knowledge who can channel the emotional unconscious of humanity into paintings, stories or teachings from a place of deep connection and understanding, and with a grand charisma of Leo on Jupiter potency.
Jupiter is a teacher/guru/student archetype. It is about knowledge, the truth with a small t, as the soul is able to perceive it. Placement of Jupiter indicates where in our chart lies the biggest opportunity for growth and expansion. It expands things, period, and it is up to the soul to align with the highest expression of Jupiters gifts. Jupiter requires honesty with self about what we truly know and can receive. It also governs deception of self and others, proselytizing and sales.
Cancer is about our emotional body and expression, as well as about nurturing of self and others. It is the archetype of the mother.
All well said. Just one correction. Neptune is deception. Jupiter is dishonesty/lying. I know they are related and similar, and they overlap, but just wanting to be true to each archetype as they are two different things.
5thhouse is about creativity and pleasure, taking space for one’s self expression, enjoyment, beauty and romance, the house of children. It is the home of Leo.
What is the way this soul will expand its understanding and insight into the nature of reality?
Probably this soul will learn through children, through literal creation and raising of kids. Cancer souls learn through emotional process, and this soul will probably experience its peak emotions and creative expression in the process of childbearing and maturing through the natural self-centeredness of Leo with exaggerated emotionality and neediness of Cancer, and into a mature parent role.
Consider how the energy of sincerity and authenticity might express here.
Learning what is truly creative and pleasurable and what is one’s true creative self-expression will probably be the process for this soul. Also learning how to take space for self, how to be in the spotlight in a way that is also inspiring and a learning for others.
Cancer has a tendency to wallow in emotion, and learning instead to express it creatively, to manifest it into something beautiful or useful to others will liberate Cancer from the emotional house of mirrors.
All great insights
In what ways might the soul be dogmatic and already "know" the answers.
This is the house of children, and Cancer is a natural mother. Here, if the soul is not yet mature, due to the natural self-centeredness of Leo and desire for grandeur additionally amplified by Jupiter, she might not see her children for who they are, but rather have grandiose expectations of them living out her/his unexpressed creative potential.
She might be the overbearing mother, or teacher, who imposes on the children/students her own version of truth/beauty/creative expression as The Way.
Leo is the natural leader, influencer, stage performer, and Jupiter might make them “bigger than life”, and this soul might demand attention with their overly emotional self expression, but have the “don’t tell me what to do you just don’t understand how it is for me” (or “what I do for everyone”) attitude of someone who just wants attention with their emotional drama but isn’t ready to learn or release the old stories and receive what Jupiter can offer.
Excellent Marija.
If she is not living her creative self expression, she might be the nightmare narcissistic Cancer/Leo mother, the Grand Martyr, who has “sacrificed everything” for others and now they are just not grateful at all and give “nothing” back, live all wrong, and “make her life” miserable.
That's a bit too dark for Jupiter. I'd expect maybe more of a Pluto energy in that.
How might the soul manifest the patterns of seeking, opportunism and restlessness?
This soul might live for romance and the grand emotional happy ending, jumping at every opportunity to “fall in love” and have a big dramatic emotional affair, but soon gets disappointed and jumps onto the next promising story, or continues to leave and seek the “one”.
Rather than seeking one’s truth and finding a way to express it creatively, this soul might be seeking pleasure and heightened emotions, romance in all ways.
Rather than painting their own, for example, they might be going from one gallery opening and art party to another, looking to meet the famous successful people and to feel in the creative center by proxy.
I think I get where you are coming from in this. I can see the opportunism in it and the 5th house in particular looking to be discovered, seeking attention.
Their Cancer nature might express through being the caretaker, support and inspiration to the artist or teacher, rather than making art or accessing direct knowledge themselves.
I don't feel too much of the Jupiter in this last one.
How might "letting go to receive" apply in these signatures?
The Cancer/Leo expression of maturing with Jupiter might be about letting go of the addiction to the emotional drama and intensity, quieting down to look at ones emotional stories and patterns, taking responsibility for them and letting them go. At this point this might become a very sensitive creative soul with deep inner knowledge who can channel the emotional unconscious of humanity into paintings, stories or teachings from a place of deep connection and understanding, and with a grand charisma of Leo on Jupiter potency.
Beautiful, well said. Though channeling the emotional unconscious of humanity is probably beyond Jupiter just by itself. Maybe that's more of a Neptune thing.
Great work Marija, you have a strong grasp - and do check out the other posts on this signature as well.
Thank you Ari!