does it show up anywhere for you Ari?
Just an FYI, I am not seeing it. Maybe try again. I liked reading your other work, so I am looking forward to it. 😊
Oh gee so sorry about that.
I do not see it.
@wallsofreprievegmail-com thank you for that, one good thing that came from losing that homework is finding out someone besides Ari reads them! wonderful! 🤗 🤩
The same issue happened to me a few weeks ago and my post was lost when I tried to return to the post creation page.
I'm guessing that we get automatically logged out after a certain amount of time and then posting the post fails.
I now make sure to copy my content before hitting submit, so I can revive it.
I wish I would have read this. I just spent 3 days working on the homework and it disappeared when I hit submit.... :/
@lisalefevre1964yahoo-com oh no.... that is one of my worst nightmares, i hate tracing back my steps in anything! did you redo? i didnt 🙁