Pluto in the 12th / desire to know god, to know the ultimate truth, to surrender to ultimate spiritual realisation
Pluto in the 12th in Leo - the evolutionalry desire to surrender the self and to allow the ego and self importance to disappear
Possible expressions of resistance
Consensus stage > refusing to accept that I am the one and the same as everyone and everything else, going into illusion of being special for ones spirituality and visions, wanting to be king, Pope, preacher, messiah, within the accepted religion
Individualised stage > the ego thinking I am God... narcissistic psychopath who demands all heed him as God himself and punishes them when they dont
Spiritual stage> loosing ones morals and boundaries, feeling allmighty, all is part of GOD so i get to do whatever i want because i am one with god and ultimate path of releasing desire is to do it all fully.... cult leaders like OSHO BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH? *how would we pull his chart, where do you find charts of famous people?
Thanks for sharing. I think you expressed that very fittingly 🙂
Pluto in the 12th / desire to know god, to know the ultimate truth, to surrender to ultimate spiritual realisation
Pluto in the 12th in Leo - the evolutionalry desire to surrender the self and to allow the ego and self importance to disappear
Yes, and to differentiate, it's not about knowledge per se but about merging with an ultimate power. Whatever the soul conceives as ultimate power is what will become a strong point of attraction and point of osmosis. Involving Leo, this then is about personal creative self-actualization.
Common examples of this can be the idealization of well known people "in the way that famous people become like a god in the eyes of those who are small and unknown". Or it can be making oneself an idol of sorts as you speak to below
Possible expressions of resistance
Consensus stage > refusing to accept that I am the one and the same as everyone and everything else, going into illusion of being special for ones spirituality and visions, wanting to be king, Pope, preacher, messiah, within the accepted religion
Individualised stage > the ego thinking I am God... narcissistic psychopath who demands all heed him as God himself and punishes them when they dont
Spiritual stage> loosing ones morals and boundaries, feeling allmighty, all is part of GOD so i get to do whatever i want because i am one with god and ultimate path of releasing desire is to do it all fully.... cult leaders like OSHO BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH? *how would we pull his chart, where do you find charts of famous people?
Everything you've said is accurate, just some feedback.
First, this doesn't have to be so extreme, i.e. these souls don't have to be narcissistic necessarily. It can be just be a delusion of grandeur in whatever way that might express.
Another thing to consider here is that the very opposite may be true. A permeating sense of smallness and weakness, not being seen and afraid to stand out. In that sense, these souls may be in a persistent state of feeling unseen, unloved, very small etc.
To find charts online, you can always just google "name + natal chart". Check out my recommended resources thread where I suggest a way to find charts of people with certain signatures. Osho didn't have Pluto in Leo in the 12th.
One well known person who in my view is late consensus is Donald Trump he has Pluto in Leo in the 12th. In my view he demonstrates delusions of grandiosity and unrestricted self-entitlement and an underlying soul desire nature to be important in an ultimate sense.
Great work Marija, and thank you for putting in the effort!
Thank you so much Ari, that was really helpful. I forget about the opposite possibility. I am starting to look through the forum, thank you for the resources, I resisted opening more doors before feeling like i know everything that is here to digest and absorb at least in the basic way 😊