Mars is fire and quick, Gemini is air and quick, both are natuarally unbalancing energies. Air is about the mind, fire is about action, 6th house is about health and daily routines..... Air feeds fire, this could be a very quick moving, potentialy easily angered and destructive combination, or an impresive quick thinking, fast on his feet and brave scout.
Likely to be in constant and impulsive jumping from this to that and then to the other thing, I imagine, very curious and insatiable for information and experiences. This Mars might not think to ask "what is the purpose of this action", it will go do and then analyze it, unless that energy is harnesed with consious willpower and used by wise choiceful evolutionary purpose in mind.
6th house being the house of health... This sounds like a perfect ADHD setup. Someone with attention and focus issues, perhaps someone who has a predisposition to heart problems, annurisms or cortisol issues from always running too much electricity through their wires. Also might be accident prone as Gemini probably makes him live more in his head than Mars is naturally designed to. He might be a paranoid and beligerent Mars for the same reason, allways seeing a million ways threat could manifest.
6th house as the house of daily work and discipline and natural house of Virgo/ this Mars is probably hardworking perfectionist who overworks because it has a hard time discerning what has purpose and what doesnt, and how to prioritize. He probably has a hard time completing tasks before moving to the next one. He also probably talks a lot, so if working in a group he probably spends a lot of time talking unnecessarily. He needs to do fast and intense workouts daily. He could probably easily get trapped in gaming if he is sedentary.
On a positive note, this could be an amazing emergency room or 911 doctor or nurse, able to quickly assess and act. Also a good field sargeant in battle, brave and quick to scan and assess the situation. Probably a natural high pressure situation leader, if disciplined.
Polarith of 12th house Sagitarius might mean this is a spiritual teacher who has undertaken major spiritual discipline and mastered his mind/body animal nature so he could perhaps be a great martial arts teacher or yogi.
I also wonder if this isnt the place of paralysis by analysis... influenced by that perfectionist Virgo house energy and overly mental Gemini, this Mars could be a weak Mars that cannot decide which way to act...?
Mars is fire and quick, Gemini is air and quick, both are natuarally unbalancing energies.
I wouldn't call Gemini unbalancing. It's just the linear organization of our reality. On the shadow side it can be be scattered and jump from one thought to another, but not implicitly so just on its own.
Air is about the mind, fire is about action, 6th house is about health and daily routines..... Air feeds fire, this could be a very quick moving, potentialy easily angered and destructive combination, or an impresive quick thinking, fast on his feet and brave scout.
Likely to be in constant and impulsive jumping from this to that and then to the other thing, I imagine, very curious and insatiable for information and experiences. This Mars might not think to ask "what is the purpose of this action", it will go do and then analyze it, unless that energy is harnesed with consious willpower and used by wise choiceful evolutionary purpose in mind.
Yes, this can be the epitome of the busy mind, always doing and starting projects, or writing lists ...
6th house being the house of health... This sounds like a perfect ADHD setup. Someone with attention and focus issues, perhaps someone who has a predisposition to heart problems, annurisms or cortisol issues from always running too much electricity through their wires. Also might be accident prone as Gemini probably makes him live more in his head than Mars is naturally designed to. He might be a paranoid and beligerent Mars for the same reason, allways seeing a million ways threat could manifest.
I don't personally know enough about physiology to comment on the first part. Regarding accidents this could happen as the result of being quick to do thigs, form conclusions, making choices without being properly organized. Mental chaos. A good analogy would be a mechanic who keeps on loosing their tools because they just jump from one project to the next without getting organized. Likely to make mistakes and cause crisis.
6th house as the house of daily work and discipline and natural house of Virgo/ this Mars is probably hardworking perfectionist who overworks because it has a hard time discerning what has purpose and what doesnt, and how to prioritize.
Excellent point regarding the tendency within the 6th house to need to learn what to prioritize and what not to prioritize.
He probably has a hard time completing tasks before moving to the next one. He also probably talks a lot, so if working in a group he probably spends a lot of time talking unnecessarily. He needs to do fast and intense workouts daily. He could probably easily get trapped in gaming if he is sedentary.
These are all possibilities - I suggest eliminating the word "probably" and instead qualifying your statements as "may have a hard time completing etc..." because of course this signature isn't "probably" anything, it can express in so many ways.
Regarding getting trapped in gaming if sedentary - great point and this makes me think of the tendency of the 6th house procrastination. In this case it would take the form of constant and ongoing mental stimulation as a form of distraction from the work that really needs to get done.
On a positive note, this could be an amazing emergency room or 911 doctor or nurse, able to quickly assess and act. Also a good field sargeant in battle, brave and quick to scan and assess the situation. Probably a natural high pressure situation leader, if disciplined.
Polarith of 12th house Sagitarius might mean this is a spiritual teacher who has undertaken major spiritual discipline and mastered his mind/body animal nature so he could perhaps be a great martial arts teacher or yogi.
Definitely doesn't mean this in virtue of it being polarity (can be the case, but there's no reason to think this). The Sag 12 polarity teaches the need on the one hand to let go of control and simply do what is possible. This soul can be constantly busy and overstress/over excite their nervous system because there's always something keeping them busy. Sag 12th elicits the idea of going out to nature, getting lost in the woods, just letting go.
Sag 12th also speaks to the cultivation of spiritual attunement, what is the work that wants to be done through me/ following one's intuition towards higher meaning as opposed to getting tied up in thousands of unnecessary doings and distractions throughout the day.
I also wonder if this isnt the place of paralysis by analysis... influenced by that perfectionist Virgo house energy and overly mental Gemini, this Mars could be a weak Mars that cannot decide which way to act...?
Absolutely. Though there's no such thing as a weak mars, but rather patterns or dynamics that it reflects within the soul itself. As issue with Mars in the 6th in general is this challenge with the need to act/ to stay in motion with the hyper self-awareness of the 6th house that needs to be perfect/ is overly self-critical. It absolutely can result in paralysis by analysis, even more so with Gemini which can consider all kinds of options and perspectives and be endlessly lost in thought but not actually get anything useful done.
Really great work Marija, you have a strong understanding of these signatures.
Thank you Ari, super helful corrections on the language I used, like probably and "weak" Mars, it helps me clarify the thinking... Also very helpful about Sagitarius polarity, I think I am still a bit vague about how to interpret polarity... what I got from your correction is that polarity is more about the direction to look to improve and balance a signature...? I love this point about spiritual atunement to work that wants to be done through one, that makes perfect sense for this signature. I appreciate you taking your time to give meaningful feedback.
what I got from your correction is that polarity is more about the direction to look to improve and balance a signature...?