Hi all,
First great job to all who did this assignment. I love seeing your efforts and growth in this work. If you'd like my feedback and would like to practice it's never too late to give it a try.
I want to share a couple examples of this signature.
First, Fred Rogers sort of has this signature. He had Mercury on the 10th/11th cusp but in a conjunction with a stellium of Pisces in the 11th. He had a public broadcast (Mercury Pisces 10th house) that was all about being friendly and inclusive of ALL people. His message was one of open mindedness and inclusivity. This is a great example of a soul, from a social perspective, was using media to speak to the masses (Pisces) and bring forward the energy of inclusion.
Essentially Pisces in the 11th speaks to the idea that we are all one community, all of humanity, and it's idealization is that we get along. All groups, all people's, all subdivisions of society etc, we can all get along because we are all neighbors. Check out his chart and you can watch this video to get a sense of this soul. As per 11th house he was quite the rebel too!
Doing this was pretty radical at the time.
The other example is a man named Terrance Howard.
He talks about the periodic table of elements being octaves of one another. He has a lot of very interesting out of the box ideas about reality - all spoken on an empirical logical basis. I have no clue of its accuracy, but the point is he is coming from an empirical place.
There's another video of the well known astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson argues with Howard's arguments, also from a logical empirical basis.
I checked out Howard's chart - while I don't know his birth time, he has Mercury in Aquarius and it squares Neptune, this bringing in the Pisces archetype as well. Delusion based on fantastical thinking made into logic or articulating higher spiritual perception about creation?
Simplified zero degrees Aries rising birth chart: https://astro-charts.com/persons/chart/terrence-howard/
These archetypes ring through me, with my mercury in Aquarius and my Sun in pisces in the 11th. It's easy for me to get deluded and attached to abstract mental forms that feel universal and creatively unique to me. I can quickly jump to a novel grand theory without the virgo polarity to have the detailed routine of developing the idea in a solid and real context.
For Terrance Howard, I wonder if there is a more appropriate context for expression of Mercury in Aquarius that isn't in hard science. It seems like the Neptunian influence removes the possibility of his mercury being grounded in a realistic way, but opens the door to creative expression.
Also, Fred Rogers is my ideal parent figure, I'd love to continue to learn about him as an example when relevant. I'm curious about his nodes.
Thanks for posting these examples 🙂
P.S. It looks like George Harrison has a similar dynamic with pisces sun and mercury in Aquarius
@brentenlovato I love Mr. Rogers and feel like I was parented by him growing up. When you mentioned his nodes, it stands out to me that his south node and Saturn are together in Sagittarius the 8th house- I know we aren't supposed to jump ahead of the material being presented. So, I will say that with that Saturn signature alone I can see how he was a transformative father figure/teacher to many and had a way of telling the truth without it necessarily reflecting his specific religious and philosophical background but was conveyed more as simple kindness.