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Ethan's Aquarius AC

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Ethan Paisley
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Hi everyone!


I put together an analysis of the Aquarius AC, see attached. Here are some previews of my analyses. I'm sending all of you so much love. I enjoy seeing all your beautiful faces in the Zoom recordings, as I'm usually catching up on sleep here in Australia. Everyone's contributions feel like cosmic poetry and are awakening me to so much within myself and this study. Thank you, Ari, and thank you, all, for your sharing your brilliant minds. I would love your feedback on these observations and I can't wait to read yours! By the way, if anyone is in Aus/NZ and would like to form a study group, my number is +61 452-295-110. I would also love to partner with anyone who feels they are approaching the intermediary levels of their astrology studies. If you're in the USA you can text me at +1 707-787-7844. Cheers! - Ethan


Aquarius/1H: Indicates a desire to self-actualize one’s own unique genius by breaking free from total conditioning.

Leo/7H: Indicates one’s unique self-esteem and sense of creative freedom is highly influenced by their relationships.


Pisces/2H: Indicates a need to have ‘nothing to worry about’ when it comes to their personal well-being.

Virgo/8H: Indicates one is looking to transcend the realm of duty and responsibility.


Aries/3H: Indicates a learning style and social life that is self-driven.

Libra/9H: Indicates one’s awakening to their higher purpose is highly dependent on their relationships.


Taurus/4H: Indicates an emotional nurturing style that is deeply materially-focused.

Scorpio/10H: Indicates a desire to merge oneself with a force greater than themselves in society.


Gemini/5H: Indicates one’s creative expression and personality is highly multi-faceted.

Sagittarius/11H: Indicates one carries a tremendous ability to influence groups of people with their unique philosophies and discoveries. It can also indicate a social life where one feels ‘lost’.


Cancer/6H: Indicates emotional security is tied in with routines and daily responsibilities.

Capricorn/12H: Indicates an awakening to one’s societal conditioning and a resurrection of their inner authority.

Ethan Paisley
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Here's my full interpretation if you wish to read.  

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Hi Ethan, I'm responding here to your full analysis. Each post will be a different polarity.

Aquarius in 1st House
Indicates a desire to self-actualise one’s own unique genius by breaking free from total
conditioning. Early in life, this person may experience a detached or reserved self-expression due
to conditioning, ie ‘children are to be seen not heard’. This conditions the child to devalue their
own self-expression, and instead seek it in groups, communities, or sects of society.

The early life connects are way to specific to know just as a general analysis of this signature. May be true may not be true. Not being seen also is not necessarily relevant to Aquarius 1st house. Of course they may feel different, like they don't belong. 

Also remember the 1st house is a loner signature. So in the case of conditioning, they may feel deeply alienated relative to how different they are. They might be fine being what they are, by themselves, doing what they do, or suppress that so as not to be too different. Of course the Leo 7th house speaks to where there is a need for connection and to be seen.

This person
may gain mastery or popularity in a particular domain of society. Their life can become about
maintaining this popularity or social belonging, until the illusion cracks and they realize there is
a deeper inner genius arising within them. This can cause them to consistently retreat from
society, abandon their social groups, and shift priorities.

This is possible in that they may become a leader and open new pathways, and in that sense popularity. It's not about maintaining popularity or social belonging, nor the illusion of it. I understand what you are getting at though and for sure Aquarius 1st can be leader and "head of the gang" kind of vibe. At the core it's more about the stress from within their own soul to continually follow their own personal path of becoming, whatever that looks like. Others may not understand it at times. The freedom to act and make new choices.

These unpredictable moves reflect the
unpredictable genius of our universe. Through the various twists and turns of their life, the
Aquarius 1st house person is seeking to turn divine intelligence into earthly innovation. Since
there is nothing more divine than our interconnectedness to everything, this person’s life will
constantly reflect a process of unlearning separation and aligning with oneness. This awakening
can set them up to innovate, create, and influence the masses on levels we have never seen.
Simultaneously, it can be draining, existential, and incredibly lonely.

There are elements in there that feel more Pisces 1st house. Remember 1st house is about personal freedom and the need to become and act in whatever ways are necessary. Thus overcoming internal obstacles to greater freedom, capacity, strength, courage stamina etc. Aquarius also is ever approaching the pure individuality of the soul, stripped of conditioning; our unconditioned nature. So anywhere we find Aquarius is where we are going to be elevating our thoughts and seeing things from a higher level of intelligence without all of the conditioned limitations we have otherwise placed on ourselves.

A great example of a soul with lots of Aquarius in the 1st is David Goggins. Check him out if you haven't yet

Leo in 7th House
Indicates one’s unique self esteem and sense of creative freedom comes from their relationships.

Self esteem = 2nd house. Creative freedom isn't 7th. Here all the 7th house needs correspond to how we learn about ourselves through relationship and meet our needs, meet the needs of others etc.

If their identity was silenced in youth, they may find a sense of identity ‘in the crowd’. Similar to
the Libra archetype, Leo in the 7th house is finding a unique sense of self through its
relationships. While this can make the person a natural extrovert, it can also take a toll on their
self esteem if they’re not constantly being social (or admired publicly). This can create anxiety
around loneliness and a perpetual need to have others around.

Yes there can be a deep need for external adoration, praise, appreciation from others with this signature.

It can also create a tendency to
center the conversation around oneself and talk over others, as a form of protecting against

Could be. Conversely, Leo 7th can also appear deeply interested in the reality of other people, "appear" to give, but is also deeply concerned with being adored. The challenge with Leo 7th is giving to others how one wants to be given to, not necessarily according to what others actually need.


Their relationships transform when they learn to see each person as a creative
individual with something unique to contribute.

Beautiful, yes.

This takes the individual recognizing that they,
too, are a unique individual! While the Aquarius polarity can teach this, it can also re-trigger
memories of when one was told they didn’t feel special or seen. This person can rely on Taurus
in the 4th house to build the emotional resources they need to have a healthy sense of self esteem
– more on this later

Great point with Taurus 4th - and this is a natural square, which is something we will be understanding practicing with a lot more later. Something you didn't mention was Aquarius 1st can be highly defensive; not open to other people interfering with it's path. I'm gonna do it my way and I don't give a f*ck kind of attitude, highly protective of it's personal freedom. Leo 7th is opening the heart, being open to give and receive, meet the place within them that needs connection and positive feedback etc. Also leaning to listen to others and to respect and honor others.

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Pisces in 2nd House
Indicates a need to have ‘nothing to worry about’ when it comes to their personal well-being.
One way this can manifest is as total neglect of personal well-being: they fail to schedule doctors
appointments, forget meals, or abuse drugs and alcohol. Another way this can manifest is by
being hugely attached to their personal well-being, and getting lost in making tons of money,
hustling, and in the process, exhausting themselves.

Great - either total neglect and thus an atrophy of the 2nd house healthy self-relationship. Or giving false meaning to the senses pleasure. I'm not sure about the hustling part but I understand what you're getting at. Hustling has a bit of a Capricorn/hard work quality to it. Of course Pisces can express in all kinds of ways so I don't want to discount that.

The key here is that Pisces 2nd house can become incredibly wealthy by way of giving ultimate meaning to physical pleasure/wealth/resources, but the issues here is getting lost in empty materialism, it's all a sand castle that can crumble faster than it was built.


Or they could be struggling with a disease
like anorexia: trying so hard to ‘look’ well, that in the process, they become deeply unwell.
These scenarios speak to an archetype of masochism, or the sense of pleasure one gets from
depleting themselves. Both scenarios point to a fundamental lack of clarity around one’s essential
needs. There are a couple potential reasons for this.

There can be an existential guilt in "receiving" rooted in a distorted thinking about pleasure and sensuality and wealth etc.

One reason could be their parents were
highly generous with their material resources, depriving the child from learning how to manage
their own. Alternatively, the child was deprived of material resources and so never learned how
to properly manage them, thus attaching absolute meaning to them. Both scenarios create an
all-or-nothing sort-of mentality around personal responsibility and material security. In both
scenarios, these topics are difficult to think about, and so like Pisces, we would rather ‘surrender’
and leave our physical/material worries to somebody else. That way, there is ‘nothing to worry

This is possible, and there's no need at this point to try to find "reasons". What's most helpful now is understanding the ways in which these house sign combinations may express.

Virgo in 8th House
Indicates one is looking to transcend the realm of duty and responsibility. This can mean one
wishes to become so rich that they never have to worry about money. It can also mean one is
highly dependent on their routines and work to the point of it becoming addictive.

Yes to the addictive part. No to becoming one so rich they don't have to worry about Money. Way too specific. Virgo in the 8th house is investing effort in tending the compost that supports the 2nd house garden. Think of Pisces 2nd as all the resources of life are freely given to all. indiscriminate of anything. So there can be a delusional assumption it will always work out - but then people hoard things, people have unconscious motives, sexual energy exchange is more complex etc. So Virgo 8th house is turning the compost and getting into the muck of it all.

I've seen a lot of souls with strong karmic signatures in Pisces 2nd house who been indiscriminate with their sexuality: doing whatever they want to do. Then we have all the kinds of diseases and emotional/pychological complexes that can be contracted when we open up to another person's karmic field: Virgo 8th house.

Also 8th house isn't transcendence. It's transmutation.


In both
scenarios, this person is looking for deeper meaning beyond daily duties and responsibilities.
Being rich and materially secure indicates the freedom to explore and know oneself. Virgo and
the 8th house both concern moving beyond the self into something beyond it. This polarity can
help teach Pisces in the 2nd house about its priorities and needs: to create a bed of security that
allows it to get to know itself.

This archetype reminds me of a story I once heard about a sex
worker who suffered abuse and healed through Christianity. After leaving the sex industry, she
was forced to get a day job and found healing in a religious community. In this story, she was
humbled to the requirements of everyday life (the day job, Virgo) and found a way to transcend
the mundane (the church, new desire, 8th house). While the desire could at one point have been
the desire to never face the mundane, at a certain point, the desire could become greatly to
experience the mundane and ultimately to experience oneself.

Another archetype is the wealthy
career person who gets rid of everything and moves to a small country town in the middle of
nowhere to find out what really matters

That last sentence speaks to an ultimate spiritual lesson in Pisces 2nd - and often there is this deep need to retreat and focus on what is ultimately meaningful.

2nd house being about pleasure and survival, here we are transcending the illusion of the senses. Pleasure isn't in getting "more" in there, but in becoming more empty and full of God in this moment. This is why Pisces 2nd house can go to these extremes of total indulgence (especially if there was a judea christian denial of pleasure) or total abstinence (especially if there was prior indulgence of an indiscriminate nature). Virgo 8th house is actually focusing on technique, self improvement in the realm of working one's inner psychology, working with desire, sexual attraction, repulsion. There's a need to work with the stronger psychological currents within and the soul will be getting involved in work, in relationships etc that will support in their own evolution.

I feel you grasp the essence and there is just needs to clarify some basic understanding. With all of these things, ask any questions if need further clarification.

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Aries in 3rd House
Indicates a learning style and social life that is self-driven. This is a person who may have always
“stood out” in school, whether it be academically, socially, or both. This could have forced them
to push past their peers academically, excelling quickly to high positions of intellectual prestige.
It could have also forced them to withdraw from school early to pursue alternative education
paths more conducive to their learning needs.

In either case, these people naturally “stand out” in
their communities and this can cause a mentality of separation leading to isolation. At the same
time, it gives them a vantage point in seeing education or social life differently.

Yes in terms of the self-driven component. It's about freedom of the mind and the need to have self-leadership, courage and strength is whatever the soul identifies as necessary to learn, communicate, investigate etc.

May or may not have stood out - that's very specific. They can be argumentative, quick to answer, interrupt a lot, and as per Aries on the level of immaturity, be verbally impulsive.

Libra in 9th House
Indicates one’s awakening to their higher purpose is highly dependent on their relationships.
These people might get into relationships that awaken their passion or deeper calling. At the
same time, the person being helped can lose their sense of individual autonomy and original goal
in the process. They can become suitors to another person’s goal and neglect their own.

Higher understanding of life, how we are constantly expanding our insights into reality and understanding of personal potential within it. Our cosmological understanding of reality = 9th house. Relationships will offer a path of expansion and growth. Intimacy and honesty in relationship is the key here as well as learning from others. Aries 3rd can be scattered and not necessarily all philosophically cohesive or consistent  - perhaps jumping from one thought to another. This too can induce further isolation from others/intimacy with others. So Libra 9th is about gaining more perspective and insight by way of listening to what others actually know and actually developing insight into reality because one isn't caught up entirely in their own jumpy minds.

This is
the archetype of the guitarist who plays in a band with an impressive lead singer, but neglects his
own dreams of singing with the hopes the lead singer will launch him into success.

Maybe. The shadow of Libra 9th is lying to oneself in order to be what one thinks others want one to be. Not telling the truth. This can also induce a deep sense of alienation while in relationship - feeling like the grass is green with someone else (because the individual may not feel they can be true to themselves based on the addiction to people pleasing) Can be a fear of being misunderstood which would equal being rejected. 9th house issues often point to being misunderstood.

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Taurus in 4th House
Indicates an emotional nurturing style that is deeply materially-focused. This person may have
grown up with nothing, and thus food, clothes, shelter came to symbolize basic emotional
security. On the other end of the spectrum, this person may have grown up with everything, and
difficult emotions were instead treated with lavish shopping trips or travels.

In theory, both are possibilities, and the essence of learning to provide and care for oneself. Emotional self-reliance.

This also shows this
person’s mother, and perhaps both parents, were highly concerned with survival. The observed
way of being emotionally secure was by being materially secure. This could have meant a
mother struggling with poverty or a mother struggling with the existential dread that comes from
living in a void of materialism.

Maybe, maybe not.

Either way, inner security was strongly tied with outer security.

That's the key here. Consistancy and stability is a general need for this signature in terms of emotional security

This can also lend itself to one wanting a great public image, and fears of not living up to an
image of success that one was brought up to expect. Alternatively, this could describe a person
who is the breadwinner for their family. They view themselves as the first person in the family to
‘make it’ and put pressure on themselves to provide for them.

No. All of that is more 10th house oriented. So Taurus on the 10th might be very materially driven in a social/ wordly sense. Not so in the 4th house. In fac the issue with Taurus in the 4th is there may not be adequate effort put into providing for oneself, which is the issue with Taurus: laziness, depending on what's available but not developing one's inner resourcefulness. thus the teachings of the Scorpio 10th polarity ... 

Scorpio in 10th House
Indicates a desire to merge oneself with a force greater than themselves in society. This can
manifest as an eagerness towards fame, corporate success, or a recurring theme, wealth. It can
create a workaholism and an obsession with being at the top of one’s game.

Yes there can be a very strong focus on success. Great.

This sort of ambition,
however, may be a gamble for resources and leave them continually in debt to their passions.
This placement indicates somebody who may be very fixed in what they want to do, but be
forced to change countless times out of evolutionary necessity. Since Scorpio deals with taboos,
they also may end up in careers that their families or broader society rejects.

Excellent. On the one hand Scorpio 10th can feel permeating disempowerment relative to not feeling capable of success, or of being held back by social forces/society. Concentrating desire and focusing on whatever is needed to achieve one's goals is a part of the growth here. In the process symbols of power will be osmosed within the soul itself so they can become more powerful and achieve what they desire.

Other issues can be relative to the desire to get ahead, there can be the use of manipulative measures to get further in society. Thus unethical behavior. The soul can "lose itself" in it's ambition.

Sex work, tantric
massage, psychic mediumship, medicinal cannabis are examples that come to mind. Through
these paths, the soul is developing a fundamental tenacity within themselves that may have been
underdeveloped during childhood (Taurus/4th House polarity).

These paths don't necessarily have anything to do with the Taurus polarity or developing tenacity in emotional self-care. One can get really involved in any of these careers and still lack a caring, stable relationship to their own inner needs/ emotional landscape (Taurus 4th). 

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Gemini in the 5th House
Indicates one’s creative expression and personality is highly multi-faceted. This archetype
reminds me of an actor: somebody whose self expression comes from wearing multiple faces.


In creative domains, this lends them a caliber of genius.

Possibly. Can also just be highly creative and intellectually stimulated. 

In their personal life, it could cause them to feel quite lost about who they fundamentally are.

Sagittarius in the 11th mirrors Leo in the 5th, which is that they could be trying to find who they are in the crowd or by having strong public influence.

Maybe lost in the sense that they are always putting on a show, and aren't necessarily being TRUE to themselves. Who am I when I'm not performing, or trying to give a smart answer? 

Sagittarius in the 11th encourages them to explore the groups and passions that strike a
deeper meaning within them. Gemini in the 5th House gives them permission to change their
minds on a whim if something has lost meaning and passion and recalibrate to something new.
This could happen so often, however, that it becomes a tactic of avoiding their own fear of social
rejection at doing something they really love.

Great, what I translate in that is Sag 11th = being true to my own nature. There can be a fear in Sag 11th of being an outsider for sure and Gemini 5th might be very hard to pin down and actually relate to in friendship, in an honest and authentic way if they are always in a performative state. 

Sagittarius in the 11th House
Indicates one carries a tremendous ability to influence groups of people with their unique
philosophies and discoveries. It can also indicate a social life where one feels ‘lost’. Similar to
having Aquarius in the 1st house, they may need space to roam from group-to-group to find out
who they are.

11th house isn't about influencing groups per say, it's the fact that we are always forming community with people that resonate with our vibration. The key is to stay true to oneself and not concern with being understood of fitting in. In that sense Sag 11th can come to new insights and liberate from beliefs and group thinking, see clearly for themselves. 

Take the example of living in a spiritual community or ashram. There's a tendency in such places for everyone to get on the bandwagon of certain ideas/ beliefs but not necessary to focus entirely on personal direct realization. This soul might find themselves suppressing their own personal calling for direct experience in order to fit in, or following that and being true to their path, even if it is different from those around them.

Often Sag 11th, when there's a lot of karmic activity going on there, sometimes reflects souls that have experienced a lot of religious/racial persecution.

There could be a tendency to be highly sociable but still feel isolated in social
settings. Gemini in the 5th House reflects this archetype, where perhaps one is good at having
several faces around several different kinds of people, but inherently is missing a sense of who
they are and where they belong. Gemini in the 5th House also gives them permission to change
their mind about who they are and with whom they surround themselves with.

Sagittarius in the 11th House carries a shadow in this regard that could come across as lying. They may lie to their
friends, or even the public, about what they stand for in order to be socially accepted.

They have a talent for being so convincing in these roles that they may in fact feel trapped by them. Once
again, Gemini shows them many creative paths and asks them to take a step outside of what they’ve attached themselves to to become more self-actualized.

Excellent, well said. The only correction here is the word "role". 11th house isn't about roles, that would be more of a 10th house thing (i.e. my job or responsibilities, social roles etc). 11th house is my unique vibration. So it would be more about suppressing one's essential nature.

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Ethan, thank you for your amazing efforts! I feel you have a basic intuitive grasp of these archetypes and what remains is a refining and strengthening of your knowledge and application. I am confident you will continue to do that.

Please ask questions on anything I wrote if there is a need for further clarity in regards to anything.

Lastly, here's one more David Goggins video that I just feel expresses a lot of these archetypes. I can really hear the Aquarius 1st/ Leo 7th polarity here amongst other things.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Ari Moshe

Ethan Paisley
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@ari Thank you for this precious feedback, Ari! I will review closely and revise my notes for my own records. I will submit any questions I have as I go. Thank you, again.
