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Disciplineship vs Apprenticeship

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This is in direct feedback to Marija's use of the word "discipline" as it relates to the 6th house. I wanted to share this here as very often we will find ourselves using words that are not wrong per se, but are obliquely related to that house (indirectly, not a purely direct correlation)

Discipline is primarily related to the 10th house/Capricorn, and by association is an earth house/sign thing in general. Discipline is the disciple: long term growth via setting daily limits on oneself to grow in a particular way. This indirectly connects to the 6th house, because it involves cultivation and improvement, but the words I would use for the 6th are: routine, apprenticeship, the things we do to organize and improve the conditions of our lives, the tasks at hand. Just consider the vibrational difference between apprenticeship and discipleship. Discipline has more rules, limits, long term cultivation. Apprentice is learning how to do something, learning and mastering skill sets. Both similar, but different.

Hopefully that distinction makes sense. We will find that all signs of the same element will share the qualities of certain words, with those words resonating specifically with only one of the elements. I don't think I would always correct anyone if either words were used for either house, but I do want to teach the correct associations so we can understand these things more holistically.


Discipline: behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control:

From Oxford:

Apprenticeship: Refers to the period of service as a learner of a trade or handicraft
