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11/07/2024 4:26 pm
1.The wounding may come through spiritual / religious /cosmological/philosophical concepts and lifestyles as well as issues with higher education.
There may be painful issues with teaching and learning.
There may be wounding around the physical body and the ability to gain resources to care for one's life. Taurus may want to hold on to the way things are and crave simplicity while the 9th house wants us to expand our ideas and understandings using the intuition- this may feel difficult to reconcile.
Building a life that matches one's values feels critical.
2.Being able to walk a path that allows time to ponder cosmological concepts and see how they feel inside. Singing / Dancing / artmaking/ music / writing may be part of the healing path.
If the body has felt like an impediment, learning that the body can be an instrument of knowing and intuitive path finding. Making friends with the body. Allowing deep instincts to meet intuition. Being practical and truthful feel essential. Learning about healing from other cultures and worldviews.
3.The soul may get fixed in their ideas/concepts to not have to feel the pain of multiple truths. They might want things to be simple when they aren't. They may want to deny the body and practical matters. They may want to be alone to stay free. They may stay in the world of higher mind or have ideas about the body but have a hard time being deeply embodied.
4.Being dogmatic, isolating too much, not caring for the body and its needs. Learning and teaching might be areas where wounds appear from the outside. Issues around how the practical and the spiritual come together may be at issue for themselves and others.
16/07/2024 6:07 pm
1.The wounding may come through spiritual / religious /cosmological/philosophical concepts and lifestyles as well as issues with higher education.There may be painful issues with teaching and learning.There may be wounding around the physical body and the ability to gain resources to care for one's life. Taurus may want to hold on to the way things are and crave simplicity while the 9th house wants us to expand our ideas and understandings using the intuition- this may feel difficult to reconcile.Building a life that matches one's values feels critical.
Yes, to give this a bit more definition. The sense of being wounded is inwardly feeling oneself as lacking in the inner capacity to know their true on their own. Lacking the inner resource of intuition, a sense of not knowing, not having the capacity to understand or grasp higher insight/meaning. Feeling lost/ wandering and thus from a Taurus POV, perpetually ungrounded and broken in one's self-esteem.
2.Being able to walk a path that allows time to ponder cosmological concepts and see how they feel inside. Singing / Dancing / artmaking/ music / writing may be part of the healing path.If the body has felt like an impediment, learning that the body can be an instrument of knowing and intuitive path finding. Making friends with the body. Allowing deep instincts to meet intuition. Being practical and truthful feel essential. Learning about healing from other cultures and worldviews.
The essence here is walking the path all the while not necessarily believing or feeling oneself to be adequate/worthy/capable of it. If this relates to teaching, it would be to teach and the necessity to face the inner sense of not having any value, and to draw upon one's own personal direct experience and insight anyway. This can only happen by way of showing up to teach.
Beyond that, it's following one's intuition/ being guided from within even if there is no comparison for what other people are doing, there needs to be a trusting of one's inner knowing. This will be vulnerable because the inner wounding of "not being adequate for the journey". There can also be issues around trusting other teachers guidance, dogmas and fixed religious/philosophical ideas about the path to walk but needing at times to go it alone, to trust their own inner guidance, even if it means being misunderstood. Taurus emphasizes a healing journey in self-love.
3.The soul may get fixed in their ideas/concepts to not have to feel the pain of multiple truths. They might want things to be simple when they aren't. They may want to deny the body and practical matters. They may want to be alone to stay free. They may stay in the world of higher mind or have ideas about the body but have a hard time being deeply embodied.
Multiple truths doesn't apply here. Not with Taurus in the 9th. The main point I see you touching upon is a philosophical/cosmological stubbornness. On the one hand there can be a denial/avoidance of the wound/pain by way of stubbornly carrying on according to what one knows. They have to convince themselves of something being true for them, but it not really being true. It's just what's been fixed and repeated and familiar. And yes there can be a repetition of concepts/ ideas etc that are not authentic to the individual.\
Regarding embodiment, there can be an underlying alienation from their body/ from their immediate sensual reality because of this denial.
I think this might often take the appearance as either someone who appears very stable and fixed (but is just over compensating and is not in touch with their own authentic value), or someone who is living in a perpetual state of restlessness, seeking and never internalizing/ finding anything within. In both cases, there is no meeting of one's vulnerability and no medicine making.
4.Being dogmatic, isolating too much, not caring for the body and its needs. Learning and teaching might be areas where wounds appear from the outside. Issues around how the practical and the spiritual come together may be at issue for themselves and others.
Making oneself to be a teacher/ or to "possess" knowledge they don't actually have. In that sense they may have mislead others or have been dishonest with themselves and will feel guilty. Or simply not listening/trusting their own embodied intuition/what inwardly feels workable and true for them and instead following something on the outside resulting in being very lost.
The core issue is the Taurus fixed nature to possess and be stable, relative to the need for philosophical consistency/clarity.
An example is making oneself to be a teacher in something, starting the class and then realizing they don't actually know what they are supposed to teach. If they are not honest about that but continue to stubbornly persist, this creates possible harm and likely eventual guilt.
Or to the contrary, getting involved in a path that is misleading/ not right for oneself but not being honest with oneself about that and wounding their sense of self-value.
Thank you for your work Lisa! You have a general pulse of Taurus in the 9th and I can tell that working with Chiron is a new edge for you, so continue to practice as we go along and follow my comments to other students as well.
Also, request that in future posts you include the workbook questions, just so that it's easier for students to follow the context of your answers.