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Chiron in the 9th House Taurus - Ten

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Chiron in the 9th House Taurus 


1.)What is the wound or sense of being wounded? How might the soul feel that there is something chronically broken about them?

This is a soul that may hold a sensitivity and core wound with regards to their belief systems. Their self worth and inner values may by be deeply effected by this feeling of rejection or abandonment, a feeling of differentness or sense of aloneness.  They may have felt humiliated or offended by sharing their ideas, understandings, and knowledge. They may hold some form of trauma around experiences to seek further knowledge for fear of what they come to find if it is different. This could create a disconnection within, weakening their own self reliance. Maybe they were judged and ridiculed for their thoughts and thus have formed a need to close off, hide from or shutdown from further exploration of what the deeper connections and understandings of life truly mean to them.

They may feel unworthy and or incompetent to grow and expand their experiences.  If they are living life smaller, limiting their view and avoiding further evolutionary exploration and growth because they don’t want to bump up against diversity from others, this will express chronically and life will feel small and stuck.


2.)What might the path of self-healing/ making one's medicine look like?

Acknowledging that not everyone will agree with what they believe to be true and accepting that others are bound to understand differently from them will help bring medicine to this potential narrow path of perception they have gotten stuck in. Allowing others to see differently and recognize that is ok, they may heal their sense of worthiness. Establishing their beliefs and personal values amidst the diversity is apart of life. They may begin to experience true self reliance. Sharing their truth and simultaneously honoring others perceptions and beliefs could develop the medicine and further the self healing journey.


3.)How might the soul avoid/deny/resist their own vulnerability and thus, avoid cultivating the medicine?

This soul may hold a stubborn and fixed attitude towards their beliefs and understandings which could bring resistance to listening to others, denying others a portion of the pie (so to speak).  Because of this narrow attitude they may avoid learning new things, exploring new experiences because they find so much discomfort in bumping up against adversity. They may not feel confident enough for any potential confrontation. They may choose to keep life small. Their self worth and self reliance may be fragile therefore they avoid, deny and resist any further evolutionary growth.


4.) In what ways might the soul create experiences where they are re-creating wounding experiences for themself or others?

They recreate wounding for themselves or others by forcing their beliefs on others, by not listening to others and by not being flexible or willing to accept their beliefs are capable of continuously changing, shifting, growing and evolving.

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1.)What is the wound or sense of being wounded? How might the soul feel that there is something chronically broken about them?

This is a soul that may hold a sensitivity and core wound with regards to their belief systems. Their self worth and inner values may by be deeply effected by this feeling of rejection or abandonment, a feeling of differentness or sense of aloneness.They may have felt humiliated or offended by sharing their ideas, understandings, and knowledge. They may hold some form of trauma around experiences to seek further knowledge for fear of what they come to find if it is different. This could create a disconnection within, weakening their own self reliance. Maybe they were judged and ridiculed for their thoughts and thus have formed a need to close off, hide from or shutdown from further exploration of what the deeper connections and understandings of life truly mean to them.

They may feel unworthy and or incompetent to grow and expand their experiences. If they are living life smaller, limiting their view and avoiding further evolutionary exploration and growth because they don’t want to bump up against diversity from others, this will express chronically and life will feel small and stuck.

I appreciate you bringing in that lats part of avoiding further exploration - this is a good insight into this signature. There can be a fear of embracing change based on the need for consistency, all the while harboring a deep inner sense of inadequacy and distrust in their intuitive resourcefulness. A lack of self-trust.

One correction, the wounding isn't about rejection, abandonment, humiliation or offense - but rather alienation, being misunderstood, not trusting in their own intuition and capacity to understand and know.

2.)What might the path of self-healing/ making one's medicine look like?

Acknowledging that not everyone will agree with what they believe to be true and accepting that others are bound to understand differently from them will help bring medicine to this potential narrow path of perception they have gotten stuck in. Allowing others to see differently and recognize that is ok, they may heal their sense of worthiness. Establishing their beliefs and personal values amidst the diversity is apart of life. They may begin to experience true self reliance. Sharing their truth and simultaneously honoring others perceptions and beliefs could develop the medicine and further the self healing journey.

You are touching upon it in a good way. This will need to be a path of sharing their learning/ also embarking upon the path of personal realization - and in that they will also face their own internal self-doubt/ not feeling sourced from within to actually know or to understand. Their path and their journey towards realization will be their own, something they need to own, even if it sets them a part and only they can validate it for themselves. As a teacher, their medicine making will happen by way of being in touch with that self doubt but sharing from their own personal direct knowledge anyway.

3.)How might the soul avoid/deny/resist their own vulnerability and thus, avoid cultivating the medicine?

This soul may hold a stubborn and fixed attitude towards their beliefs and understandings which could bring resistance to listening to others, denying others a portion of the pie (so to speak).

Not as much listening or not listening to others (that would be more an aries - libra issue) but being closed within and inwardly unavailable to budge. I sense that's what you meant but I want to differentiate this from Aries in the 9th.

Because of this narrow attitude they may avoid learning new things, exploring new experiences because they find so much discomfort in bumping up against adversity. They may not feel confident enough for any potential confrontation. They may choose to keep life small. Their self worth and self reliance may be fragile therefore they avoid, deny and resist any further evolutionary growth.

Yes and this can also express as an external fixed attitude of self-trust, but actually unstable and not certain on the inside. In that sense they wouldn't really be living their truth. The other would be a perpetual restlessness, acting and believing oneself to be broken and incapable of authentic insight and knowledge from within.

4.) In what ways might the soul create experiences where they are re-creating wounding experiences for themself or others?

They recreate wounding for themselves or others by forcing their beliefs on others, by not listening to others and by not being flexible or willing to accept their beliefs are capable of continuously changing, shifting, growing and evolving.

This isn't about forcing beliefs on others - as that isn't so much what Taurus would do here. But it is about convincing oneself and/or  others that one possesses and embodies a certain knowledge that one in fact does not possess. To this individual, they may not realize they are lying because the overcompensation pattern might result in them telling themselves that they have something they don't actually have, but not actually realize they are doing that.

The wounding would happen when they realize they don't have the inner resources (the knowledge, insight, wisdom) they thought they did, or said they did. 

They also might wound themselves by way of disowning/ disconnecting from their own direct intuitive guidance, and walking a path that is harmful/ misleading to them on the basis of wanting philosophical/cosmological consistency and clarity - but resulting in a wounding of self-esteem and self-trust.

Great job Ten, I feel you are beginning to grasp how this whole signature expresses and just need to keep on practicing working with Chiron.

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Thank you Ari,

As always very helpful. I do have one question. Can I have you further explain the difference between alienation vs. rejection/abandonment.  I realize there may be a difference but it's unclear to me at this time.  If you could clarify.

Also I realize now that maybe "forcing" beliefs on another isn't what I meant. That word doesn't feel right, now that you targeted it. It does feel to harsh. But convincing, persuading, strongly suggesting was more what I meant.

Thank you so much


This post was modified 8 months ago by Ten

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Posted by: @surrealtengmail-com

As always very helpful. I do have one question. Can I have you further explain the difference between alienation vs. rejection/abandonment.  I realize there may be a difference but it's unclear to me at this time.  If you could clarify.

Sure, alienation has to do more with being out of context/ out of step. To feel alienated is to also not be understood or be non-understandable to others.

Rejection is the experience of being deemed unworthy or unwanted by someone else. Abandonment similar but relating more to a severing of emotional attachment.

Being alienated or alienating someone else can be a matter of speaking about topics or matters that make everyone uncomfortable, or isn't accessible or relevant to people's experience. It can also be a way of deeming other people and their experience as not important or wrong. Like me going to synagogue and preaching about Jesus. I will alienate myself, and others may feel alienated by me. Or behaving like a westerner in a foreign town, not thinking so much about how that translates. Things like that. Or talking about astrology at a gathering where most of the people don't understand the symbols I'm speaking about.

I shared a talk on the EA zoom channel recently about the transits in the 2nd half of the year. I was concerned that if it got too political that it would be alienated for many people. There's sometimes an assumption amongst spiritual circles that others will share the same political or social views as oneself, but of course this is not always the case. To speak in certain ways about the political candidates might be alienating to those who have a different view.

On the flip side, in order to not alienate everyone or to remedy one's feeling of being alienated, Sag can outright lie in order to be believable and so that their personal truth doesn't make them stand out. They may not be sincere with themselves.
