Hi all,
In one of the office hours, Lisa asked about the astral plane. I received some helpful clarifications from Rad on the EA forum. Please check it out.
I'll also be hosting a conversation with Patricia Walsh this coming week and I am devoting it entirely to the astral plane! So I look forward to learning more about it. If you have any further questions regarding Uranus and the astral plane - you are welcome to post it on the EA forum directly.
🌟Great links, my aquarian placements drinks it in.
Two questions, uranianly tangential but still. Since it has been prompting me lately and is mentioned here by sri Yukteswar a couple of times. About the nature of fairies, fae etc. Would they and other "etheral natural beings" belong to the archetype of Aquarius or Sagittarius (Centaurs would kind of come in that group after all...) or both... or other? And also, how might the connection and interchange between humans and such beings possibly be seen in an evolutionary context...?
This is definitely beyond my own direct knowledge/ experience. However I just did an interview with Patricia Walsh and she did speak to some of these things. It'll be posted soon and I'll share it here when it is.