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Aquarius rising chart practice

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Bob Bills
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With Aquarius on the first house cusp is going to be someone who approaches life in a detached way.  They may not be someone who wears their heart on their sleeve.  They will likely have a very unique outlook on life and may feel alienated from others because of it.  They may learn from the Leo polarity in the 7th house that they need to be themselves even if that is not something they think is going to be accepted well.  If not, they may find themselves conforming to group dynamics and changing who they are to keep the peace.  They may likely have a past trauma signature of being ostracized from a group for being boisterous and free with opinions due to having a Sagittarius 11th house cusp.  And may learn from the 5th house signature of Gemini that curiosity and levelheaded logic mixed in with the firey tendencies of the Sagittarius group dynamics would be helpful.  But they would be also helped not to go too far in this logic that they start to play both sides and change who they are based on who they are with.  Staying grounded in who they are will be important. 


With Pisces on the 2nd house cusp, they will need to watch for boundary issues that may affect their self-worth and values.  They may find that they will tend to retreat within and isolate themselves because they may have a hard time knowing what emotions theirs and those that belong to others.  They may have a very tactile way of intuition and feel things through their senses as they find that they just know things and don’t understand why, they just feel it to be true.  There may be a strong tendency toward self-critical thinking that gets buried deep within for fear of looking at it due to the 8th house cusp of Virgo.  They may be very inclined to know details about other people without understanding why and have a strong urge to help people through these perceived problems.  This tendency will also be present within themselves as they are inclined to dig deep to understand the details of their innermost emotions. 

With a 3rd house cusp of Aries, they will likely be very impulsive and aggressive in trying to learn new things.  They may tend to say what is on their mind without thinking through the consequences.  And would do well to take a dose of perspective from the Libra 9th house to really understand the depth and how they feel and what it may mean for others before speaking their mind.  They may be very inclined to look to others to seek out information and try to understand subjects in depth.  But may need to watch for a tendency to take on others’ beliefs without investigation of their own.  And learn to not only take in new information with vigor, but to take the time to understand what it means to them and how it affects their overall reality.  This will most likely have a great effect on their relations with others and they will want to really seek to listen to what others have to say or are saying and how that relates to or changes their understanding.


With a 4th house cusp of Taurus that may be someone who will keep their emotions to themselves and hunker down in their emotional world and could possibly be thinking to themselves that if they just keep their emotions to themselves, they will survive or not be controlled by others.  They may only want to reveal their emotions if they see the value in it.   With the Scorpio polarity they will want to watch out for notions that others will betray them if they reveal their emotions.  Through a deep examination of their inner feelings, it may reveal that not everyone is out to get them, and they can learn to trust their inner authority.  Especially when they couple that with a well thought out set of values.  Through this lens they can trust themselves to know when and who to trust emotionally.  And this would allow them to build connections with others where they could meet halfway and nurture others’, as well as their own emotions.  If you know yourself well enough and have taken the time to build a sense of what your values are then you can rest on that ground and open up without a need for controlling and learn to evolve through relationships.

The ultimate lesson here is that if you can learn to trust your own authority through deep examination and transformation of emotions.  And that you don’t need to worry about betrayal of others if you reveal your emotions because if someone does betray you, you will be okay and survive.


With a 5th house cusp of Gemini, they may have a lot of curiosity and seek many ways of expressing their creative selves.  They may be drawn to many different types of creative outlets.  And might find that they do one thing for a while and then flit onto something else that draws their attention once they find it is not turning their crank anymore.  They may learn from the 5th house cusp of the Sagittarius polarity to stay with something long enough to understand it completely so that their creative expression can reach its full potential.  They may be someone who is drawn to creative outlets that allow them to explore many different faucets of one genre.  They may also need to watch for a tendency to feel like they know how everyone else will want to express their creativity.  Telling them what their truth is and expecting it to be the same for everyone.  Looking instead for a detached way of observing how others do it to learn a more in-depth perspective on their own expression that may open new avenues of expression for themselves.  This may open them into the uniqueness of their own version more deeply.


With the 6th house cusp of Cancer, this may line up very well with that of the 4th house cusp of Taurus.  Looking for ways to refine and improve how their inner self-healing is going would go right along with the theme of deep examination of emotions and learning to trust themselves by cultivating a solid set of values.  Something that may hang them up here is to be way to down on themselves by feeling they are not good enough or that they are not perfect and therefore not ready to open up.  Making daily progress to understanding their emotional health and how they relate to the world is going eventually to lead them to great fulfillment and a good grounding from the 4th house cusp of taurus.  They would do well to and may in fact be drawn to a field of work where they can hold emotional space in the service of others.  Nurturing their emotions and seeking to provide feedback to heal where they can.  With Pisces on the 2nd house cusp, they could find that they literally feel when others are uncomfortable and the make adjustments by signaling emotional understanding that could allow people to open up.  With a Libra 9th house cusp, they would be able to hold the space for others to lead them on their journey into their inner world as a companion that has a great potential for healing through a hand holding and space holding that allows them space to seek and search. 

They could learn from the 12th house cusp of Capricorn not to try and control where and when this opening up will take shape and to just surrender and merge with them to see where it leads.  It could possibly be a space where neither one would expect to go.  The downside might be that they have a vision of what this looks like and or be in denial of what they see, or they may have a fantastical vision of where this seems to be leading.  By surrendering to whatever is there for both the people they are holding space for and or themselves they may see something that their inner selves are trying to show them that they might otherwise miss. 

This 12th house cusp of Capricorn may also be a sign that they are culminating a journey of self or inner authority.  They may be in a time where they need to learn to surrender to what they know and trust that they are in the right place and doing the right thing.  That they will feel when it is wrong by opening up and trusting that they will know the right thing when they see it or feel it.  To trust that they would feel it when boundaries are being crossed and naturally make moves to reinforce them from a sense of inner authority.  If they try to control things, the universe will show them where they need to ‘let go’. 

I just let this flow with only one reread, so there may be some spelling and or grammar issues.  Let me know if clarification is needed.

And thank you for any feedback.

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With Aquarius on the first house cusp is going to be someone who approaches life in a detached way.  They may not be someone who wears their heart on their sleeve.  They will likely have a very unique outlook on life and may feel alienated from others because of it.  They may learn from the Leo polarity in the 7th house that they need to be themselves even if that is not something they think is going to be accepted well. 

All true but I would say it in reversed. That Leo 7 needs to learn from Aquarius 1st to be themselves even if that is not something that they think is going to be accepted well. Since Aquarius 1st is about being true to oneself, it's not concerned with what other people think.

If not, they may find themselves conforming to group dynamics and changing who they are to keep the peace.  They may likely have a past trauma signature of being ostracized from a group for being boisterous and free with opinions due to having a Sagittarius 11th house cusp.  And may learn from the 5th house signature of Gemini that curiosity and levelheaded logic mixed in with the firey tendencies of the Sagittarius group dynamics would be helpful.  But they would be also helped not to go too far in this logic that they start to play both sides and change who they are based on who they are with.  Staying grounded in who they are will be important. 

What you said about alienation from the group is true for sag 11, but not specifically for Aquarius 1. Of course there might be a strong resonance at times with fitting in or not fitting in - but the core path with Aquarius 1 is to be oneself at all times, regardless of whether it fits into precedent. At the core the soul is liberating from their own limitations from living their own freedom moment to moment.

With Pisces on the 2nd house cusp, they will need to watch for boundary issues that may affect their self-worth and values.  They may find that they will tend to retreat within and isolate themselves because they may have a hard time knowing what emotions theirs and those that belong to others. 

So glad you mentioned the need to isolate and retreat. It's not about having a hard time knowing which EMOTIONS are theirs or others, that would be more Pisces in the 4th. But this is about discernment relative to the senses, pleasure, sexuality, also inhabiting their own personal space vs giving it all away. 

They may have a very tactile way of intuition and feel things through their senses as they find that they just know things and don’t understand why, they just feel it to be true. 

Intuition and knowing what is true even if they don't understand why is Sagittarius. Pisces 2nd house is about the embodiment of grace, beauty, wholeness from within. A deep trust in the abundance of life. It's fundamentally about a state of receptivity to receive what one needs. One may also be an instrument to bring forth resources that are shared freely and openly for all, like the apple tree just produces fruits in abundance with no discrimination.

There may be a strong tendency toward self-critical thinking that gets buried deep within for fear of looking at it due to the 8th house cusp of Virgo.  They may be very inclined to know details about other people without understanding why and have a strong urge to help people through these perceived problems.  This tendency will also be present within themselves as they are inclined to dig deep to understand the details of their innermost emotions. 

Great, Virgo in the 8th might have/develop a skill of going deep with others. The ability to penetrate to the core of an issue and uncover the core psychological dynamics at the root of any dis-ease/crisis. I knew a healer with this signature that utilizes a couple different healing modalities and it's all about helping people work with their own victimization and clean up their own lives: Virgo 8th house. There can also be a deeply permeating sense of inner self-criticism, hyper aware of one's defects and a deep desire to PURGE and eliminate any impurities from within - leading to attracting experiences of being abused, degraded etc.

The Pisces 2nd house then teaches Virgo in the 8th to love oneself, to be happy with oneself and life as it is now, to embrace peace and wholeness, not get stuck in the muck of dealing with all of the hard inner stuff.

With a 3rdhouse cusp of Aries, they will likely be very impulsive and aggressive in trying to learn new things.  They may tend to say what is on their mind without thinking through the consequences.  And would do well to take a dose of perspective from the Libra 9thhouse to really understand the depth and how they feel and what it may mean for others before speaking their mind. 


They may be very inclined to look to others to seek out information and try to understand subjects in depth. 

Not looking to others to see information necessarily. Libra in the 9th is not about information but beliefs, cosmologies, philosophy. Views. So imagine a partner with a particular political perspective. The tension between Libra 9 to Aries 3rd might be between being agreeable with others (Libra 9th) but then having all kinds of thoughts, questions, counter arguments that might contradict or push up against what another person believes. I need to keep my mind open but I also want to share affinity and mutual understanding with others.

But may need to watch for a tendency to take on others’ beliefs without investigation of their own.  And learn to not only take in new information with vigor, but to take the time to understand what it means to them and how it affects their overall reality.  This will most likely have a great effect on their relations with others and they will want to really seek to listen to what others have to say or are saying and how that relates to or changes their understanding.


With a 4thhouse cusp of Taurus that may be someone who will keep their emotions to themselves and hunker down in their emotional world and could possibly be thinking to themselves that if they just keep their emotions to themselves, they will survive or not be controlled by others. They may only want to reveal their emotions if they see the value in it.  

This could be. There would certainly be a tendency towards preserving their sense of security by not being exposed beyond the shell of what is familiar and known. On the negative side this can actually lead to emotional numbness - not actually feeling and emotionally integrating experience, but just staying towards whatever security attachments keep them feeling safe - AS A WAY TO AVOID actually dealing with their own emotions. I.E. I feel insecure so I want to be alone and each chocolate nourish myself. All nice but can also be a way of avoiding a deeper relationship with self.

 With the Scorpio polarity they will want to watch out for notions that others will betray them if they reveal their emotions. 

If this was Scorpio in the 4th, then this would apply. From the POV of Scorpio in the 10th, the soul may be consumed by how they are being judged, oppressed, their own fixations on their roles and statues and responsibilities, feeling a lack of agency etc. So The Taurus 4th teaches the soul to continue to care for themselves.

From the POV of Taurus in the 4th, Scorpio in the 10th teaches the soul to get uncomfortable, step out into the known and learn to embrace the complexity of life as opposed to staying in the stagnant security of "not getting out of one's comfy bed". There are things to do, and it's hard and it'll take inner resilience and soul strength.

Through a deep examination of their inner feelings, it may reveal that not everyone is out to get them, and they can learn to trust their inner authority.  Especially when they couple that with a well thought out set of values.  Through this lens they can trust themselves to know when and who to trust emotionally.  And this would allow them to build connections with others where they could meet halfway and nurture others’, as well as their own emotions.  If you know yourself well enough and have taken the time to build a sense of what your values are then you can rest on that ground and open up without a need for controlling and learn to evolve through relationships. The ultimate lesson here is that if you can learn to trust your own authority through deep examination and transformation of emotions.  And that you don’t need to worry about betrayal of others if you reveal your emotions because if someone does betray you, you will be okay and survive.

I didn't feel much of the essence of Scorpio in the 10th in your writing. There might be a lesson around learning who to trust, who to open up to - as per the 4th house in general. But Taurus is not about others - it's about how do I supply for and provide my own needs. So it deals more with issues of isolation or overdependence on known forms of self-nurturance which can lead to a non-growth situation.

With a 5th house cusp of Gemini, they may have a lot of curiosity and seek many ways of expressing their creative selves.  They may be drawn to many different types of creative outlets.  And might find that they do one thing for a while and then flit onto something else that draws their attention once they find it is not turning their crank anymore. 


They may learn from the 11th house cusp of the Sagittarius polarity to stay with something long enough to understand it completely so that their creative expression can reach its full potential. 

I'd refine this to say that the Sag 11 is about cultivating an intuitive detachment in looking at things as they are, broadening one's vision to a higher plane of apprehension. This is about insight and witness consciousness as opposed to the more playful, witty, but perhaps scattered, superficial and performative expression of Gemini in the 5th.

They may be someone who is drawn to creative outlets that allow them to explore many different faucets of one genre. 


They may also need to watch for a tendency to feel like they know how everyone else will want to express their creativity.  Telling them what their truth is and expecting it to be the same for everyone.  Looking instead for a detached way of observing how others do it to learn a more in-depth perspective on their own expression that may open new avenues of expression for themselves.  This may open them into the uniqueness of their own version more deeply.

I didn't follow this completely. What arises for me to speak is - understanding that others may not agree or see what one sees. Sag in the 11th is about not getting stuck in "differentness" between beliefs or philosophical views which can result in alienation, elitism, all kinds of "us vs them" issues. Gemini 5th teaches a sort of light and playful and curious orientation to appreciate different ways and attitudes and get back into the heart a bit.


With the 6th house cusp of Cancer, this may line up very well with that of the 4th house cusp of Taurus.  Looking for ways to refine and improve how their inner self-healing is going would go right along with the theme of deep examination of emotions and learning to trust themselves by cultivating a solid set of values. 

Cancer 6th isn't about a solid set of values ... but yes to the rest of it.

Something that may hang them up here is to be way to down on themselves by feeling they are not good enough or that they are not perfect and therefore not ready to open up.  Making daily progress to understanding their emotional health and how they relate to the world is going eventually to lead them to great fulfillment and a good grounding from the 4thhouse cusp of taurus. 

No need to focus on Taurus 4th here, it's a distraction from really looking more deeply at Cancer in the 6th.

They would do well to and may in fact be drawn to a field of work where they can hold emotional space in the service of others.  Nurturing their emotions and seeking to provide feedback to heal where they can.  With Pisces on the 2ndhouse cusp, they could find that they literally feel when others are uncomfortable and the make adjustments by signaling emotional understanding that could allow people to open up.  With a Libra 9thhouse cusp, they would be able to hold the space for others to lead them on their journey into their inner world as a companion that has a great potential for healing through a hand holding and space holding that allows them space to seek and search. 

You spoke accurately about Cancer in the 6th but there's a lot more you could flesh out. What about the issues of crisis and neglect that come with the 6th house? And remember, in our house system not everyone with Cancer 6 will have Pisces 2nd.

They could learn from the 12th house cusp of Capricorn not to try and control where and when this opening up will take shape and to just surrender and merge with them to see where it leads. 

Cap 12 is about discipline with respect to reality beyond the limited control of one's own making. There can be a sense of either being too controlling or being overwhelmed by details/ always in crisis with Cancer int he 6th. Capricorn 12th brings forgiveness and structure to what can otherwise be chaotic.

It could possibly be a space where neither one would expect to go.  The downside might be that they have a vision of what this looks like and or be in denial of what they see, or they may have a fantastical vision of where this seems to be leading.  By surrendering to whatever is there for both the people they are holding space for and or themselves they may see something that their inner selves are trying to show them that they might otherwise miss. 

This 12thhouse cusp of Capricorn may also be a sign that they are culminating a journey of self or inner authority.  They may be in a time where they need to learn to surrender to what they know and trust that they are in the right place and doing the right thing.  That they will feel when it is wrong by opening up and trusting that they will know the right thing when they see it or feel it.  To trust that they would feel it when boundaries are being crossed and naturally make moves to reinforce them from a sense of inner authority.  If they try to control things, the universe will show them where they need to ‘let go’. 

I feel this whole axis could use some work. You might want to see what I've written for others.

Thank you for your efforts Bill! I think you have a natural understanding of the core of all of these and my sense is that you have the potential to flesh each of these out very deeply but perhaps just need to give yourself a bit more time to be with it and not rush through.

I think I will make a video going through all of these soon so that we all have a solid reference for looking at this. 

Bob Bills
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Posted by: @ari

Thank you for your efforts Bill! I think you have a natural understanding of the core of all of these and my sense is that you have the potential to flesh each of these out very deeply but perhaps just need to give yourself a bit more time to be with it and not rush through.

Thanks for all the feedback, Ari.  I did have a reason for flowing through it.  I tend to spend a lot of time refining and can get lost in doing it.  I will take that to heart and try to find a balance.  
