Aquarius in the 1st house archetype: the spaceman exhilarated to take off, he has a clear vision, uninhibited and commanding with kindness as long as the plan is his, little room for deviation. This person is wearing a very different suit, he feels renewed and fully charged. it can be overwhelming surely, he is persistent and will not burn bridges. Humanitarian umbrella open for all good listeners.
Polarity Leo in Libra : He /she is a people magnet, crowd gatherer a powerhouse with great propensity to charm and align.Big hearted and kind, shows humility and learning to remember there are others, a people person who can find it difficult to costar. Relationships with grandiose gestures and can be a big opportunist, vain and broody.
Pisces in 2nd house: the inner beauty reflects in her space / home. There is desire and aspiration, the yoga studio is open, make an appointment please.
Polarity Virgo in the 8th is more confident, kinder to self. Unapologetic and un afraid to push his/ her self limits, can be powerful, a mathematical genius lesser known, enjoying the anonymity with great perks. He is not jumpy or skiddish - less critical perhaps . A thrill seeker with a a detailed plan good or really dark.
Hi Sukanya, thank you for making the effort! I sense you have a basic intuitive grasp of these signatures, and can strengthen one of them as I explain below.
Aquarius in the 1st house archetype: the spaceman exhilarated to take off, he has a clear vision, uninhibited and commanding with kindness as long as the plan is his, little room for deviation. This person is wearing a very different suit, he feels renewed and fully charged. it can be overwhelming surely, he is persistent and will not burn bridges. Humanitarian umbrella open for all good listeners.
Polarity Leo in Libra : He /she is a people magnet, crowd gatherer a powerhouse with great propensity to charm and align.Big hearted and kind, shows humility and learning to remember there are others, a people person who can find it difficult to costar. Relationships with grandiose gestures and can be a big opportunist, vain and broody.
One correction is I wouldn't associate Leo in the 7th as a crowd gatherer necessarily - there can actually be a lot more comfort with one on one interactions, connections. Leo in the7th also might be shy - Leo anywhere can be really shy on the inside, feeling sensitive to how they might be seen from the outside.
Pisces in 2nd house: the inner beauty reflects in her space / home. There is desire and aspiration, the yoga studio is open, make an appointment please.
Polarity Virgo in the 8th is more confident, kinder to self. Unapologetic and un afraid to push his/ her self limits, can be powerful, a mathematical genius lesser known, enjoying the anonymity with great perks. He is not jumpy or skiddish - less critical perhaps . A thrill seeker with a a detailed plan good or really dark.
I'm not sure if you have a grasp of Virgo in the 8th from this. Remember that 8th house is about investment of energy, experiences that will bring up our psychological confrontations and limitations, where we are drawn into experience outside of our comfort zone to grow and evolve. Virgo corresponds to self-accuracy and where we are tending to details and there's always more work to do.
Feel free to work more on this one. You can also read what I've written in response to other people's work on this signature.
Ok, I am going over the previous lessons again….
Virgo in 8th can be in control without the despair to control. The archetype is playing with the limits of his / her boundaries and open to new experiences. Sharing ( joint resources / business ventures) is a leap into trust and understands that through the other he is able to receive and delve.
I’m tripping over my wordiness 🙁
Aries in 3H: This archetype has a lot of strength, courage, is bold, a quick thinker he /she wishes to resolve, find solutions swiftly. Baby boss can be extremely hard on self for not being able to achieve what he / she has willed. Unrealistic expectations from self, people pleasing quality that can be coming from a selfless place. There is a strong wish to help, fix, has a lot of compassion but without the right thought it results in disappointments.
The raw energy is pure and given the right circumstance, training and patience this can be someone at the top of their game. The challenge is to learn non action is not inaction.
This archetype perhaps desires a Phd in a day, a marathon reader will skip details unable to achieve the desired results and will toss the books out the window. A series of unfortunate events …
The fight is within, a volcanic fight of guilt and judgement however borrowing from the polarity Libra in 9h this individual can learn that there is a lots of grace in listening, beauty in being able to channel one’s rhythm.
Libra in 9h: this archetype has patience, loads of empathy and a good listener. If the ego is put aside and the archetype does not get lost in his closet he / she can be spontaneous resulting in dispensing thoughts for the good of all. The power and beauty is to gently lead the other to self introspect ,enquire and arrive at the conclusion of the oneness this archetype sees, there is immense joy, funny, silly pure joy.
This can take time and can be a lonely place. The archetype can perhaps laugh at their own jokes, dress different parts and still enjoy what life offers. This individual is painfully aware if they are out of alignment.
This archetype must speak when invited to, from a discerning place.
libra in 9h can find it hard to make decisions fast, they might get lost in the details of the itinerary , can sulk and miss the bigger picture.
Taurus in 4th is the archetype that takes pride in knowing that the foundation of their home is solid. This individual will be patient and has well laid plans for every sq ft of their house or their living space. The home is everything , comfortable, warm and aesthetically pleasing. This is probably a home that is nurturing, nourishing, the play date home with loads of good food. There is a beautiful well executed plan set in motion - a routine giving stability. The archetype is protective of their family and might not want to mingle with just any one. The archetype is all invested in “ the other” and copious amounts of material gain.They will struggle with changes in family dynamics or a shift in their monetary status. This individual is solid, hands on and has lots to gain and let go when they look at the polarity - Scorpio in 10th.
They could be a really good musician , demanding and in control of the narrative. Here the archetype can be watching himself walking the edge pushing their limits and the desire to transmute is strong.