Hi Lisa,
The chart is created by where the ecliptic and the celestial equator cross each other at 4 nodal points. The solstice and equinox points. We then fill in 30 degrees of each sign in their natural progression.
The 12 signs of the zodiac in tropical astrology, not the chart itself.
We learned that these points aren't lined up with the constellations because of the axial progression, were they at one time?
Yes, every 26,000ish years or so - basically its the same as comparing a broken clock to a working clock (though we can ignore the repetition of am and pm when it comes to the zodiac). So they will align once in a full precession cycle. Though it's an interesting topic to explore. They will align once and also be at opposition once within a full cycle. They last aligned around 2000 years ago which is why today they are only less than one sign a part from each other.
If what's rising on a chart is the intersection of the ecliptic and the local horizon- is that more related to an actual constellation because the local horizon is involved or is this still "off" because the bones of the chart are created by the 4 nodal points where the ecliptic and the celestial equator cross and those set the tone for everything else.
It's not related to the constellations. The ecliptic, how it's labeled, is defined by the first question you asked above.
Is the ecliptic created by the Suns gravity?I am having a hard time understanding how the house sizes are created but am holding it lightly and hope we can talk about that in our next class.
It's created by the path of the Earth around the Sun. From the POV of the earth itself, it's just going to be seen as the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth. In terms of why the Earth orbits the sun etc, that's beyond my scope.