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Essentials Course 2024 Community Forum
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19/04/2024 9:59 am
Aquarius on the first
I meet life intellectually; I am a free thinker. People see me as different, and I can feel isolated because of that.
I seek out groups and friends that share my unusual ideas.
When I speak my mind people can be inspired or put off by my words and reflections. I might be perceived as acting superior to others because my ideas can be critical of the status quo. My detachment from other people's opinions helps me bring forth new ways of doing things.
Polarity affirmation: Its safe to be myself in relationships, I can have fun and enjoy life and others even if I am different.
Pisces on the 2nd
I take care of my needs by going within and witnessing my emotional spiritual body as a primary resource.
I see my self in others and know that all bodies deserve care and the means to be here on Earth no matter their status in life.
If at times I give too much of myself away I return to my interior world to feel safe. I might stay in and watch movies until I feel a sense of myself and then go
volunteer at soup kitchens where people are fed, and the playing ground is equal. When I feel the world is cruel, I come back home to regroup and remember give myself time to process the stimulation created by being out in the world.
Polarity affirmation: When I eat regular meals, I am able to better share my energy in meaningful ways with others. I learn to share with discernment and separate myself from the sorrows of the human world.
Aries on the 3rd
When it comes to learning I am an inspired thinker and enjoy being free to study a variety of topics that relate to my personal interests.
I can speed read and win debates, I need support to finish projects but I need to know why it's worth it.
I feel my best when I am running free on the playground with other kids, after I have been physical, I am ready to learn.
Please don't corner me as I can then get stuck in defending my freedom and lose focus on what matters to me. Give me rules and containment that make sense and I will take it into consideration.
Polarity affirmation: I can hear other people's ideas and relationship needs and then decide what will work best for me knowing that both of our needs are equally important but that I am only in charge of myself.
Taurus on the 4th
I feel safe and at home when there is a stable routine. I thrive being with others when there is touch, good food and enough quiet times to process emotions.
I am a solid container for a wide variety of emotions and a solid shoulder to lean on. I can consistently care for my deep emotions. I have a steady easy manner when it comes to my family life and can also feel very protective. People feel very safe in my presence.
I love being at home, going out in the world might be difficult but over time it will be worth it.
Polarity affirmation: When I share my feelings with people out in the world with others it might be painful sometimes, but I have a solid foundation in caring for my emotional needs with integrity and know my path is to care for my inner world.
Gemini on the 5th
I feel my best when I can communicate my thoughts with another, I enjoy journal writing about all my creative ideas and making collages and vision boards about the life I know I am destined to live.
When I can communicate my ideas, I feel a sense of pride and authority. I am a magician who is known for sleight of hand magic tricks that children love-
At heart I am versatile and enjoy sharing my energy in many different arenas, people love being around me and I love them back for loving me and my gifts and talents. I am special, unique and loved by God.
Polarity affirmation:
While I know this life isn't all about me when I am feeling my best and sharing myself, I feel that is a gift for the collective.
Cancer on the 6th
When it comes to daily life I need to feel emotionally connected to my routines. I am drawn to care for others as a form of service to my community. I can work hard and build skills for things I care about. I am sensitive to my immediate environment and need to feel safe to go about my day. I mentor people through my willingness to show up emotionally in a regular and routine way.
I need a large Hepa filter for all these cats I am fostering.
My polarity affirmation: I remember that taking charge of my body and emotional needs everyday will allow me the capacity go more deeply into my relationship with truth on be on my life path over the long haul.
19/04/2024 6:07 pm
Beautiful writing, Lisa. The first-person point of view really brings these archetypes into deeper personal resonance with me. Looking forward to your future writing.
21/04/2024 10:26 am
Hi Lisa,
Aquarius on the firstI meet life intellectually; I am a free thinker. People see me as different, and I can feel isolated because of that.I seek out groups and friends that share my unusual ideas.When I speak my mind people can be inspired or put off by my words and reflections. I might be perceived as acting superior to others because my ideas can be critical of the status quo. My detachment from other people's opinions helps me bring forth new ways of doing things.Polarity affirmation: Its safe to be myself in relationships, I can have fun and enjoy life and others even if I am different.
You got the essence of it. This soul may not seek out groups and friends - in fact in the 1st house this is a prime "loner" archetype. They may or they may not have a strong social interest.
Pisces on the 2ndI take care of my needs by going within and witnessing my emotional spiritual body as a primary resource.I see my self in others and know that all bodies deserve care and the means to be here on Earth no matter their status in life.If at times I give too much of myself away I return to my interior world to feel safe. I might stay in and watch movies until I feel a sense of myself and then govolunteer at soup kitchens where people are fed, and the playing ground is equal. When I feel the world is cruel, I come back home to regroup and remember give myself time to process the stimulation created by being out in the world.Polarity affirmation: When I eat regular meals, I am able to better share my energy in meaningful ways with others. I learn to share with discernment and separate myself from the sorrows of the human world.
Another issue can be lack of discrimination in regards to sexual/sensual pleasure. So a strong escapism through the senses. Or on the flip side, a sense of "purity" and zero sexual interest - not knowing one's own sensual/sexual nature.
There can be a narrowness of just expecting life to provide: the trees give fruit, water is available etc, so not putting forth effort to develop one's own resourcefulness. A common lesson with Pisces anywhere is developing more active participation and discernment. Right on in bringing in the serving people, there's a sense of becoming an instrument for universal resources, given to all. Mother Theresa actually had Pisces in the 2nd to give an example.
Pisces 2nd can also really be the prime archetype of sticking one's head in the sand: my life is just good over here, all is blissful and well etc. Virgo 8th polarity is about the soul work, looking at one's own psychology, addictions, facing the darkness and working with it, where we can't just keep everything simple all the time. Also in terms of intimacy sex and deeper relational experience: in the 8th Virgo we are getting involved with desires, attachments, addictions etc.
Aries on the 3rdWhen it comes to learning I am an inspired thinker and enjoy being free to study a variety of topics that relate to my personal interests.I can speed read and win debates, I need support to finish projects but I need to know why it's worth it.I feel my best when I am running free on the playground with other kids, after I have been physical, I am ready to learn.Please don't corner me as I can then get stuck in defending my freedom and lose focus on what matters to me. Give me rules and containment that make sense and I will take it into consideration.Polarity affirmation: I can hear other people's ideas and relationship needs and then decide what will work best for me knowing that both of our needs are equally important but that I am only in charge of myself.
Intellectual stamina and free thinking are key here. You got the essence of it but to clarify - speed winning and winning debates, need support to finish projects etc are very specific and may or may not apply. Same with running free with other kids. Nor is this about rules and containment necessarily.
So Aries 3rd is about having the freedom of mind to think and learn more about reality. This can on the one had be argumentative, interrupting a lot, or a quick thinker, and the need to ask questions and explore ideas that are new.
Taurus on the 4thI feel safe and at home when there is a stable routine. I thrive being with others when there is touch, good food and enough quiet times to process emotions.
All true, I'd replace routine with what is known, stable, consistent and familiar, not necessarily routine which is A Virgo thing, though they are connected.
I am a solid container for a wide variety of emotions and a solid shoulder to lean on. I can consistently care for my deep emotions. I have a steady easy manner when it comes to my family life and can also feel very protective. People feel very safe in my presence.I love being at home, going out in the world might be difficult but over time it will be worth it.
Yes and again some of that are very specific and may not apply to all souls with this signature.
Polarity affirmation: When I share my feelings with people out in the world with others it might be painful sometimes, but I have a solid foundation in caring for my emotional needs with integrity and know my path is to care for my inner world.
The challenge with Scorpio in the 10th is Taurus in the 4th knows what it knows and wants to stay safe. It's about emotional continuity and security. Scorpio in the 10th is social responsibility, you have to be uncomfortable and be confronted, challenged, learn how to participate in society/adult responsibilities and face your own psychological imitations. Taurus 4th might not want to deal with that. Also in terms of emotional maturity, Taurus 4th might reflect an adolescent quality of NOT taking care of oneself, but just depending upon what's being given and being very used to that. The laziness of Taurus and the emotional attachments of the 4th house. So the polarity is about growing up and doing what's needed even as things change.
Gemini on the 5thI feel my best when I can communicate my thoughts with another, I enjoy journal writing about all my creative ideas and making collages and vision boards about the life I know I am destined to live.
Yes but not necessarily "with another". That would be if Libra 7th was a part of it in some way. It is about expression and actualizing one's intellectual capacities.
When I can communicate my ideas, I feel a sense of pride and authority. I am a magician who is known for sleight of hand magic tricks that children love-At heart I am versatile and enjoy sharing my energy in many different arenas, people love being around me and I love them back for loving me and my gifts and talents. I am special, unique and loved by God.
Polarity affirmation:While I know this life isn't all about me when I am feeling my best and sharing myself, I feel that is a gift for the collective
Excellent. Also there can be a sort of playful duplicity with Gemini in the 5th: always putting on a show, needing to be impressive with one's words. 11th house Sag is freeing oneself from any dishonesty and just being true to oneself, according to one's nature.
Cancer on the 6thWhen it comes to daily life I need to feel emotionally connected to my routines. I am drawn to care for others as a form of service to my community. I can work hard and build skills for things I care about. I am sensitive to my immediate environment and need to feel safe to go about my day. I mentor people through my willingness to show up emotionally in a regular and routine way.I need a large Hepa filter for all these cats I am fostering.
Lol, a hepa filter might be needed! I'll add that the issue here can be emotional neglect. Not feeding the children, not tending to basic emotional needs and routines, so letting things build up by way of neglect. All the ways a soul can create crisis by denying the basic Cancer needs for nourishment, care, rest etc. On the flip side, this can by hyper controlling: Always managing a crisis, always dealing with something that needs fixing. 6th house is also the doctor or nurse - so this can be someone who is caring for people.
My polarity affirmation: I remember that taking charge of my body and emotional needs everyday will allow me the capacity go more deeply into my relationship with truth on be on my life path over the long haul.
The issue with Cancer 6th is one of control: too much of it, or procrastination/neglect leading to emotional and health crisis. Capricorn in the 12th is orienting one's attention to something greater than oneself, a meaning beyond all the details that gives purpose and direction.
Great work Lisa and thank you for putting forth the effort!
26/04/2024 11:09 am
My chart is very close to this orientation and there was alot I could relate to that Lisa said. But every tweak from Ari did actually bring it more accurate for me. Thank you so very much for this time and effort
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27/04/2024 8:01 am
@surrealtengmail-com Thank you for that feedback - Ari's comments were super impactful for me too.
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27/04/2024 8:02 am
@ethanbrookspaisleygmail-com Thanks Ethan, I look forward to yours as well.