Here are my thoughts on a 12th House Pluto in Leo.
When functioning well this is someone who has taken the time to cultivate and surrender to a connection with the divine. They may be able to share this with others and understand that this connection they have is not about them or the way they do it but about their desire to connect and the devotion they used to cultivate it. With that they can help others to achieve the same type of connection by way of being an example.
This can go into a shadow if they desire recognition for what they have created. Falling into resentment for not being recognized or adored. Or if they get lost in wanting others to always do it their way. If they are not, it means they are doing it wrong. They may have such a desire to know the truth they become obsessed with the cultivation of the source. This could lead to feelings of powerlessness and despair. Or they could persevere, coming up with creative ways of digging through themselves to reach the ultimate way of connection. They may go through several iterations of themselves and how they define what it means to be connected to spirit as they continually transform, dig, and transform again.
They may also be someone who has an innate ability to help others connect in a healthy way. If they were to focus all of their energy into seeing them fully in their own creative self and appreciating them in helping them on their way.
They may be lost in an illusion of not being connected at all. Or be prone to fantastical thinking that can get them in trouble. Thinking they are protected or better and deserve more than others or special treatment. This may lead them to feel a need to escape and lose their way if they become lost in an illusion.
This may be someone who is not interested or connected in spiritual ways at all and may have boundary issues and trust issues to confront. Could be that they are super trustful of everyone and see things through rose-colored glasses. Seeing the best and or potential in everyone and leaving themselves open for being taken advantage of.
In a consensus state they could be someone who strives to be recognized in a church or religion. Looking to cultivate the best possible way of connecting through that avenue and having a feeling of being chosen or having a special connection. They may look to mentor others after a long time of digging into the nuts and bolts of what the best practices are within that religion, while still trying to climb the ranks and achieve the special place they feel they should be recognized for. In a state of disempowerment, they may become disillusioned and fall into an escapist or addictive path. In a state of power misuse, they could manipulate others and advise them to do things that bring them advantage.
In an individuated state they may be someone who is completely opposed to the possibility of a divine to connect with in the first place. If this is the case, they may even become evangelical about it. Or they could be really creative with how they cultivate their connection and spend a great deal of time doing this alone and reject others in a healthier way. This may have a potential for a powerlessness where they may fall into resentment of others for not accepting how they are different. Which may lead them to feel alienated.
They could possibly become borderline obsessed or even completely obsessed with the possibility of enlightenment. This could also result in looking for recognition for this or a desire to be adored for creative ways of meditating or connecting, once again possibly becoming evangelical about it and trying to use their power over others.
In a spiritual state this may be someone who gets lost in an illusion of thinking they are the ultimate way of connecting to the divine and end up a leader of a cultish type of situation. Or they could just look down on others and feel they are not as good as they are because they are clearly not as connected. Or they may just be very creative at opening up to the possibilities of truth when functioning well. Taking a creative approach to connecting like finding a specific way to meditate.
Finding themselves washed away in a world of their own is a possibility as well. Feeling powerless and disconnected. And then needing to gain a perspective of what is real to keep them grounded and look towards the Aquarius 6th house for a dose of objectivity and ability to see what is real on a regular basis. This could result in them needing to cultivate a sense of regularity towards reality and resist the temptation of getting lost in a longing to know the divine. A need to surrender to the daily regimen in a way that allows them to cultivate the deep connection and at the same time stay rooted in reality.
Here are my thoughts on a 12th House Pluto in Leo.
When functioning well this is someone who has taken the time to cultivate and surrender to a connection with the divine. They may be able to share this with others and understand that this connection they have is not about them or the way they do it but about their desire to connect and the devotion they used to cultivate it. With that they can help others to achieve the same type of connection by way of being an example.
This can go into a shadow if they desire recognition for what they have created. Falling into resentment for not being recognized or adored. Or if they get lost in wanting others to always do it their way. If they are not, it means they are doing it wrong. They may have such a desire to know the truth they become obsessed with the cultivation of the source. This could lead to feelings of powerlessness and despair. Or they could persevere, coming up with creative ways of digging through themselves to reach the ultimate way of connection. They may go through several iterations of themselves and how they define what it means to be connected to spirit as they continually transform, dig, and transform again.
They may also be someone who has an innate ability to help others connect in a healthy way. If they were to focus all of their energy into seeing them fully in their own creative self and appreciating them in helping them on their way.
Yes, and I've seen this as souls who can really give themselves to love others and hold fast to their light and potential, even in hard times.
They may be lost in an illusion of not being connected at all. Or be prone to fantastical thinking that can get them in trouble. Thinking they are protected or better and deserve more than others or special treatment. This may lead them to feel a need to escape and lose their way if they become lost in an illusion.
This may be someone who is not interested or connected in spiritual ways at all and may have boundary issues and trust issues to confront. Could be that they are super trustful of everyone and see things through rose-colored glasses. Seeing the best and or potential in everyone and leaving themselves open for being taken advantage of.
In a consensus state they could be someone who strives to be recognized in a church or religion. Looking to cultivate the best possible way of connecting through that avenue and having a feeling of being chosen or having a special connection. They may look to mentor others after a long time of digging into the nuts and bolts of what the best practices are within that religion, while still trying to climb the ranks and achieve the special place they feel they should be recognized for. In a state of disempowerment, they may become disillusioned and fall into an escapist or addictive path. In a state of power misuse, they could manipulate others and advise them to do things that bring them advantage.
That is possible, and also more broadly, just merging with whatever symbols of importance exist within their society/culture. There can also be a transcendent impulse from within he soul to give themselves to something of greater meaning, feeling that they have something of greater importance to fulfill. So volunteering, getting involved or even creating forms of service that care for groups of people that need to be seen, recognized and loved.
In an individuated state they may be someone who is completely opposed to the possibility of a divine to connect with in the first place. If this is the case, they may even become evangelical about it. Or they could be really creative with how they cultivate their connection and spend a great deal of time doing this alone and reject others in a healthier way. This may have a potential for a powerlessness where they may fall into resentment of others for not accepting how they are different. Which may lead them to feel alienated.
The possibility of nihilism, meaninglessness can be strong here because there usually isn't the same strong hold of religion to fall back upon. It might be difficult to reconcile with the meaning and purpose of life given all the suffering.
Conversely, like in all stages, this soul can feel a deep desire to help out and do good in a greater sense.
They could possibly become borderline obsessed or even completely obsessed with the possibility of enlightenment. This could also result in looking for recognition for this or a desire to be adored for creative ways of meditating or connecting, once again possibly becoming evangelical about it and trying to use their power over others.
I don't think that would apply in the individuated stages.
In a spiritual state this may be someone who gets lost in an illusion of thinking they are the ultimate way of connecting to the divine and end up a leader of a cultish type of situation. Or they could just look down on others and feel they are not as good as they are because they are clearly not as connected.
That would be specific to 2nd stage spiritual.
Or they may just be very creative at opening up to the possibilities of truth when functioning well. Taking a creative approach to connecting like finding a specific way to meditate.
It's more about the inspiration pull to connect with higher meaning and purpose, so the soul may be drawn to meditate or anything the nurtures a transcendent connection. The 6th house would correspond to specific techniques as well as forms of service through which one can share the light through their actions..
Finding themselves washed away in a world of their own is a possibility as well. Feeling powerless and disconnected. And then needing to gain a perspective of what is real to keep them grounded and look towards the Aquarius 6th house for a dose of objectivity and ability to see what is real on a regular basis. This could result in them needing to cultivate a sense of regularity towards reality and resist the temptation of getting lost in a longing to know the divine. A need to surrender to the daily regimen in a way that allows them to cultivate the deep connection and at the same time stay rooted in reality.
All well said. I'd offer the refinement that it's not about "staying rooted in reality" because "reality" is actually the 12th house! The 6th would offer spiritual discrimination: a dose of objectivity like you said.
In the beginning of the spiritual stage the essence of what's going on is a powerful realignment towards greater meaning, not one's own meaning making. So the desire to serve something greater than oneself and be an instrument is very strong. It tends to express in an incredibly humble way. The possibility of delusion and self-grandeur grows in the 2nd state spiritual.
Great work Bob! I feel you have a very strong grasp of this signature, thank you for your efforts.
I am looking forward to learning more about how the archetypes express in the different state of consciousness. I feel like that is something I need to cultivate more. As well as some of the archetypes I feel I have a blind spot to.
Thank you for the feedback, Ari.
Yes, Bob this was great! thank you for your take... really helpful to consider.
Yes, Bob this was great! thank you for your take... really helpful to consider.
Thank you.