This is a straight and narrow dive into the subconscious, here the evolutionary intention is to experience real courage purpose fully get the work done inside and start to create for others, for all. The luminary would like to let go of the “me” and the false light.
I feel all these stages are part of a 12th house native, depends how long one takes to come to a recognition of self admittance however this can be extreme with a Pluto wipe out.
Loss of control, attention can lead to more drain and blame energy. This can play out very publicly and be a bitter experience for a lot of people in their life, this archetype has no dearth of people in their life and it seems a whole lot of peoples Pluto gets activated or charged.
This archetype can put on a great show and the fear of lights dimming can be extremely painful and vulnerable place for this very transparent being, they can be easily used and manipulated leading to bigger boxing gloves coming out.
The archetype is warm and passionate, in cooperation will validate himself first and seek out and do what he / she really wants and desires and not just because “ it looks good”. He / she could learn to be a gracious guest and not draw blanks if the conversation does not include them.
The relationships can be joyous without being always transactional.
This individual in his / her awareness and humility can bring immense abundance, joy, creativity, healing to a large group of people.
hi Sukanya,
Everything you shared can be expressions of this archetype. What I'd like to invite you to develop further, is to connect more with the desire dimension of Pluto: what might be the craving and aversion? Why might hey be easily abused or taken advantage of? Why might they themselves be abusive and manipulative?